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Как происходит присваивание CVE


Green Team
Всем привет. У меня такой вопрос, как происходит присваивание CVE к уязвимости?

Допустим человек нашел уязвимость, сообщил о ней разработчикам, они ее исправляют и дальше что? мне интересно как они присваивают CVE номер и как это становится известно, что информация о уязвимости появляется на различных сайтах, например как cve.mitre, nist, cve details и т.д
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There are multiple ways to obtain a CVE.

One could contact one of the CVE Numbering Authorities (CNA), an emergency response team (think CERT) or the CVE project. If the vendor of a product is listed as a CNA you must contact the vendor to obtain a CVE.

Sufficient information must be provided to allow the CVE assigner to take a decision (provide the CVE, merge with other CVEs etc).

For more information see and

Some vendors such as Drupal will request CVE identifiers in bulk via openwall for published security announcements that do not already have a CVE requested by the researcher.
Вот как, спасибо)
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There are multiple ways to obtain a CVE.

One could contact one of the CVE Numbering Authorities (CNA), an emergency response team (think CERT) or the CVE project. If the vendor of a product is listed as a CNA you must contact the vendor to obtain a CVE.

Sufficient information must be provided to allow the CVE assigner to take a decision (provide the CVE, merge with other CVEs etc).

For more information see and

Some vendors such as Drupal will request CVE identifiers in bulk via openwall for published security announcements that do not already have a CVE requested by the researcher.
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