;; File stud_io.inc for Linux O.S.
;; Copyright (c) Andrey Vikt. Stolyarov, 2009.
;; I, the author, hereby grant everyone the right to use this
;; file for any purpose, in any manner, in it's original or
;; modified form, provided that any modified versions are
;; clearly marked as such.
;; system dependend part
; generic 3-param syscall
%macro _syscall_3 4
push edx
push ecx
push ebx ; it is senseless to save eax as it holds the return
push %1
push %2
push %3
push %4
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop eax
int 0x80
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
; syscall_exit is the only syscall we use that has 1 parameter
%macro _syscall_exit 1
mov ebx, %1 ; exit code
mov eax, 1 ; 1 = sys_exit
int 0x80
;; system dependent part ends here
; %1: descriptor %2: buffer addr %3: buffer length
; output: eax: read bytes
%macro _syscall_read 3
_syscall_3 3,%1,%2,%3
; %1: descriptor %2: buffer addr %3: buffer length
; output: eax: written bytes
%macro _syscall_write 3
_syscall_3 4,%1,%2,%3
%macro PRINT 1
jmp %%astr
%%str db %1, 0
%%strln equ $-%%str
%%astr: _syscall_write 1, %%str, %%strln
%macro PUTCHAR 1
%ifstr %1
mov al, %1
%elifnum %1
mov al, %1
%elifidni %1,al
%elifidni %1,ah
mov al, ah
%elifidni %1,bl
mov al, bl
%elifidni %1,bh
mov al, bh
%elifidni %1,cl
mov al, cl
%elifidni %1,ch
mov al, ch
%elifidni %1,dl
mov al, dl
%elifidni %1,dh
mov al, dh
mov al, %1 ; let's hope it is a memory location such as [var]
sub esp, 2 ; reserve memory for buffer
mov edi, esp
mov [edi], al
_syscall_write 1, edi, 1
add esp, 2
%macro GETCHAR 0
push edi
sub esp, 2
mov edi, esp
_syscall_read 0, edi, 1
cmp eax, 1
jne %%eof_reached
xor eax,eax
mov al, [edi]
jmp %%gcquit
xor eax, eax
not eax ; eax := -1
add esp, 2
pop edi
%macro FINISH 0-1 0
_syscall_exit %1