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Мусорный трафик сети

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Подскажите программу для генерации мусорного трафка в моей сети интернет
для чего, куда и зачем?
Если для тестов, то для какого сервиса?
Программ много, даже в кали помоему есть такой инструмент. Но есть специализированные, как софт, так и оборудование

  1. WAN Killer Network Traffic Generator This tool offers a range of options in packet formation, including packet length, destination address, and port number. The tool is part of a package of more than 60 network management and monitoring utilities. Runs on Windows Server.
  2. Ostinato This traffic generator offers a very wide selection of packet conditions, including the type of IP addressing and packet length. Available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Raspberry Pi.
  3. Packet Sender Use this tool to generate encrypted traffic – unencrypted is also an option – and it can be used with its GUI interface or at the command line. Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  4. Nping This flexible free command line tool is more than Ping with its ability to examine packet changes during transmission, observe path changes, and generate a range of packet types. Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  5. TRex Generate streams of traffic and not just individual, unrelated packets with this system that presents live graphs of traffic patterns and network performance sd the stream in transmitted. Runs on Linux.
  6. Packet Generator Tool This easy-to-use traffic creator offers a graphical interface to specify a great many factors in the packets that are created and sent. Runs on Windows.
  7. NTGM This tool generates and sends traffic and lets you adjust the pattern of transmission and get feedback on network events as they happen. Runs on Windows.

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