Открыть документ из текущего

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Задача: есть документ, в нем поле содержащее код, есть кнопка, при нажатии на которую исплоняется код по поиску документа по коду - эт все делает. надо чтоб найденный документ открылся рядом в окошке


EditDocument method ( второй параметр Ваш новый документ )

Set notesUIDocument = notesUIWorkspace.EditDocument( [editMode] , [notesDocument] , [notesDocumentReadOnly] , [documentAnchor$] , [returnNotesUIDocument] , [newInstance] )
Boolean. Optional. Specify True (default) to open the document in Edit mode. Specify False to open the document in Read mode or to put the document in the given Edit mode.
NotesDocument. Optional. Opens the specified document instead of the currently selected document.
Boolean. Optional. If True, sets notesDocument to read-only mode, which prevents the user from later switching to read-write mode. Defaults to False. This parameter does not open the document in Read mode; you must set editMode to False. This parameter has no effect if you do not specify notesDocument.
String. Optional. Opens the document to an anchor link within the document. This parameter specifies the text of the anchor link. The edit mode (parameter 1) must be False if this parameter is specified.
Boolean. Optional. If True (default), attempts to return the NotesUIDocument object; if False, does not attempt to return the object. See the usage note on lsERR_LSXU13_ANCESTOR_TARGET_FRAME.
Note This parameter is new with Release 5.0.6.
Boolean. Optional. If True (default), opens a new instance of notesDocument (parameter 2) in the UI. If False, changes focus to an existing instance of notesDocument if one exists, or to a new instance if one does not exist. This parameter does not apply if notesDocument is not specified or the document has a target frame.
Note This parameter is new with Release 6.
Return value
The document that's just been opened. Does not attempt to return this object if returnNotesUIDocument is False.
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