Очереди сообщений (MQ)

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[DOUBLEPOST=1437742101,1437741896][/DOUBLEPOST]код либы допиленный мной до кроссплатформенности (на маке не проверял, КМК)
Option Public
Option Declare
Use "ErrorHandling"
%REM Библиотека MQ, версия 1.1
Кратко, очереди сообщений - это межтредовый (т.е в пределах одного инстанса клиента или сервера) асинхронный механизм передачи коротких, до 240 байт строковых сообщений.
Перезагрузка клиента или сервера закрывает и убивает все очереди и сообщения. это очень кратко.
Предлагаемые два класса LScript'а реализуют (инкапсулируют) достаточный, но не полный набор MQxxx апишных функций. Отлаживались они только под win32- R5, но в R6 , думаю, должны работать, т.к. никаких противопоказаний нет.
Первый, базовый класс NotesMessageQueue
QueueName ro String название очереди
isOwner ro Integer флаг, что очередь создана этим объектом
AutoClose rw Integer флаг, очередь закрывает владелец, в деструкторе
Messages ro Integer число сообщений в очереди
Message rw String запись и чтение сообщений из очереди, чтение удаляет сообщение, чтение из пустой очереди вызывает rt ошибку
set mq=New NotesMessageQueue("QueueName") - создает или открывает уже существующую очередь, выставляет свойство-флаг isOwner
Второй, derived класс NotesUIMessageQueue, отличается от базового, тем, что может работать только на клиенте, т.к создает\использует NotesTimer.
Объект этого класса создавать не имеет смысла, его надо наследовать и переписать его конструктор и метод OnMessageAction.
set mq=New NotesUIMessageQueue("QueueName",CheckIntervalInSeconds) - второй параметр конструктора это интервал проверки сообщений в секундах.
MessageList ro Variant список (list as string) принятых сообщений
MessageListCount ro Integer число сообщений в списке MessageList
OnMessageAction - метод, который надо переписать в наследуемом классе, для каких-либо осознанных действий с сообщениями.
В коде, наверняка есть ошибки, его можно улучшать и улучшать, но для прототипа\идеи он сгодится
'ДА (с) 2004. копирайт ест, их двое мальчик и девочка, они всегда хотят есть...
' за бубликацию ссылка обязательна
' использовать данный код можно везде, где вам позволит совесть.
Private Const MQ_MAX_MSGSIZE = &HF0 '(MAXONESEGSIZE - 0x40)
'Private Const ERR_MQ_POOLFULL = 1024 + 94 '"Insufficient memory - Message Queue pool is full."
'Private Const ERR_MQ_TIMEOUT = 1024 + 95 '"Timeout occurred waiting for message.")
'Private Const ERR_MQSCAN_ABORT = 1024 + 96 'Message Queue scan was aborted.")
Private Const ERR_DUPLICATE_MQ = 1024 + 97 '"Message Queue name already in use.")
'Private Const ERR_NO_SUCH_MQ = 1024 + 98 '"No Message Queue with that name.")
'Private Const ERR_MQ_EXCEEDED_QUOTA = 1024 + 99 '"Message Queue is full.")
Private Const ERR_MQ_EMPTY = 1024 + 100 '"Message Queue is empty.")
'Private Const ERR_MQ_BFR_TOO_SMALL = 1024 + 101 '"Message is larger than the buffer provided.")
Private Const ERR_MQ_QUITTING = 1024 + 102 '"Quit is pending on the Message Queue")
' Routine definitions
'Private Declare Function apiMQPutQuitMsg Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "MQPutQuitMsg" (ByVal Queue As Long)
'Private Declare Function apiMQIsQuitPending Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "MQIsQuitPending" (ByVal Queue As Long) As Integer
' функция обработки ошибок CAPI, содрана и переделана у D. Katz
Declare Function apiMQCreate Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "MQCreate" (ByVal QueueName As String, ByVal Quota As Integer, ByVal Options As Long) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQOpen Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "MQOpen" (ByVal QueueName As String, ByVal Options As Long, RetQueue As Long) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQClose Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "MQClose" (ByVal Queue As Long, ByVal Options As Long) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQPut Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "MQPut" (ByVal Queue As Long, ByVal Priority As Integer, ByVal Buffer As LMBCS String, ByVal Length As Integer, ByVal Options As Long) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQGet Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "MQGet" (ByVal Queue As Long, ByVal Buffer As LMBCS String, ByVal BufLength As Integer, ByVal Options As Long, ByVal timeout As Long, retMsgLength As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQGetCount Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "MQGetCount" (ByVal Queue As Long) As Integer
Declare Function apiOSLoadString Lib "nnotes.dll" Alias "OSLoadString" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal StringCode As Integer, ByVal retBuffer As LMBCS String, ByVal BufferLength As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQCreateU Lib "libnotes.so" Alias "MQCreate" (ByVal QueueName As String, ByVal Quota As Integer, ByVal Options As Long) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQOpenU Lib "libnotes.so" Alias "MQOpen" (ByVal QueueName As String, ByVal Options As Long, RetQueue As Long) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQCloseU Lib "libnotes.so" Alias "MQClose" (ByVal Queue As Long, ByVal Options As Long) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQPutU Lib "libnotes.so" Alias "MQPut" (ByVal Queue As Long, ByVal Priority As Integer, ByVal Buffer As LMBCS String, ByVal Length As Integer, ByVal Options As Long) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQGetU Lib "libnotes.so" Alias "MQGet" (ByVal Queue As Long, ByVal Buffer As LMBCS String, ByVal BufLength As Integer, ByVal Options As Long, ByVal timeout As Long, retMsgLength As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function apiMQGetCountU Lib "libnotes.so" Alias "MQGetCount" (ByVal Queue As Long) As Integer
Declare Function apiOSLoadStringU Lib "libnotes.so" Alias "OSLoadString" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal StringCode As Integer, ByVal retBuffer As LMBCS String, ByVal BufferLength As Integer) As Integer
'mac os x
Declare Private Function apiMQCreateM Lib "libnotes.dylib" Alias "MQCreate" (ByVal QueueName As String, ByVal Quota As Integer, ByVal Options As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function apiMQOpenM Lib "libnotes.dylib" Alias "MQOpen" (ByVal QueueName As String, ByVal Options As Long, RetQueue As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function apiMQCloseM Lib "libnotes.dylib" Alias "MQClose" (ByVal Queue As Long, ByVal Options As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function apiMQPutM Lib "libnotes.dylib" Alias "MQPut" (ByVal Queue As Long, ByVal Priority As Integer, ByVal Buffer As LMBCS String, ByVal Length As Integer, ByVal Options As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function apiMQGetM Lib "libnotes.dylib" Alias "MQGet" (ByVal Queue As Long, ByVal Buffer As LMBCS String, ByVal BufLength As Integer, ByVal Options As Long, ByVal timeout As Long, retMsgLength As Integer) As Integer
Declare Private Function apiMQGetCountM Lib "libnotes.dylib" Alias "MQGetCount" (ByVal Queue As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function apiOSLoadStringM Lib "libnotes.dylib" Alias "OSLoadString" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal StringCode As Integer, ByVal retBuffer As LMBCS String, ByVal BufferLength As Integer) As Integer
Private ses As NotesSession
Public Class NotesMessageQueueBase
	Private hMQ As Long
	Private mName As String
	Private misOwner As Integer
	Private mAutoClose As Integer
	Public Property Get QueueName As String
		QueueName = mName
	End Property
	Public Property Get isOwner As Integer
		isOwner = misOwner
	End Property
	Public Property Get AutoClose As Integer
		AutoClose = mAutoClose
	End Property
	Public Property Set AutoClose As Integer
		mAutoClose = AutoClose
	End Property
	Public Property Get Messages As Integer
	End Property
		Function MQGet
		Description: Comments for Function
	Private Function MQGet() As String
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
	'your code here
		Exit Function
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Function
	Public Property Get Message As String
	End Property
	Public Property Set Message As String
	End Property
	Sub New(MQName As String)
		If UCase(TypeName(Me))Like{*BASE} Then Error 1024,"Class Should be inherited"
	End Sub
End Class
Public Class NotesMessageQueueW32 As NotesMessageQueueBase 
	Public Property Get Messages As Integer
		If hMQ<>0 Then Messages=apiMQGetCount(hMQ)
	End Property
		Function MQGet
		Description: Comments for Function
	Private Function MQGet() As String
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
		'your code here
		Dim msg As String
		Dim ret As Integer
		Dim status As Integer
		msg = Space(MQ_MAX_MSGSIZE-1) + Chr(0)
		apiCall "MQGet:"+mName, apiMQGet(hMQ, msg, MQ_MAX_MSGSIZE, 0, 0, ret)
		Exit Function
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Function
	Public Property Set Message As String
		If Message<>"" Then apiCall "MQPut:"+mName, apiMQPut(hMQ, NOPRIORITY, Message, LenB(Message), 0 )
	End Property
	Sub New(MQName As String)
		Dim status As Integer
		mName=Trim( mqName)
		If Len(mName)>0 Then
			status= apiMQCreate(mName,NOPRIORITY,0)
			If status=ERR_DUPLICATE_MQ Then misOwner=False
			apiCall "MQOpen", apiMQOpen(mName,0,hMQ)
			Error 1024+110,"MessageQueue name is empty string…"
		End If
	End Sub
	Sub Delete
		If misOwner And mAutoClose And hMQ<>0 Then Call apiMQClose(hMQ,0)
	End Sub
End Class
Public Class NotesMessageQueueU As NotesMessageQueueBase
		Property Get Message
		Description: Comments for Property Get
	Property Set Message As String
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
'your code here
		If Message<>"" Then apiCall "MQPut:"+mName, apiMQPutU(hMQ, NOPRIORITY, Message, LenB(Message), 0 )
		Exit Property
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Property
		Property Get Messages
		Description: Comments for Property Get
	Property Get Messages As Integer
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
'your code here
		If hMQ<>0 Then Messages=apiMQGetCountU(hMQ)
		Exit Property
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Property
		Function MQGet
		Description: Comments for Function
	Private Function MQGet() As String
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
		'your code here
		Dim msg As String
		Dim ret As Integer
		Dim status As Integer
		msg = Space(MQ_MAX_MSGSIZE-1) + Chr(0)
		apiCall "MQGet:"+mName, apiMQGetU(hMQ, msg, MQ_MAX_MSGSIZE, 0, 0, ret)
		Exit Function
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Function
		Sub New
		Description: Comments for Sub
	Sub New(MQName As String)
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
	'your code here
		Dim status As Integer
		mName=Trim( mqName)
		If Len(mName)>0 Then
			status= apiMQCreateU(mName,NOPRIORITY,0)
			If status=ERR_DUPLICATE_MQ Then misOwner=False
			apiCall "MQOpen", apiMQOpenU(mName,0,hMQ)
			Error 1024+110,"MessageQueue name is empty string…"
		End If
		Exit Sub
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Sub
		Sub Delete
		Description: Comments for Sub
	Sub Delete
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
	'your code here
		If misOwner And mAutoClose And hMQ<>0 Then Call apiMQCloseU(hMQ,0)
		Exit Sub
		Error Err, RaiseError
	Resume Quit
	End Sub
End Class
Public Class NotesUIMessageQueue
	Private nTimer As NotesTimer
	Private mList List As String
	Private mListCount As Integer
	Private MQ As NotesMessageQueueBase
	Public Property Get Message As String
		Dim msg As String
		If msg<>"" Then
		End If
	End Property
	Public Property Get MessageList As Variant
	End Property
	Public Property Get MessageListCount As Integer
	End Property
' Method for overloading
	Public Sub OnMessageAction
		Print me.MQ.QueueName &{:} &MQ.Message
	End Sub
	Sub New(xMQ As NotesMessageQueueBase, checkInterval As Integer)
		Set nTimer = New NotesTimer(checkInterval)
		Set MQ=xMQ
		On Event Alarm From nTimer Call nAlarm
	End Sub
	Private Sub nAlarm(pTimer As NotesTimer)
		If MQ.Messages>0 Then Call Me.OnMessageAction
' While NotesMessageQueue..Messages>0
' mList(Cstr(mListCount))=NotesMessageQueue..Message
' mListCount=mListCount+1
' Wend
	End Sub
End Class
Public Class NotesMessageQueueM As NotesMessageQueueBase
		Property Get Message
		Description: Comments for Property Get
	Property Set Message As String
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
'your code here
		If Message<>"" Then apiCall "MQPut:"+mName, apiMQPutM(hMQ, NOPRIORITY, Message, LenB(Message), 0 )
		Exit Property
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Property
		Property Get Messages
		Description: Comments for Property Get
	Property Get Messages As Integer
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
'your code here
		If hMQ<>0 Then Messages=apiMQGetCountM(hMQ)
		Exit Property
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Property
		Function MQGet
		Description: Comments for Function
	Private Function MQGet() As String
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
		'your code here
		Dim msg As String
		Dim ret As Integer
		Dim status As Integer
		msg = Space(MQ_MAX_MSGSIZE-1) + Chr(0)
		apiCall "MQGet:"+mName, apiMQGetM(hMQ, msg, MQ_MAX_MSGSIZE, 0, 0, ret)
		Exit Function
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Function
		Sub New
		Description: Comments for Sub
	Sub New(MQName As String)
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
	'your code here
		Dim status As Integer
		mName=Trim( mqName)
		If Len(mName)>0 Then
			status= apiMQCreateM(mName,NOPRIORITY,0)
			If status=ERR_DUPLICATE_MQ Then misOwner=False
			apiCall "MQOpen", apiMQOpenM(mName,0,hMQ)
			Error 1024+110,"MessageQueue name is empty string…"
		End If
		Exit Sub
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Sub
		Sub Delete
		Description: Comments for Sub
	Sub Delete
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
	'your code here
		If misOwner And mAutoClose And hMQ<>0 Then Call apiMQCloseM(hMQ,0)
		Exit Sub
		Error Err, RaiseError
	Resume Quit
	End Sub
End Class
	Class NotesMessageQueue
	Description: Comments for Class
Class NotesMessageQueue As NotesMessageQueueBase
	Private Queue As NotesMessageQueueBase
	Private platform As String
		Sub New
		Description: Comments for Sub
	Sub New(MQName As String)
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
	'your code here
		Select Case UCase(platform)
			Case {UNIX}:
				Set Queue=New NotesMessageQueueU(MQName)
			Case "WINDOWS/32":
				Set Queue=New NotesMessageQueueW32(MQName)
				Set Queue=New NotesMessageQueueM(MQName)
			Case Else
				Error 1024, {code is not implemented for platfom:} &platform
		End Select
		Exit Sub
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Sub
		Property Get Message
		Description: Comments for Property Get
	Property Set Message As String
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
		'your code here
		Exit Property
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Property
		Property Get Messages
		Description: Comments for Property Get
	Property Get Messages As Integer
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
		'your code here
		Exit Property
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Property
		Property Get Message
		Description: Comments for Property Get
	Property Get Message As String
		Dim routineName As String
		On Error GoTo ErrH
'your code here
		Exit Property
		Error Err, RaiseError
		Resume Quit
	End Property
End Class
Sub Initialize
	Set ses=New NotesSession
End Sub
Private Sub apiCall(apiCallName As String, Status As Integer)
'This function takes the 16-bit status value (set by returning from most api function calls), and returns the "english" version of the error.
	Dim Err_Mask As Integer
	Dim errorStr As String
	If Status = 0 Then Exit Sub
'Strip the two highest-order bits from status (remember, status is only 16 bits total). Those two bits show location of the error (local or remote server, etc.)
'They should be stripped so that the reference number of the error can be looked up appropriately.
	Err_Mask = &H3FFF
	Status = Status And Err_Mask
'We need to pass the C function a string it can overwrite (so that the memory for the string is already allocated when the OSLoadString is called)
	errorStr =String(255,CLng(0))
	Dim platform As String:platform=ses.Platform
	Select Case UCase(platform)
		Case {UNIX}:
			Status = apiOSLoadStringU(0, Status, errorStr, Len(errorStr) - 1)
		Case "WINDOWS/32":
			Status = apiOSLoadString(0, Status, errorStr, Len(errorStr) - 1)
			Status = apiOSLoadStringM(0, Status, errorStr, Len(errorStr) - 1)
		Case Else
			Error 1024, {code is not implemented for platfom:} &platform _
			&{Status:} &CStr(Status)
	End Select
	Error Status, apiCallName + "::"+errorStr
End Sub
  • Нравится
Реакции: maliy
@lmike, а ты знаешь, что API функции можно декларировать без расширения файла библиотеки, Lotus сам подставит нужное расширение в зависимости от ОС? Например:

Declare Function apiMQCreate Lib "nnotes" Alias "MQCreate" (ByVal QueueName As String, ByVal Quota As Integer, ByVal Options As Long) As Integer
@lmike, на 64bit не пробовал? клиент уже есть на капитан...
[DOUBLEPOST=1448009051,1448008871][/DOUBLEPOST]@garrick, т.е. вместо "nnotes" подставит "libnotes.so" ? т.е. не только расширение но и "lib" ?
А можно поподробнее, в идеале с примером?
Дмитрий Акулов, на интетрасте постил, @rinsk я не помню - чета перековыривал, и по-моему запускал в никсах либа сюда не постится могу выложить в архиве, если не найдется
  • Нравится
Реакции: rinsk
Дмитрий Акулов, на интетрасте постил, @rinsk я не помню - чета перековыривал, и по-моему запускал в никсах либа сюда не постится могу выложить в архиве, если не найдется
Да, выложи плз. Не нашёл ссылку.
Очередь на сервере судя по всему не протухает по тамауту?
Дмитрий Акулов, на интетрасте постил, @rinsk я не помню - чета перековыривал, и по-моему запускал в никсах либа сюда не постится могу выложить в архиве, если не найдется
@rinsk я его ощутимо расширял и даже пущал под нативным клиентом в линухах (ЕМНИП и в МакОСХэ)
еще есть JNA спека


Последнее редактирование:
  • Нравится
Реакции: rinsk
в джава вызовы еще и 32/64 бит отслеживаются
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