Идентичные Бд На Серверах В Кластере - Зеркало?

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Добрый день! Средствами IBM Notes Domino можно автоматически создавать реплики на соседнем сервере в кластере? Например кластер из 2 серверов, если база есть на одном сервере, автоматически создается на втором. Спасибо!
При регистрации нового пользователя - можно. Удалять автоматически все реплики - можно.
Но, честно говоря, как часто нужно создавать обычные базы не нескольких серверах сразу?
При регистрации нового пользователя - можно. Удалять автоматически все реплики - можно.
Но, честно говоря, как часто нужно создавать обычные базы не нескольких серверах сразу?

Про регистрацию и удаление известно. Очень много баз и пользователей и серверов, чтобы исключить человеческий фактор (забыл среплицировать на второй сервер в кластере) было бы неплохо подобную процедуру проводить раз в сутки - сверять и создавать реплики недостающих баз в кластере. Кроме написания агента на LotusScript, так понимаю, стандартных механизмов нет? Может как-нибудь через программку по расписанию, что то типа команды new replica / ? )))
есть команда CL ссылка где-то здесь есть, но нужно регаться на тектагете
<div class="sp-wrap"><div class="sp-head-wrap"><div class="sp-head folded clickable">"тескт оттедова"</div></div><div class="sp-body"><div class="sp-content">Recently I needed to make "copies" of some Lotus Notes databases and didn't want to do it from my Lotus Notes
Be sure to check out Bruce Elgort's podcast as well:
Taking Notes podcast

client. This would have taken hours considering the Lotus Notes database was 5 GB.

I knew that there had to be a way to do this and there is. Thanks to the assistance of my friend Thomas Gumz, I was able to issue a command line from the Domino Server console -- and presto, the database was instantly copied. It's not documented or supported, but it has been around for a long time, at least since R4 according to Thomas.

So let's look at what you need to do to enable this feature. The Domino Server console commands are turned off by default, so you need to first enable them. Set this server notes.ini variable, like so:

set config CLUSTER_ADMIN_ON=1 (even if the server is not in a cluster, it doesn't matter).

More Notes.ini and Lotus Notes Domino database resources:
Notes.ini tips and tutorials

Notes.ini Reference Center

Lotus Notes Domino Database Management

No need to restart the Domino server, it becomes active immediately. This enables this new command: CL COPY sourcedb targetdb.

Below, I have listed some examples for the CL COPY command:

CL copy serverA!!db1.nsf serverB!!db2.nsf
This creates a regular non-replica copy of db1.nsf on serverA as db2.nsf on ServerB

CL copy serverA!!db1.nsf serverB!!db2.nsf REPLICA
This creates a replica copy of db1.nsf on serverA as db2.nsf on ServerB

CL copy serverA!!db1.nsf serverB!!db2.nsf TEMPLATE
This creates a template copy (only design, no data) of db1.nsf on serverA as db2.nsf on ServerB

CL copy db1.nsf db2.nsf
This creates a regular non-replica copy of db1.nsf as db2.nsf on the same local server
есть команда CL ссылка где-то здесь есть, но нужно регаться на тектагете
<div class="sp-wrap"><div class="sp-head-wrap"><div class="sp-head folded clickable">"тескт оттедова"</div></div><div class="sp-body"><div class="sp-content">Recently I needed to make "copies" of some Lotus Notes databases and didn't want to do it from my Lotus Notes
Be sure to check out Bruce Elgort's podcast as well:
Taking Notes podcast

client. This would have taken hours considering the Lotus Notes database was 5 GB.

I knew that there had to be a way to do this and there is. Thanks to the assistance of my friend Thomas Gumz, I was able to issue a command line from the Domino Server console -- and presto, the database was instantly copied. It's not documented or supported, but it has been around for a long time, at least since R4 according to Thomas.

So let's look at what you need to do to enable this feature. The Domino Server console commands are turned off by default, so you need to first enable them. Set this server notes.ini variable, like so:

set config CLUSTER_ADMIN_ON=1 (even if the server is not in a cluster, it doesn't matter).

More Notes.ini and Lotus Notes Domino database resources:
Notes.ini tips and tutorials

Notes.ini Reference Center

Lotus Notes Domino Database Management

No need to restart the Domino server, it becomes active immediately. This enables this new command: CL COPY sourcedb targetdb.

Below, I have listed some examples for the CL COPY command:

CL copy serverA!!db1.nsf serverB!!db2.nsf
This creates a regular non-replica copy of db1.nsf on serverA as db2.nsf on ServerB

CL copy serverA!!db1.nsf serverB!!db2.nsf REPLICA
This creates a replica copy of db1.nsf on serverA as db2.nsf on ServerB

CL copy serverA!!db1.nsf serverB!!db2.nsf TEMPLATE
This creates a template copy (only design, no data) of db1.nsf on serverA as db2.nsf on ServerB

CL copy db1.nsf db2.nsf
This creates a regular non-replica copy of db1.nsf as db2.nsf on the same local server

Спасибо, большое! Протестирую.
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