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Known limitations of Notes and Domino 7.x

Limits of Notes​

Item Limit
What is the maximum size of a database? The maximum OS file size limit (up to 64GB)
What is the maximum size of text fields? 32KB (storage); 32KB displayed in a view's column
What is the maximum size of a rich text field? Limited only by available disk space up to 1GB
What is the maximum size of a single paragraph in a rich text field? 64KB
What is the maximum amount of Text (Summary) data per document? 64KB
How many levels of responses in a hierarchical view; how many documents at each level? 31 levels; 300,000 documents
How many columns can be included in one table? 64
How many rows can be included in one table? 255
How many views can be added to a database? No limit; however, as the number of views increases, the length of time to display other views also increases
How many columns are allowed in a view? 289 ten-character columns; dependent upon # or characters per column
How many documents can be imported into a view? Documents totaling at least 350K
How many cascading views are allowed in a database? 200
What is the maximum value (in inches) you can enter for margin size? 22.75
What is the maximum value (in inches) you can enter for page size cropping? 46
What is the maximum point size you can select/print? 250
How many documents are allowed in one view? Up to the size of the database, with a maximum of 64GB
What is the maximum number of documents that can be exported to Tabular Text? Limited only by available disk space
What is the maximum number of entries in an Access Control List? ~950 names (total ACL size is limited to 32767 bytes)
What is the maximum number of roles in an Access Control List? 75 Roles
What's the maximum password length allowed on an ID? 64 bytes (63 characters for single-byte character sets but only 21 characters for some double-byte languages)
What is the maximum number of contacts allowed in a group in the Personal Address Book? 32K of names in the Members text field
What is the maximum number of recipients in a single mail message? For individual names and private groups which expand locally, 15KB; for public groups which expand on a server, 5MB

Table of Notes and Domino known limits
The following table summarizes the known maximum limits of various Notes and Domino features. Item Maximum limit
Characters in names Database Title: 96 bytes
Filenames: On Windows® and UNIX® platforms minimum of 255 and/or OS limits; on local Macintosh workstation 31
Field names: 32
View names: 64
Form names: 32
Agent names: 32
Fields in a database ~ 3000 (limited to ~ 64K total length for all field names). You can enable the database property "Allow more fields in database" to get up to 22,893 uniquely-named fields in the database.
Forms in a database Limited only by database size.
Margin size (in inches) 46
Page cropping size (in inches) 46
Point size to select or print 250
Documents in a view Up to the maximum size of the database
Documents that can be exported to tabular text Limited only by available disk space
Authorized users on a multiple password ID 8 users
Outline entries in an outline ~21,000 entries

Notes allows you to paste a maximum of 255 rows into a table. Exceeding this limit will yield the error, "No more than 255 rows allowed in a table".
эта инфа с завидной периодичностью повторяется в разных местах :) хотя изначально лежит в обычном хэлпе разработчика :)
поиск по словам domino known limits
не сравнивал, правда, возможно, в вебе че-то больше написано :)
Нигде не встречал, каково же максимальное количество документов в базе. Судя по косвенным признакам = 0x80000000 - 1. В категоризованном представлении UIView.CaretNoteID для категории вернёт что-то типа 8000ХХХХ. Значение 0x80000000 зарезервировано за удалёнными документами.

<div class="sp-wrap"><div class="sp-head-wrap"><div class="sp-head folded clickable">Раскрывающийся текст</div></div><div class="sp-body"><div class="sp-content">

UNID состоит из двух частей, UNID.File и UNID.Note. Первая часть,начиная с R3, есть случайное число, создаваемое при создании объекта, а UNID.Note - дата и время создания объекта. GNID(General Note ID) состоит из двух частей - GNID.File и NoteID(GNID.NoteID). Так как GNID определяет и объект и реплику БД, то этот идентификатор определяет конкретную копию объекта в конкретной реплике БД. Иначе говоря, одну из десяти копий, хранящихся в десяти репликах базы данных на десяти серверах. В отличии от OID, GNID неодинаков для реплик объекта. Так как NoteID зависит от расположения объекта в конкретном файле, GNID будет отличаться. Восемь первых байт GNID содержат в себе дату и время создания первой реплики БД. Таким образом, все объекты БД имеют идентичный GNID.File во всех репликах этой базы данных. NoteID определяет объект в файле БД. Это адрес в файле, по которому расположен Record Relocation Vector (RRV - Указатель перемещения записи). Так как в файлах разных реплик БД данные объекта могут располагаться в разном удалении от начала, у реплик объектов NoteID может отличаться. При удалении документа в файле остается информация о документе (его идентификаторы), но RRV замещается значением RRV_DELETED(0x80000000L).

Точнее по информации IBM у удалённых документов старший бит NoteID устанавливается в 1: <div class="sp-wrap"><div class="sp-head-wrap"><div class="sp-head folded clickable">Раскрывающийся текст</div></div><div class="sp-body"><div class="sp-content">

Note ID (NID)

The note ID (NID) identifies a note in a database. The NID is the file position of the Record Relocation Vector (RRV) for the note. An RRV is a DWORD offset in a file. Confusion often arises because the note ID is casually referred to as \\\"the Note\\\'s RRV in this file.\\\" In fact, the note ID is the offset in the file to the RRV, which in turn points to the record for the note. An RRV is a general structure, while a note ID is more specific. Internal to Notes, various other objects besides notes have an associated RRV.

typedef DWORD RRV;

The note ID is guaranteed never to change in one Notes database (.NSF) file, except when the note is deleted. When the note is deleted, the RRV_DELETED bit is set in the note ID.

#define RRV_DELETED 0x80000000L /* indicates a deleted note */

Since a note ID is specific to the database file that contains it, replica copies of the same note in other databases will most likely have a different note ID.
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