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Вопрос по определению эксплойтов по баннерам


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Вопрос по определению эксплойтов по баннерам
Беру Metasploitable и сканю nmap, эспортируя в xml файл

nmap -n -Pn -p- --open -sV -vvv --script banner Metasploitable.host -oX file.xml

Далее searchsploit ищю по файлу экплойты

searchsploit --nmap file.xml

Получаю, вот такое полотенце
Хранитель Библиотеки, [19.07.20 18:25]
Вопрос по определению эксплойтов по баннерам
Беру Metasploitable и сканю nmap, эспортируя в xml файл

nmap -n -Pn -p- --open -sV -vvv --script banner Metasploitable.host -oX file.xml

Далее searchsploit ищю по файлу экплойты

searchsploit --nmap file.xml

Получаю, вот такое полотенце

[i] SearchSploit's XML mode (without verbose enabled).   To enable: searchsploit -v --xml...
[i] Reading: 'file.xml'

[-] Skipping term: ftp   (Term is too general. Please re-search manually: /usr/bin/searchsploit -t ftp)

[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t proftpd
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Exploit Title                                |  Path
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
FreeBSD - 'ftpd / ProFTPd' Remote Command Exe | freebsd/remote/18181.txt
ProFTPd - 'ftpdctl' 'pr_ctrls_connect' Local  | linux/local/394.c
ProFTPd - 'mod_mysql' Authentication Bypass   | multiple/remote/8037.txt
ProFTPd - 'mod_sftp' Integer Overflow Denial  | linux/dos/16129.txt
ProFTPd 1.2 - 'SIZE' Remote Denial of Service | linux/dos/20536.java
ProFTPd 1.2 < 1.3.0 (Linux) - 'sreplace' Remo | linux/remote/16852.rb
ProFTPd 1.2 pre1/pre2/pre3/pre4/pre5 - Remote | linux/remote/19475.c
ProFTPd 1.2 pre1/pre2/pre3/pre4/pre5 - Remote | linux/remote/19476.c
ProFTPd 1.2 pre6 - 'snprintf' Remote Root     | linux/remote/19503.txt
ProFTPd 1.2.0 pre10 - Remote Denial of Servic | linux/dos/244.java
ProFTPd 1.2.0 rc2 - Memory Leakage            | linux/dos/241.c
ProFTPd 1.2.10 - Remote Users Enumeration     | linux/remote/581.c
ProFTPd 1.2.7 < 1.2.9rc2 - Remote Code Execut | linux/remote/110.c
ProFTPd 1.2.7/1.2.8 - '.ASCII' File Transfer  | linux/dos/23170.c
ProFTPd 1.2.9 RC1 - 'mod_sql' SQL Injection   | linux/remote/43.pl
ProFTPd 1.2.9 rc2 - '.ASCII' File Remote Code | linux/remote/107.c
ProFTPd 1.2.9 rc2 - '.ASCII' File Remote Code | linux/remote/3021.txt
ProFTPd 1.2.x - 'STAT' Denial of Service      | linux/dos/22079.sh
ProFTPd 1.3 - 'mod_sql' 'Username' SQL Inject | multiple/remote/32798.pl
ProFTPd 1.3.0 (OpenSUSE) - 'mod_ctrls' Local  | unix/local/10044.pl
ProFTPd 1.3.0 - 'sreplace' Remote Stack Overf | linux/remote/2856.pm
ProFTPd 1.3.0/1.3.0a - 'mod_ctrls' 'support'  | linux/local/3330.pl
ProFTPd 1.3.0/1.3.0a - 'mod_ctrls' 'support'  | linux/local/3333.pl
ProFTPd 1.3.0/1.3.0a - 'mod_ctrls' exec-shiel | linux/local/3730.txt
ProFTPd 1.3.0a - 'mod_ctrls' 'support' Local  | linux/dos/2928.py
ProFTPd 1.3.2 rc3 < 1.3.3b (FreeBSD) - Telnet | linux/remote/16878.rb
ProFTPd 1.3.2 rc3 < 1.3.3b (Linux) - Telnet I | linux/remote/16851.rb
ProFTPd 1.3.3c - Compromised Source Backdoor  | linux/remote/15662.txt
ProFTPd 1.3.5 - 'mod_copy' Command Execution  | linux/remote/37262.rb
ProFTPd 1.3.5 - 'mod_copy' Remote Command Exe | linux/remote/36803.py
ProFTPd 1.3.5 - File Copy                     | linux/remote/36742.txt
ProFTPd 1.x - 'mod_tls' Remote Buffer Overflo | linux/remote/4312.c
ProFTPd IAC 1.3.x - Remote Command Execution  | linux/remote/15449.pl
ProFTPd-1.3.3c - Backdoor Command Execution ( | linux/remote/16921.rb
WU-FTPD 2.4.2 / SCO Open Server 5.0.5 / ProFT | linux/remote/19086.c
WU-FTPD 2.4.2 / SCO Open Server 5.0.5 / ProFT | linux/remote/19087.c
WU-FTPD 2.4/2.5/2.6 / Trolltech ftpd 1.2 / Pr | linux/remote/20690.sh
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcodes: No Results
Papers: No Results

[-] Skipping term: ssh   (Term is too general. Please re-search manually: /usr/bin/searchsploit -t ssh)

[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t openssh
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Exploit Title                                |  Path
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Debian OpenSSH - (Authenticated) Remote SELin | linux/remote/6094.txt
Dropbear / OpenSSH Server - 'MAX_UNAUTH_CLIEN | multiple/dos/1572.pl
FreeBSD OpenSSH 3.5p1 - Remote Command Execut | freebsd/remote/17462.txt
glibc-2.2 / openssh-2.3.0p1 / glibc 2.1.9x -  | linux/local/258.sh
Novell Netware 6.5 - OpenSSH Remote Stack Ove | novell/dos/14866.txt
OpenSSH 1.2 - '.scp' File Create/Overwrite    | linux/remote/20253.sh
OpenSSH 2.3 < 7.7 - Username Enumeration      | linux/remote/45233.py
OpenSSH 2.3 < 7.7 - Username Enumeration (PoC | linux/remote/45210.py
OpenSSH 2.x/3.0.1/3.0.2 - Channel Code Off-by | unix/remote/21314.txt
OpenSSH 2.x/3.x - Kerberos 4 TGT/AFS Token Bu | linux/remote/21402.txt
OpenSSH 3.x - Challenge-Response Buffer Overf | unix/remote/21578.txt
OpenSSH 3.x - Challenge-Response Buffer Overf | unix/remote/21579.txt
OpenSSH 4.3 p1 - Duplicated Block Remote Deni | multiple/dos/2444.sh
OpenSSH 6.8 < 6.9 - 'PTY' Local Privilege Esc | linux/local/41173.c
OpenSSH 7.2 - Denial of Service               | linux/dos/40888.py
OpenSSH 7.2p1 - (Authenticated) xauth Command | multiple/remote/39569.py
OpenSSH 7.2p2 - Username Enumeration          | linux/remote/40136.py
OpenSSH < 6.6 SFTP (x64) - Command Execution  | linux_x86-64/remote/45000.c
OpenSSH < 6.6 SFTP - Command Execution        | linux/remote/45001.py
OpenSSH < 7.4 - 'UsePrivilegeSeparation Disab | linux/local/40962.txt
OpenSSH < 7.4 - agent Protocol Arbitrary Libr | linux/remote/40963.txt
OpenSSH < 7.7 - User Enumeration (2)          | linux/remote/45939.py
OpenSSH SCP Client - Write Arbitrary Files    | multiple/remote/46516.py
OpenSSH/PAM 3.6.1p1 - 'gossh.sh' Remote Users | linux/remote/26.sh
OpenSSH/PAM 3.6.1p1 - Remote Users Discovery  | linux/remote/25.c
OpenSSHd 7.2p2 - Username Enumeration         | linux/remote/40113.txt
Portable OpenSSH 3.6.1p-PAM/4.1-SuSE - Timing | multiple/remote/3303.sh
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcodes: No Results
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Paper Title                                  |  Path
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Roaming Through the OpenSSH Client: CVE-2016- | english/39247-roaming-through-th
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------

[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t telnet
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Exploit Title                                |  Path
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
3Com SuperStack II PS Hub 40 - TelnetD Weak P | hardware/remote/21011.pl
602Pro LAN SUITE 2002 - Telnet Proxy localhos | windows/dos/21694.pl
AbsoluteTelnet 10.16 - 'License name' Denial  | windows/dos/46874.py
AbsoluteTelnet 11.12 - 'license name' Denial  | windows/dos/48006.py
AbsoluteTelnet 11.12 - 'SSH1/username' Denial | windows/dos/48305.py
AbsoluteTelnet 11.12 - 'SSH2/username' Denial | windows/dos/48010.py
AbsoluteTelnet 11.12 - _license name_ Denial  | windows/dos/48005.py
AbsoluteTelnet 11.21 - 'Username' Denial of S | windows/dos/48493.py
APC WEB/SNMP Management Card (9606) Firmware  | hardware/dos/20654.pl
Apple Mac OSX 10.2 - Terminal.APP Telnet Link | osx/local/21815.txt
Arescom NetDSL-1000 - 'TelnetD' Remote Denial | hardware/dos/1464.c
Beck IPC GmbH IPC@CHIP - TelnetD Login Accoun | multiple/remote/20881.txt
BSD - 'TelnetD' Remote Command Execution (1)  | bsd/remote/409.c
BSD - 'TelnetD' Remote Command Execution (2)  | bsd/remote/19520.txt
Byte Fusion BFTelnet 1.1 - Long Username Deni | windows/dos/19596.txt
CCProxy 6.2 - Telnet Proxy Ping Overflow (Met | windows/remote/4360.rb
Celestial Software AbsoluteTelnet 2.0/2.11 -  | windows/remote/22229.pl
D-Link Devices - UPnP SOAP TelnetD Command Ex | unix/remote/28333.rb
FreeBSD - Telnet Service Encryption Key ID Bu | bsd/remote/18369.rb
FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE - Telnet Daemon Privilege | freebsd/local/8055.txt
GNU inetutils < 1.9.4 - 'telnet.c' Multiple O | linux/dos/45982.txt
GoodTech Telnet Server 4.0 - Remote Denial of | windows/dos/23506.txt
GoodTech Telnet Server 5.0.6 - Remote Buffer  | windows/remote/16817.rb
GoodTech Telnet Server < 5.0.7 - Buffer Overf | windows/dos/882.cpp
GoodTech Telnet Server < 5.0.7 - Remote Buffe | windows/remote/883.c
GoodTech Telnet Server NT 2.2.1 - Denial of S | windows/dos/19666.txt
Herospeed - 'TelnetSwitch' Remote Stack Overf | hardware/remote/43997.py
Hilgraeve HyperTerminal 6.0 - Telnet Buffer O | windows/dos/20307.txt
IRIX 5.2/5.3/6.x - TelnetD Environment Variab | irix/remote/20149.c
Jordan Windows Telnet Server 1.0/1.2 - 'Usern | windows/remote/23491.pl
Jordan Windows Telnet Server 1.0/1.2 - 'Usern | windows/remote/23492.c
Jordan Windows Telnet Server 1.0/1.2 - 'Usern | windows/remote/23493.txt
Kroum Grigorov KpyM Telnet Server 1.0 - Remot | windows/dos/23530.c
Linux BSD-derived Telnet Service Encryption K | linux/remote/18368.rb
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0.1/5.5/6.0 - T | windows/remote/20680.html
Microsoft Windows 95/98 Internet Explorer 5/T | windows/local/19462.c
Microsoft Windows NT 3.5.1 SP2/3.5.1 SP3/3.5. | windows/remote/19113.txt
Microsoft Windows Server 2000 - 'telnet.exe'  | windows/remote/20222.cpp
Microsoft Windows Server 2000 - Telnet 'Usern | windows/dos/20907.sh
Microsoft Windows Server 2000 - Telnet Server | windows/dos/20047.txt
Multiple Vendor Telnet Client - Env_opt_add H | linux/dos/25303.txt
Netgear - 'TelnetEnable' Magic Packet (Metasp | hardware/remote/44245.rb
netkit-telnet-0.17 telnetd (Fedora 31) - 'Bra | linux/remote/48170.py
NUUO NVRMini2 3.8 - 'cgi_system' Buffer Overf | hardware/remote/45427.py
Polycom HDX - Telnet Authentication Bypass (M | hardware/remote/24494.rb
Pragma Systems InterAccess TelnetD Server 4.0 | windows/dos/19755.txt
Pragma Systems InterAccess TelnetD Server 4.0 | windows/dos/19760.txt
Pragma Systems InterAccess TelnetD Server 4.0 | windows/dos/20904.pl
Pragma TelnetServer - NULL-Pointer  | multiple/dos/30991.txt
PragmaSys TelnetServer 2000 - rexec Buffer Ov | windows/dos/20175.pl
ProFTPd 1.3.2 rc3 < 1.3.3b (FreeBSD) - Telnet | linux/remote/16878.rb
ProFTPd 1.3.2 rc3 < 1.3.3b (Linux) - Telnet I | linux/remote/16851.rb
Sagem F@st 3304-V2 - Telnet Crash (PoC)       | hardware/dos/36309.py
Sagem Router Fast 3304/3464/3504 - Telnet Aut | hardware/remote/17670.py

Solaris 10/11 Telnet - Remote Authentication  | solaris/remote/9918.rb
Solaris 2.6/7/8 - 'TTYPROMPT in.telnet' Remot | solaris/remote/57.txt
Solaris 2.x/7.0/8 / IRIX 6.5.x / OpenBSD 2.x  | unix/remote/21018.c
Solaris TelnetD - 'TTYPROMPT' Remote Buffer O | solaris/remote/16327.rb
Solaris TelnetD - 'TTYPROMPT' Remote Buffer O | solaris/remote/9917.rb
Sun Solaris Telnet - Remote Authentication By | solaris/remote/16328.rb
SunOS 5.10/5.11 in.TelnetD - Remote Authentic | solaris/remote/3293.sh
Telnet-Ftp Service Server 1.x - (Authenticate | windows/remote/8273.c
TelnetD encrypt_keyid - Function Pointer Over | linux/remote/18280.c
Verso NetPerformer Frame Relay Access Device  | multiple/dos/28542.pl
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcode Title                              |  Path
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Google Android - Bind (1035/TCP) Telnetd Shel | android/38194.c
Linux/x86 - Reverse ( Tel | linux_x86/13435.c
Windows/x86 - Add Administrator User (GAZZA/1 | windows_x86/13508.asm
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Papers: No Results

[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t linux telnetd
[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t smtp
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Exploit Title                                |  Path
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
AA SMTP Server 1.1 - Crash (PoC)              | windows/dos/14990.txt
Alt-N MDaemon 6.5.1 - IMAP/SMTP Remote Buffer | windows/remote/473.c
Alt-N MDaemon 6.5.1 SMTP Server - Multiple Co | windows/remote/24624.c
Alt-N MDaemon Server 2.71 SP1 - SMTP HELO Arg | windows/dos/23146.c
Apache James Server 2.2 - SMTP Denial of Serv | multiple/dos/27915.pl
BaSoMail 1.24 - SMTP Server Command Buffer Ov | windows/dos/22668.txt
BaSoMail Server 1.24 - POP3/SMTP Remote Denia | windows/dos/594.pl
BL4 SMTP Server < 0.1.5 - Remote Buffer Overf | windows/dos/1721.pl
Blat 2.7.6 SMTP / NNTP Mailer - Local Buffer  | windows/local/38472.py
BulletProof FTP Server 2019.0.0.50 - 'SMTP Se | windows/dos/46422.py
Cisco PIX Firewall 4.x/5.x - SMTP Content Fil | hardware/remote/20231.txt
Citadel SMTP 7.10 - Remote Overflow           | windows/remote/4949.txt
Cobalt Raq3 PopRelayD - Arbitrary SMTP Relay  | linux/remote/20994.txt
CodeBlue 5.1 - SMTP Response Buffer Overflow  | windows/remote/21643.c
CommuniCrypt Mail 1.16 - 'ANSMTP.dll/AOSMTP.d | windows/remote/12663.html
CommuniCrypt Mail 1.16 - SMTP ActiveX Stack B | windows/remote/16566.rb
Computalynx CMail 2.3 SP2/2.4 - SMTP Buffer O | windows/remote/19495.c
DeepOfix SMTP Server 3.3 - Authentication Byp | linux/remote/29706.txt
dSMTP Mail Server 3.1b (Linux) - Format Strin | linux/remote/981.c
EasyMail Objects 'EMSMTP.DLL 6.0.1' - ActiveX | windows/remote/10007.html
EType EServ 2.9x - SMTP Remote Denial of Serv | windows/dos/22123.pl
Eudora 7.1 - SMTP ResponseRemote Remote Buffe | windows/remote/3934.py
Exim ESMTP 4.80 - glibc gethostbyname Denial  | linux/dos/35951.py
FloosieTek FTGate PRO 1.22 - SMTP MAIL FROM B | windows/dos/22568.pl
FloosieTek FTGate PRO 1.22 - SMTP RCPT TO Buf | windows/dos/22569.pl
Free SMTP Server 2.2 - Spam Filter            | windows/remote/1193.pl
Free SMTP Server 2.5 - Denial of Service (PoC | windows/dos/46937.py
GoodTech SMTP Server 5.14 - Denial of Service | windows/dos/1162.pl
Hastymail 1.x - IMAP SMTP Command Injection   | php/webapps/28777.txt
i.Scribe SMTP Client 2.00b - 'wscanf' Remote  | windows/dos/7249.php
Inetserv 3.23 - SMTP Denial of Service        | windows/dos/16035.py
Inframail Advantage Server Edition 6.0 < 6.37 | windows/dos/1165.pl
Ipswitch Imail Server 5.0 - SMTP HELO Argumen | windows/dos/23145.c
iScripts AutoHoster - 'main_smtp.php' Travers | php/webapps/38889.txt
Jack De Winter WinSMTP 1.6 f/2.0 - Buffer Ove | windows/dos/20221.pl

LeadTools Imaging LEADSmtp - ActiveX Control  | windows/remote/35880.html
Lotus Domino 4.6.1/4.6.4 Notes - SMTPA MTA Ma | multiple/dos/19368.sh
Lotus Domino SMTP Router & Email Server and C | multiple/dos/17549.txt
MailEnable 1.x - SMTP 'HELO' Remote Denial of | windows/dos/28103.pl
MailEnable 2.x - SMTP NTLM Multiple Authentic | windows/dos/28735.pl
MailEnable 3.13 SMTP Service - 'VRFY/EXPN' De | windows/dos/5235.py
MailEnable Enterprise 1.x - SMTP Remote Denia | windows/dos/916.pl
MAILsweeper SMTP 4.2.1 + F-Secure Anti-Virus  | windows/dos/21006.txt
Mailtraq - Remote Format String SM | windows/dos/22780.txt
Majordomo2 - 'SMTP/HTTP' Directory Traversal  | multiple/remote/16103.txt
MDaemon SMTP Server 5.0.5 - Null Password Aut | windows/remote/23002.txt
Mercury/32 Mail Server 3.32 < 4.51 - SMTP EIP | windows/remote/4316.cpp
Mercury/32 Mail SMTPD - AUTH CRAM-MD5 Buffer  | windows/remote/16821.rb
Mercury/32 Mail SMTPD - Remote Stack Overrun  | windows/dos/4294.pl
Mercury/32 Mail SMTPD 4.51 - SMTPD CRAM-MD5 R | windows/remote/4301.cpp
Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0/5.0 - SMTP HELO | windows/remote/23113.c
Microsoft IIS 4.0/5.0 - SMTP Service Encapsul | windows/remote/21613.txt
Microsoft Windows - ANI LoadAniIcon() Chunk S | windows/remote/16698.rb
MIMEsweeper For SMTP - Multiple Cross-Site Sc | asp/webapps/38318.txt
Mock SMTP Server 1.0 - Remote Crash (PoC)     | windows/dos/37954.py
nbSMTP 0.99 - 'util.c' Client-Side Command Ex | linux/remote/1138.c
NetcPlus SmartServer 3.5.1 - SMTP Buffer Over | windows/remote/19494.c
Network Associates Webshield SMTP 4.5 - Inval | windows/dos/20432.txt
NJStar Communicator 3.00 - MiniSMTP Server Re | windows/remote/18057.rb
NJStar Communicator MiniSmtp - Buffer Overflo | windows/dos/18196.py
OpenSMTPD - MAIL FROM Remote Code Execution ( | linux/remote/48038.rb
OpenSMTPD - OOB Read Local Privilege Escalati | linux/local/48185.rb
OpenSMTPD 6.4.0 < 6.6.1 - Local Privilege Esc | openbsd/remote/48051.pl
OpenSMTPD 6.6.2 - Remote Code Execution       | linux/remote/47984.py
OpenSMTPD 6.6.3 - Arbitrary File Read         | linux/remote/48139.c
OpenSMTPD < 6.6.3p1 - Local Privilege Escalat | openbsd/remote/48140.c
Postcast Server Pro 3.0.61 / Quiksoft EasyMai | windows/remote/4328.html
Postfix SMTP 4.2.x < 4.2.48 - 'Shellshock' Re | linux/remote/34896.py
Python smtplib 2.7.11 / 3.4.4 / 3.5.1 - Man I | multiple/local/43500.txt
QK SMTP 3.01 - 'RCPT TO' Remote Buffer Overfl | windows/remote/2649.c
QK SMTP 3.01 - 'RCPT TO' Remote Buffer Overfl | windows/remote/3067.txt
QK SMTP 3.01 - 'RCPT TO' Remote Denial of Ser | windows/dos/2625.c
QK SMTP Server - Malformed Commands Multiple  | multiple/dos/30885.txt
Qmail SMTP - Bash Environment Variable Inject | linux/remote/42938.rb
Qwik SMTP 0.3 - Format String                 | linux/remote/620.c
Sitemagic CMS - 'SMTpl' Directory Traversal   | php/webapps/35877.txt
SmartMax MailMax 1.0 - SMTP Buffer Overflow   | windows/remote/20600.c
Softek MailMarshal 4 / Trend Micro ScanMail 1 | multiple/remote/21029.pl
SoftiaCom wMailServer 1.0 - SMTP Remote Buffe | windows/remote/1463.pm
SPECTral Personal SMTP Server 0.4.2 - Denial  | windows/dos/899.pl
SquirrelMail PGP Plugin - Command Execution ( | linux/remote/16888.rb
sSMTP 2.62 - 'standardize()' Buffer Overflow  | linux/dos/34375.txt
SynaMan 4.0 build 1488 - SMTP Credential Disc | windows/webapps/45387.txt
SysGauge 1.5.18 - SMTP Validation Buffer Over | windows/remote/41672.rb
TABS MailCarrier 2.51 - SMTP 'EHLO' / 'HELO'  | windows/remote/598.py
TABS MailCarrier 2.51 - SMTP EHLO Overflow (M | windows/remote/16822.rb
YahooPOPs 1.6 - SMTP Port Buffer Overflow     | windows/remote/577.c
YahooPOPs 1.6 - SMTP Remote Buffer Overflow   | windows/remote/582.c
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcodes: No Results
Papers: No Results

[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t postfix smtpd
[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t domain
[-] Skipping output: domain   (Too many results, 100+. You'll need to force a search: /usr/bin/searchsploit -t domain)

[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t isc bind
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Exploit Title                                |  Path
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
ISC BIND (Linux/BSD) - Remote Buffer Overflow | linux/remote/19111.c
ISC BIND (Multiple OSes) - Remote Buffer Over | linux/remote/19112.c
ISC BIND 4.9.7 -T1B - named SIGINT / SIGIOT S | linux/local/19072.txt
ISC BIND 4.9.7/8.x - Traffic Amplification an | multiple/remote/19749.txt
ISC BIND 8 - Remote Cache Poisoning (1)       | linux/remote/30535.pl
ISC BIND 8 - Remote Cache Poisoning (2)       | linux/remote/30536.pl
ISC BIND 8.1 - Host Remote Buffer Overflow    | unix/remote/20374.c
ISC BIND 8.2.2 / IRIX 6.5.17 / Solaris 7.0 -  | unix/dos/19615.c
ISC BIND 8.2.2-P5 - Denial of Service         | linux/dos/20388.txt
ISC BIND 8.2.x - 'TSIG' Remote Stack Overflow | linux/remote/277.c
ISC BIND 8.2.x - 'TSIG' Remote Stack Overflow | linux/remote/279.c
ISC BIND 8.2.x - 'TSIG' Remote Stack Overflow | linux/remote/282.c
ISC BIND 8.2.x - 'TSIG' Remote Stack Overflow | solaris/remote/280.c
ISC BIND 8.3.x - OPT Record Large UDP Denial  | linux/dos/22011.c
ISC BIND 9 - Denial of Service                | multiple/dos/40453.py
ISC BIND 9 - Remote Dynamic Update Message De | multiple/dos/9300.c
ISC BIND 9 - TKEY (PoC)                       | multiple/dos/37721.c
ISC BIND 9 - TKEY Remote Denial of Service (P | multiple/dos/37723.py
Microsoft Windows Kernel - 'win32k!NtQueryCom | windows/dos/42750.cpp
Zabbix 2.0.5 - Cleartext ldap_bind_Password P | php/webapps/36157.rb
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcodes: No Results
Papers: No Results

[-] Skipping term: http   (Term is too general. Please re-search manually: /usr/bin/searchsploit -t http)

[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t apache httpd
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Exploit Title                                |  Path
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Apache 0.8.x/1.0.x / NCSA HTTPd 1.x - 'test-c | cgi/remote/20435.txt
Apache 1.1 / NCSA HTTPd 1.5.2 / Netscape Serv | multiple/dos/19536.txt
Apache Httpd mod_proxy - Error Page Cross-Sit | multiple/webapps/47688.md
Apache Httpd mod_rewrite - Open Redirects     | multiple/webapps/47689.md
NCSA 1.3/1.4.x/1.5 / Apache HTTPd 0.8.11/0.8. | multiple/remote/20595.txt
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Shellcodes: No Results
Papers: No Results

[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t netbios ssn
[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t samba smbd
[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t mysql
[-] Skipping output: mysql   (Too many results, 100+. You'll need to force a search: /usr/bin/searchsploit -t mysql)

Хранитель Библиотеки, [19.07.20 18:25]
[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t distccd
[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t postgresql
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Exploit Title                                |  Path
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
PostgreSQL - 'bitsubstr' Buffer Overflow      | linux/dos/33571.txt
PostgreSQL 6.3.2/6.5.3 - Cleartext Passwords  | immunix/local/19875.txt
PostgreSQL 7.x - Multiple Vulnerabilities     | linux/dos/25076.c
PostgreSQL 8.01 - Remote Reboot (Denial of Se | multiple/dos/946.c
PostgreSQL 8.2/8.3/8.4 - UDF for Command Exec | linux/local/7855.txt
PostgreSQL 8.3.6 - Conversion Encoding Remote | linux/dos/32849.txt
PostgreSQL 8.3.6 - Low Cost Function Informat | multiple/local/32847.txt
PostgreSQL 8.4.1 - JOIN Hashtable Size Intege | multiple/dos/33729.txt
PostgreSQL 9.3 - COPY FROM PROGRAM Command Ex | multiple/remote/46813.rb
PostgreSQL 9.4-0.5.3 - Privilege Escalation   | linux/local/45184.sh
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Shellcodes: No Results
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Paper Title                                  |  Path
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Advanced PostgreSQL SQL Injection and Filter  | docs/english/12909-advanced-post
Having Fun With PostgreSQL                    | english/13084-having-fun-with-po
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[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t postgresql db
[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t ajp13
[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t apache jserv
[i] /usr/bin/searchsploit -t apache tomcat coyote jsp engine

Вопрос, я должен посмотреть версию и перепробывать все эксплойты под уязвимые демоны, и как узнать что именно этот демон уязвим не перебирая все что мне выдано ?
Юзай AutoSploit через shodan, он "прочекает" все эксплойты которые есть в Metasploit плюс автоматизация всего процесса до получения сессии...
Он показал тебе все эксплоиты для твоей версии,т.е если ссш версии 7.2p2 то он будет показывать все эксплоиты под эту версию,т.е для 7.2p2,для 7.3,для 7.4 и т.д,можешь юзать любой из них,но нужно смотреть что определенный эксплоит делает
так же на экслоиты можно сканить вручную,а можно автоматически,тот же самый скрипт в nmap начинающий скан на уязвимости --script vuln
вручную это делается тоже просто, сделать скан с помощью флага -sV который показвает версии сервисов,к примеру sudo nmap -sV -sC -oN *название файла с результатом скана* *TARGET*
после того как мы узнали версию сервисов запущенных на сервере,просто в ручками ищем уязвимости для сервиса,если например версия ссш 4.4 то можем взять любой эксплоит предназначенный для версии выше 4.4 (для 4.5,4.6 и т.д) и пытаемся эксплуатировать.
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