• B правой части каждого сообщения есть стрелки и . Не стесняйтесь оценивать ответы. Чтобы автору вопроса закрыть свой тикет, надо выбрать лучший ответ. Просто нажмите значок в правой части сообщения.

[ РЕШЕНО ] oh no something has gone wrong при входе в систему.

предпологаю что сломался gdm3/gnomeставил xfce с lightdm, но хотелось бы вернуть gnome
обновлять пробовал, все снести и вернуть тоже.
Буду признателен помощи, скину любые логи.

[ history ]
 1828  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
 1829  sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo reboot
 1830  sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
 1831  sudo apt-get update && apt -y full-upgrade
 1832  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt -y full-upgrade
 1834  cd ./apt
 1835  nano sources.list
 1837  cat apt.conf.d
 1838  cd apt.conf.d
 1839  cat sources.list
 1840  cat sources.list\~
 1841  cat sources.list.d/ngrok.list
 1842  cd sources.list.d
 1843  rm ngrok.list
 1844  sudo mv ngrok.list ~/Desktop
 1845  c d..
 1846  cat /etc/apt/sources.list
 1847  sudo apt-get install kali-desktop-gnome
 1848  gnome
 1849  cd ..
 1850  ls
 1851  sudo apt update
 1852  sudo apt-get kali-desktop-gnome
 1854  gnome-calculator
 1855  gnome-session
 1857  gnome-shell
 1858  dmesg
 1861  dpkg-reconfigure gnome-shell
 1864  apt-get install pkg-config
 1865  sudo apt-get install pkg-config
 1866  sudo apt-get purge pkg-config
 1867  sudo apt-get purge modesetting
 1868  sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-all
 1869  sudo apt-get autoremove xserver-xorg-video-all
 1871  Xorg -configure
 1872  apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all
 1873  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all
 1874  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core
 1875  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg
 1876  sudo apt-get purge gdm3
 1877  sudo apt-get purge gdm
 1879  sudo apt-get purge binutils
 1881  sudo apt-get autoremove binutils
 1883  sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-dev
 1884  sudo apt-get purge linux-generic
 1886  uname -a
 1887  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
 1888  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
 1889  cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager
 1894  sudo apt-get install binutils
 1896  apt-get purge amd-*
 1897  sudo apt-get purge amd-*
 1898  sudo apt-get install amd-*
 1899  sudo apt-get get remove amd-*
 1901  lscpu
 1904  sudo startx
 1906  sudo apt-get install xorg
 1907  sudo -i
 1909  sudo apt full-upgrade
 1911  systemctl poweroff
 1912  apt install inxi
 1913  sudo apt install inxi
 1914  inxi -G
 1915  inxi -G --display
 1916  sudo apt install xrdp
 1917  sudo apt-get update -y
 1918  gdm
 1919  gdm3
 1920  sudo gdm3
 1921  cat /var/log/Xorg.1.log
 1928  gsettings get org.gnome.shell enabled-extensions
 1929  journalctl
 1930  journalctl || grep EE
 1931  journalctl || grep (EE)
 1932  cat /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
 1933  Xorg
 1935  cd /etc
 1936  cat mkinit
 1937  cat mkinitcpio.conf
 1939  dnf
 1940  dnf groupremove "LXQt Desktop"
 1941  sudo dnf groupremove "LXQt Desktop"
 1942  sudo dnf groupremove "GNOME Desktop Enviroment"
 1943  rpm
 1944  rpm -qa|grep gnome|xargs dnf remove
 1945  sudo rpm -qa|grep gnome|xargs dnf remove
 1946  sudo rpm -qa|grep gnome|sudo xargs dnf remove
 1947  sudo dnf groupremove "GNOME Desktop Environment"
 1948  sudo dnf groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment"
 1949  sudo apt-get update
 1950  sudo apt-get upgrade
 1951  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
 1952  sudo dpkg --configure -a
 1953  dpkg -r --force-depends `dpkg --get-selections | grep gnome | cut -f 1`
 1954  aptitude
 1955  apt --fix-broken install
 1956  sudo apt-get install aptitude
 1957  sudo dpkg -r --force-depends `dpkg --get-selections | grep gnome | cut -f 1`
 1958  sudo dpkg -r --force-depends `dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | cut -f 1`
 1959  aptitude install task-gnome-desktop
 1960  sudo aptitude install task-gnome-desktop
 1961  sudo apt --fix-broken install
 1962  sudo apt install task-gnome-desktop
 1963  apt-get remove gnome-session
 1964  sudo apt-get remove gnome-session
 1965  sudo apt-get autoremlve
 1966  sudo apt-get autoremove
 1967  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome
 1968  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-shell
 1971  sudo nano /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config
 1972  clear
 1973  cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | less
 1974  cat /var/log/Xorg.1.log | less
 1975  startx
 1976  sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y kali-desktop-xfce
 1979  sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y kali-desktop-gnome
 1980  update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
 1981  sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager
 1983  sudo apt-get install gdm
 1984  sudo apt-get install gdm3
 1985  dpkg-reconfigure
 1986  dpkg-reconfigure gdm
 1987  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm
 1988  sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3
 1990  lscpi
 1991  lspci
 1992  cat /etc/gdm3/greeter.dconf-defaults
 1993  cat /etc/gdm/greeter.dconf-defaults
 1994  cat /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
 1995  sudo nano /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf
 1996  reboot
 1997  selinux=0


  • photo_2023-08-29_00-13-13.jpg
    71,2 КБ · Просмотры: 301
  1. The first method to try is to access a different TTY console. This can be achieved by using the Ctrl + Alt + F2 keyboard combination. You should also try different function keys like F3 and F4 to access other TTY consoles. This may not offer a permanent solution, but could be a temporary workaround to at least make the GNOME login prompt appear. It also may allow you to access a command prompt so you can try some of the commands below.
  2. Another solution is to access a command prompt from another TTY session and execute one or both of the following commands to restart logind and the GNOME display manager.$ sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind
    $ sudo systemctl restart gdm

    However, if you have deployed LightDM display manager...
  1. The first method to try is to access a different TTY console. This can be achieved by using the Ctrl + Alt + F2 keyboard combination. You should also try different function keys like F3 and F4 to access other TTY consoles. This may not offer a permanent solution, but could be a temporary workaround to at least make the GNOME login prompt appear. It also may allow you to access a command prompt so you can try some of the commands below.
  2. Another solution is to access a command prompt from another TTY session and execute one or both of the following commands to restart logind and the GNOME display manager.$ sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind
    $ sudo systemctl restart gdm

    However, if you have deployed LightDM display manager, in that case execute:
    $ sudo systemctl restart lightdm

  3. In case a faulty setting or desktop extension is causing the problem with GNOME loading, you can reset all of GNOME’s settings with the following dconf command. Note: only execute this command if you are okay with having ALL of your GNOME desktop settings reset, including wallpapers, icons, shortcuts, etc.$ dconf reset -f /org/gnome/

  4. If you are receiving an error regarding your GNOME session, you can try reinstalling the gnome-session package. This should reset all associated settings. The following command is for the apt package manager, but you can adapt it if you are running a different distribution.$ sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-session

  5. On Arch Linux and derivative distributions, editing the mkinitcpio.conf configuration file has helped some users. Open the file below with nano or your preferred text editor:$ sudo nano /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

    And add the following line to the file:

  6. If the above solutions have not worked for you, there is always the nuclear option. That is, to reinstall GNOME completely. For example, the following two commands would do the job on Debian-based distributions, including Ubuntu.$ sudo apt purge gnome-session gdm3
    $ sudo apt install gnome-session gdm3
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