Земляки памажите!
Надеюсь никто не будет против, если я запощу вопрос на англ.? Просто уже описал один раз, не хочется переводить. Думаю тут все должны понимать по англ. Русского хелпа для лотуса вроде пока нет...
или уже есть?
I'm making a report view where will be summarized contract sums.
There are Contract documents with initial contract price (form Contract), for example 10000$ and Bills (response documents with form Bill), already sent to customer. My task is to show how much money we still haven't bill to customer. For example:
Contract Price
So, the resulting amount is 10000 - 3000 - 2000 = 5000
I've made a summary column and show in this column contract price and bills with negative sign.
It looks like:
This works good, until we have a contract with initial price 0$
Then it will show negative sum:
Contract 0$
I need to filter these negative summary values and I have no idea how to do this. Sure, I can go other way and create report with agent, but it will be a little bit more complicated and longer.
And I hope to find easy way with a view.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!
Спасибо за помощь!
Ответы можно на любом... буду читать со словарём, если что..

Надеюсь никто не будет против, если я запощу вопрос на англ.? Просто уже описал один раз, не хочется переводить. Думаю тут все должны понимать по англ. Русского хелпа для лотуса вроде пока нет...

I'm making a report view where will be summarized contract sums.
There are Contract documents with initial contract price (form Contract), for example 10000$ and Bills (response documents with form Bill), already sent to customer. My task is to show how much money we still haven't bill to customer. For example:
Contract Price
So, the resulting amount is 10000 - 3000 - 2000 = 5000
I've made a summary column and show in this column contract price and bills with negative sign.
It looks like:
This works good, until we have a contract with initial price 0$
Then it will show negative sum:
Contract 0$
I need to filter these negative summary values and I have no idea how to do this. Sure, I can go other way and create report with agent, but it will be a little bit more complicated and longer.
And I hope to find easy way with a view.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!
Спасибо за помощь!
Ответы можно на любом... буду читать со словарём, если что..