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Как включить Folderreference

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КАк включить данную опцию из клиента.?
Или она включается программно через notesdatabase

Или есть другой способ получить информацию о папке где находится документ?


Это свойство нтесдокумента.. что значит включить? Оно рид-онли..

Вот из хелпа:

Read-only. Shows what folders have references to a particular document.
Note This property is new with Release 5.
Defined in
Data type
Array of strings
To get: StringArray = notesDocument.FolderReferences
Note The database must have the $FolderInfo and $FolderRefInfo hidden views to support folder references. These views can be copied from the mail template. This property does not return view references.
Not all databases support folder references, so prior to getting the folder references for a document in the database, you should make sure that the database supports folder references by making a call to db.FolderReferencesEnabled.
For more information, see the FolderRefsEnabled property in the NotesDatabase class.


Это я читал меня интересует вот эта опция FolderReferencesEnabled.
Онв включается только програмно?


именно, читайт же

Note The database must have the $FolderInfo and $FolderRefInfo hidden views to support folder references. These views can be copied from the mail template. This property does not return view references.
Not all databases support folder references, so prior to getting the folder references for a document in the database, you should make sure that the database supports folder references by making a call to db.FolderReferencesEnabled.
For more information, see the FolderRefsEnabled property in the NotesDatabase class.
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