Запустить Basic-версию клиента >= 8.x

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Есть следующая пробелема:
Стоит клиент 8.5.2 Стандартной конфигурации. Необходимо запустить этого же клиента, но в версии Basic.
Должно быть просто. Где то слышал, что нужно сделать новый ярлык и где то прописать basic - но не знаю где. Хелп плиз.
To launch Notes 8 (Basic Configuration), create a shortcut on your desktop to point to nlnotes.exe in the Notes program directory. Or, simply launch nlnotes.exe. In addition, you can create a shortcut which executes notes.exe within the Notes program directory and add one of two command line switches, -sa or -basic. For example: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Notes\notes.exe -sa.

As of Notes 8.0.2 and Notes 8.5, there is a Notes.ini parameter that can be used to control launching of Basic and Standard. Adding UseBasicNotes=1 to a Notes Standard install will launch Notes Basic instead. If the ini is not present or is set to UseBasicNotes=0, the Notes Standard client will run.

Start Notes Basic client There are two ways of launching Notes Basic client.
* Basic client is supported only on Windows platform.

1. notes.exe -sa
2. notes.exe -basic

There is no difference. The two parameters are equivalent.
E.g. on Windows # C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Notes\notes.exe -sa

Or "UseBasicNotes=1" parameter is in the notes.ini of a multi-user installation.
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