Прошу помощь и найти ошибку тк у меня не первый cout << "Enter the amount in USD :"; получается НО остальные cout << "British Pounds = " <<bps<< endl; и тд НЕ ПОЛУЧАЕТСЯ. В чем проблема???
//write a programme to convert USD in different other currencies (fixed exchange rates on a certain day)
#include <iostream>
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std ;
float main()
float usd, bps, jny, dm, ff;
cout << "Enter the amount in USD :";
cin >> usd;
bps = usd/1.487; // to convert USD to Pound.
ff = usd/0.172; // to convert USD to Franc
dm = usd/0.584; // to convert USD to DM
jny= usd/0.00955; // to convert USD to Yen
cout << "British Pounds = " <<bps<< endl;
cout << "French Francs = " <<ff<< endl;
cout << "DM = " <<dm<< endl;
cout << "Japanese Yens = " <<jny<< endl;
return 0;
//write a programme to convert USD in different other currencies (fixed exchange rates on a certain day)
#include <iostream>
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace std ;
float main()
float usd, bps, jny, dm, ff;
cout << "Enter the amount in USD :";
cin >> usd;
bps = usd/1.487; // to convert USD to Pound.
ff = usd/0.172; // to convert USD to Franc
dm = usd/0.584; // to convert USD to DM
jny= usd/0.00955; // to convert USD to Yen
cout << "British Pounds = " <<bps<< endl;
cout << "French Francs = " <<ff<< endl;
cout << "DM = " <<dm<< endl;
cout << "Japanese Yens = " <<jny<< endl;
return 0;