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а не подскажете, в каком из вышеперечисленных ссылок на дистры, присутствует руский админ клиент и обычный клиент?
Mail conversion utility -- usage and options
Use the following arguments with the load convert command.
load convert -? /? -a -c -d -e -f -g -h -i -l -m -n -o -proxy -r -s -u -w -x arguments
This table lists each argument that you can use with load convert when running the mail conversion utility and also includes a description of each argument.
Options Description
-a Admin Name Enables sending mail to the administrator when the convert tool completes.
-c Converts categories to folders, even if already a v4 database.
-d Do not convert categories to folders.
-e or -e- Enables or disables NSF support for IMAP.
-f file name Reads the list of databases to process from a text file.
-g "Language Name" Replaces the mail file design with user's preferred language.
-h Adds the IMAP specific items to optimize fetches
-i Converts categories to folders, even if there are more than 200 categories.
-l <file name> Generates a list of mail files by reading people's mail files from the Domino Directory. Writes the list to a text file.
-m Enables or disables folder references which are needed for IMAP.
-n Shows the databases that match the file name and template name criteria, without actually updating anything.
-o Removes IMAP-specific items.
-proxy Enables a display status and error messages in a console window.
-r Enables recursive search of databases.
-s Ignores the preserve flag for folders when replacing the design but always preserve them.
-u Enables the upgrade of folders to the same design as the $inbox design.
-w <dir path> Enables fix up of names in notes in all Mail Files on the server to allow for Microsoft Exchange Mail Migration.
-x Enables exclusive design element keys: <NAME><CLASS><LANGUAGE>
-? /? Displays help information. Displays command line help
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