Вот ссылочки на ресурсы
Ссылка скрыта от гостей
Ссылка скрыта от гостей
А вот пример класса
<!--shcode--><pre><code class='vb'>'
' NetworkConnection.lss
Option Explicit
Option Base 0
Private Const NO_CONNECTION_ERR =34
Private Const SHELL_MIN_NO_FOCUS = 6 'C.f. "lsconst.lss"
Public Class NetworkConnection
'This class is used in agents that run on the server (where the server runs as an
'NT service). It gives the agent access to network shares. The class
'runs an NT batch file (which is created on the fly). This batch file
'establishes a connection using the "net use" command. The class checks
'that the command runs to completion, by looking for a temporary file
'that is created by the batch file.
'TODO: Use API calls instead of a batch file.
'The class requires the constants NO_CONNECTION_ERR to be set (to anything).
' Const USER_NAME = "AI-IS\archivereader" ' The user name
' Const PWD = "******" ' The user's password
' Const DRIVE = "\\emu\archive" ' The path to the network resource.
' ' (\\server\share)
' Dim connection As New NetworkConnection(DRIVE, USER_NAME, PWD)
' Call connection.connect()
' 'Your code goes here. (Read or write to the file etc...)
' Call connection.close()
Private drive_ As String
Private user_ As String
Private password_ As String
'TODO: Use local variable instead.
Private netUseBatchFile_ As String 'A batch file that is created on the fly
Public Sub New(drive As String, user As String, _
password As String)
drive_ = drive
user_ = user
password_ = password
End Sub
Public Sub Delete
'For now, do nothing.
End Sub
'Throws an error (NO_CONNECTION_ERR) if we can't connect.
Public Sub connect()
If Not (AddNetworkConnection(password_, user_, drive_)) Then
"Can't establish connection."
End If
End Sub
Public Sub close()
'Deletes a network connection and then deletes the
'batch file that was used for creating the connection.
Dim del_command As String
del_command = "cmd /c net use " & drive_ & _
" /delete"
Dim task_id As Integer
task_id% = Shell(del_command,_
If (Dir$(netUseBatchFile_) <> "") Then
Kill netUseBatchFile_
End If
End Sub
Private Function AddNetworkConnection(passWord As String, _
user As String, drive As String) As Variant
netUseBatchFile_ = CreateNetUseBatchFile
Dim probe_file As String
probe_file = GetTempFile("tmp")
Dim taskId As Integer
taskId% = Shell(netUseBatchFile_ & " " & _
passWord & " " & probe_file & " " & user & " " & drive,_
Dim sleep_seconds As Single
sleep_seconds = 2
Dim i As Integer
For i% = 0 To 30
If Dir$(probe_file) <> "" Then
Kill probe_file
AddNetworkConnection = True
Exit Function
End If
AddNetworkConnection = False
Exit Function
AddNetworkConnection = False
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Function CreateNetUseBatchFile As String
' Creates a batch file for connecting to a network drive.
' TODO: We should use a Win32 API function instead.
Dim line_feed As String
line_feed = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
Dim batch_cmds As String
'%1 = password
'%2 = probe file
'%3 = user name
'%4 = network drive
batch_cmds = _
"@echo off " & line_feed & _
"net use %4 /user:%3 %1 " & line_feed & _
"echo apa > %2 "
Dim file_name As String
file_name = GetTempFile("bat")
Dim file_number As Integer
file_number = Freefile
Open file_name For Output As file_number
Print #file_number, batch_cmds
Close file_number
CreateNetUseBatchFile = file_name
End Function
End Class
Sub Initialize
End Sub
Private Function GetTempFile(extension As String) As String
'Creates a random and unique file name. If the random
' file name is already taken it tries again by calling it self
' recursively.
Dim temp_dir As String
temp_dir = Environ$("TEMP")
GetTempFile = temp_dir & |\| & _
"~AI" & Ltrim$(Str$(Round((Rnd()*10000),0))) & "." & extension
Loop Until Dir$(GetTempFile, 0) = ""
End Function
Sub Terminate
End Sub[/CODE]