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Добрый день, есть базка из которой я сам кое чего удаляю.
В свойствах БД прописал 48 часов, Allow soft deletions пометил.
Доки удаяю, а вот по какому признаку сделать вьюху для просмотра удаленных доков не знаю.
Может кто подскажет?
Shared, contains deleted documents

A "Shared, contains deleted documents" view allows users to view a list of documents deleted from the database. Users can recover deleted documents by dragging them out of the trash to a folder. This view assumes that the database manager has already selected "Allow soft deletions" at the Advanced tab of the Database Properties box. The "Allow soft deletions" property keeps deleted documents in the database for a set number of hours. The hours are set by the database manager in the Advanced tab of the Database Properties box. After that time, the document is permanently deleted from the database.
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