Редактрование документа в новом окне

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открываю новый документ

Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace	
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Set uidoc = workspace.CurrentDocument	
Call workspace.SetTargetFrame("Body")
Call workspace.ComposeDocument( "", "", "Document" )
End Sub

в форме Document есть кнопка на создание и открытие еще одного нового документа на редктирование:

Call EditDoc.Save(True,True)
Call ws.EditDocument(False, EditDoc, False,,False)	

После её нажати документ открыается в текущем фрейме Body.
Как сделать чтобы при нажатии на эту кнопку документ открывался в новом окне?
Речь, случайно, не об этом?

Designing a form that presents a dialog box

To help users to fill out documents, create a custom dialog box that prompts for specific input. You can do this by using the @DialogBox function or LotusScript. Using @DialogBox requires two forms: one, the dialog form, has a layout region that contains fields, text, and graphics, and looks like a dialog box; the other, the host form, contains a button that uses @DialogBox to display the dialog form. The two forms contain shared fields, and when users enter field values in the dialog form, the values are shared with fields on the host form that have the same names. For example, a host form called "Memo" has a button that uses @DialogBox to bring up the dialog form called "Memo Options." Both forms have a field called "Comments." Text entered into the Comments field in the Memo Options form also appears in the Comments field in the Memo document.
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