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Помогите пожалуйста с печатью из CRichEdit! Если можно конкретно функцию печати , если была нажата какая-нить кнопка!
Заранее спасибо!!
Вот сам нашел!!
Моть еще кому понадобиться!!

CRichEditCtrl m_rich;

void CRichEditDlg::OnPrint() 
CPrintDialog printDialog(false);


HDC hPrinterDC = printDialog.GetPrinterDC();

// This code basically taken from MS KB article Q129860

int	 nHorizRes = GetDeviceCaps(hPrinterDC, HORZRES);
int	 nVertRes = GetDeviceCaps(hPrinterDC, VERTRES);
int	 nLogPixelsX = GetDeviceCaps(hPrinterDC, LOGPIXELSX);
int	 nLogPixelsY = GetDeviceCaps(hPrinterDC, LOGPIXELSY);
LONG		 lTextLength;  // Length of document.
LONG		 lTextPrinted; // Amount of document printed.

// Ensure the printer DC is in MM_TEXT mode.
SetMapMode ( hPrinterDC, MM_TEXT );

// Rendering to the same DC we are measuring.
ZeroMemory(&fr, sizeof(fr));
fr.hdc = fr.hdcTarget = hPrinterDC;

// Set up the page.
fr.rcPage.left	 = fr.rcPage.top = 0;
fr.rcPage.right	= (nHorizRes/nLogPixelsX) * 1440;
fr.rcPage.bottom  = (nVertRes/nLogPixelsY) * 1440;

// Set up 0" margins all around.
fr.rc.left  = fr.rcPage.left;//+ 1440; // 1440 TWIPS = 1 inch.
fr.rc.top	= fr.rcPage.top;//+ 1440;
fr.rc.right = fr.rcPage.right;//- 1440;
fr.rc.bottom = fr.rcPage.bottom;//- 1440;

// Default the range of text to print as the entire document.
fr.chrg.cpMin = 0;
fr.chrg.cpMax = -1;

// Set up the print job (standard printing stuff here).
ZeroMemory(&di, sizeof(di));
di.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO);

// di.lpszDocName = m_strPathname;

// Do not print to file.
di.lpszOutput = NULL;

// Start the document.
StartDoc(hPrinterDC, &di);

// Find out real size of document in characters.
lTextLength = m_rich.GetTextLength();

// Start the page.

// Print as much text as can fit on a page. The return value is
// the index of the first character on the next page. Using TRUE
// for the wParam parameter causes the text to be printed.

lTextPrinted =m_rich.FormatRange(&fr,true);
m_rich.DisplayBand(&fr.rc );

// Print last page.

// If there is more text to print, adjust the range of characters
// to start printing at the first character of the next page.
if (lTextPrinted < lTextLength)
fr.chrg.cpMin = lTextPrinted;
fr.chrg.cpMax = -1;
while (lTextPrinted < lTextLength);

// Tell the control to release cached information.

EndDoc (hPrinterDC);

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