Option Public
Const wAPIModule = "NNOTES" ' Windows/32
Declare Private Sub IDDestroyTable Lib wAPIModule Alias "IDDestroyTable" _
( Byval hT As Long)
Declare Private Function IDScan Lib wAPIModule Alias "IDScan" _
( Byval hT As Long, Byval F As Integer, ID As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function NSFDbOpen Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbOpen" _
( Byval P As String, hDB As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function NSFDbClose Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbClose" _
( Byval hDB As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function NSFDbGetModifiedNoteTable Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbGetModifiedNoteTable" _
( Byval hDB As Long, Byval C As Integer, Byval S As Currency, U As Currency, hT As Long) As Integer
Declare Private Function NSFNoteDelete Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFNoteDelete" _
( Byval hDB As Long, Byval N As Long, Byval F As Integer) As Integer
Declare Private Function OSPathNetConstruct Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSPathNetConstruct" _
( Byval NullPort As Long, Byval Server As String, Byval FIle As String, Byval PathNet As String) As Integer
Declare Private Sub TimeConstant Lib wAPIModule Alias "TimeConstant" _
( Byval C As Integer, T As Currency)
Dim Db As NotesDatabase
Sub Initialize
Dim Session As New NotesSession
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim dbInfo As Variant
Dim sDbServer As String
Dim sDbPath As String
Dim retVal As Integer
dbInfo = ws.Prompt(13, "Choose database", "Choose a database")
sDbServer = dbInfo(0)
sDbPath = dbInfo(1)
Set db = session.GetDatabase(sDbServer, sDbPath)
retVal = ws.Prompt (PROMPT_YESNOCANCEL, _
"Delete or just count?", _
"Do you want to delete all of the deletion stubs in this database [Yes] or just count them [No]")
Select Case retVal
Case 1 : Call countAndDeleteStubs(db, 1)
Case 0 : Call countAndDeleteStubs(db, 0)
Case -1 : Msgbox "Operation cancelled"
End Select
End Sub
Sub countAndDeleteStubs(db As NotesDatabase, choice As Integer)
Dim ever As Currency, last As Currency
Dim hT As Long, RRV As Long, hDB As Long
With db
np$ = Space(1024)
OSPathNetConstruct 0, db.Server, db.FilePath, np$
End With
NSFDbOpen np$, hDB
TimeConstant 2, ever
NSFDbGetModifiedNoteTable hDB, &H7FFF, ever, last, hT
n& = 0
done = (IDScan(hT, True, RRV) = 0)
While Not done
If RRV < 0 Then
If (choice = 1) Then
NSFNoteDelete hDB, RRV And &H7FFFFFFF, &H0201
End If
n& = n& + 1
End If
done = (IDScan(hT, False, RRV) = 0)
IDDestroyTable hT
NSFDbClose hDB
If (choice = 1) Then
Msgbox "Deleted " & Cstr(n&) & " stubs in database " & db.FilePath & " on server " & db.Server
Msgbox "Database " & db.FilePath & " on server " & db.Server & " contains " & Cstr(n&) & " stubs"
End If
End Sub