синхронный сервер - удаление пользователя и ПЯ


Чёрный маг
Green Team
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Имеет два сервера в кластере - синхронный
означает, что домино сам мониторит каких баз не хватает на одном и делает реплику

И теперь имею забавную ситуацию
Удаляю пользователя и удалением его ПЯ

Админ запрос четко рапортует и удаляет и на 1м и на 2м, но в связи с разницей в несколько часов по удалению реплики синхронный сервер успевает востановить удаленный ПЯ ;)

Как блин удалить ПЯ и чтобы синхронный не восстанавливал ?
Судя по описанию:
A server task, AutoRepair, runs on each server in a symmetrical cluster. AutoRepair scans specified folders on the server for missing databases. AutoRepair refers to the Cluster Database Directory (cldbdir.nsf) to determine which databases the monitored folders should contain
Сначала надо базу вырубить из кластера, а потом удалить уже.
А разница в несколько часов с чем связана? adminP?
О как, это был баг, который пофиксили в 10фп4 и 11,0,1
О как, это был баг, который пофиксили в 10фп4 и 11,0,1
Что за баг? Можно сюда зацитировать? Текст по ссылке недоступен.
Помнится, мне тоже не понравилось, как работает AutoRepair, и я его переключил из автоматики в режим оповещения о недостающих базах - что тоже полезно.
вроде эта теперь пермамент, но на всякий случай:

Symmetrical cluster repair is not marked as disabled against the mailfiles when the domino user is deleted using adminp process in a symmetrical clustered enviornment.​

Applies to​


Observed Behavior​

Symmetrical cluster repair task creates back the deleted mail file on the home mail server from cluster pair, even when the user is deleted using Adminp process and mail file deletion is also approved by the administrator on users home mail server in the symmetrical cluster environment.
Below is the observed behaviour:
  • When you delete a user from Domino directory using Adminp process in a symmetrical cluster environment and you choose the option “Delete user from this Domino Directory immediately” along with “Delete the mail database on the user’s home server” & “Delete mail replicas on all other servers” from the delete dialog box then below behaviour is noticed:

  • The chain of Adminp requests getting generated has this “Delete Person in Domino Directory” request missing which is responsible for marking the "Repair Disabled" against the database entry in the CLDBDIR.nsf .

  • Administrator approves the mail file deletion Adminp request on users home mail server and post the same the subsequent mail file deletion Adminp requests get generated for the cluster mate servers.
  • Before the Administrator could approve the mail file deletion requests from cluster mate servers, the symmetrical cluster “Repair” task created back the mail file to the users home server.

Expected Behavior​

When you delete a user in a symmetrical cluster environment and have the options enabled “Delete user from this Domino Directory immediately” along with “Delete the mail database on the user’s home server” & “Delete mail replicas on all other servers” from the delete dialog box then the chain of Adminp requests generated should have the “Delete Person in Domino Directory” generated which is responsible for marking the “Repair” as “Disabled” in the CLBDIR.nsf against the database being deleted.


While this defect is fixed in upcoming releases, you can follow the below mentioned work to have the user deletion completed with expected behaviour in a symmetrical clustered environment:
Please do NOT check that box (“Delete user from the Domino Directory immediately") while deleting the user, then the CLDBDIR.nsf entries should properly be marked Repair Disabled and the database deletes should work correctly.


DA Status​


Designated/Resolved version​

Domino 11.0.1 & Domino 10.0.1FP4

Problem Resolution​

SPR-JMANBHNKQM was reported for this defect and product development has now fixed this issue with the Domino 11.0.1 and the Domino 10.0.1FP4 release. And as per this fix now all replicas of the mail file in the cluster are deleted fine.

As with user deletion, the mail file gets marked as disabled in the Cluster Database Directory i.e. CLDBDIR.nsf and thus the auto repair task doesn't interfere in the adminp mail file deletion process.

If an up-gradation to 10.0.1FP4 or Domino 11.0.1 is not possible for you at the moment then you can still continue to make use of the below
the workaround is to not check the "Delete user from the Domino Directory immediately" option while deleting a user from the Domino directory.


Simply prefer to mark the mail file as Repair Disabled from the CLDBDIR.nsf before deleting it from the Domino directory using the adminp process.

And this will ensure that the auto repair task doesn't interfere in the adminp mail file deletion process.

Fix List confirming the fix for the SPR is below for reference.
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Реакции: ToxaRat и aameno2
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