Ошибка при установке клиента

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Устанавливаю клиента на чистой машине. Подсовываю id. Получаю сообщение
"Ваш документ политики был изменен неавторизированным пользователем"
А как это на английском звучит?
Пользователь, подписавший политику, существует в адресной книге?
Пользователь, подписавший политику, существует в Administration ECL?
А как это на английском звучит?
Пользователь, подписавший политику, существует в адресной книге?
Пользователь, подписавший политику, существует в Administration ECL?

The policy and/or Settings Document assigned to you has been edited by an unauthorized person. Please notify your Administrator that you cannot proceed with the client setup.
After performing a new install of a Notes® client and trying to perform the setup, the following error displays:

"The signer of this note must have Editor access and the PolicyCreator or the PolicyModifier role to the domino directory."

This seems to happen only on a new install and not during an upgrade of the Notes client.

This error will occur if a Policy document has been signed by a user who does not have access in the Domino Directory ACL as at least Editor access, and either the PolicyModifer or PolicyCreator role. Signing the Policy document is either done by editing and saving an existing Policy document or by creating a new one.
The error at the Notes client will occur when applying the policy. This will happen whenever the client initiates an action that requires a policy, for instance, when running setup for a user and there are either Explicit or Organizational policies that apply to that user.

The following should help to identify which policy is causing the problem:

1. Check the Person document for the user getting the error. Is there any policy listed in the "Assigned policy" field in the Administration tab? If so, this policy may be causing the problem.

2. Check the Domino Directory, Policies view. Are there any Organizational policies? If so, an Organizational level policy may be causing the problem.

Once you have identified all policies that apply to the user(s) getting the error:

1. For each policy, check the Document Properties for the Signer of the document. This appears as either the 'Modified by' name in the first tab (Document Info) of the Document Properties or under the hidden $UpdatedBy field on the 'Fields' tab.

2. Check the Domino Directory ACL for this Signer of the Policy documents. The person may be either listed explicitly or as a member of a group. Either way, the person must have at least Editor access, and either the PolicyModifer or PolicyCreator role.

This issue was reported to Quality Engineering as SPR# TBOO5QNNDM. Starting in Notes 6.5.4, the error message has been changed to be more descriptive:
"The policy and/or settings document assigned to you has been edited by an unauthorized person. Please notify your administrator that you cannot proceed with the client setup."

Excerpt from the Lotus Notes and Domino Release 6.0.5 and 6.5.4 MR fix list (available at

Server Administration
SPR# TBOO5QNNDM - When a user installs Notes, if they have an explicit policy assigned to them, that was edited by a person whose access was since altered, they get this error message "The signer of this note must have Editor access and the PolicyCreator or PolicyModifier role to the Domino Directory." The problem was that this error message was not very clear to the user. So the error message was updated to be more descriptive of what was happening and that the user needs to contact their Admin to correct the issue.

Refer to the Upgrade Central site for details on upgrading Notes/Domino

To resolve, do any of the following:

Assign PolicyModifer or PolicyCreator roles to the ID that signed the policies and ensure that the person also has at least Editor access in the ACL of the Domino Directory.

PolicyCreator role to create a policy document
PolicyModifier role to modify a policy document

Sign the policy, by editing and saving, with an ID that already has these rights.
Totally recreate the policies with an ID that has these rights.
If the policy that is assigned to the Person document is not a working policy, clear the "Assigned policy" field.
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