Greetings to All Members,
I need help to embed my apk in android firmware as a system App and it should not ask for any permission from user. Any help would be appreciated to this. I've seen that matasploit uses api-level <= 22 thats why apk does not ask for permission and grant all permission in android but after the API-Level: 23 and above they ask for permission, I can not compile my application in backward. How to bypass permission in Marshmallow and above.
I need help to embed my apk in android firmware as a system App and it should not ask for any permission from user. Any help would be appreciated to this. I've seen that matasploit uses api-level <= 22 thats why apk does not ask for permission and grant all permission in android but after the API-Level: 23 and above they ask for permission, I can not compile my application in backward. How to bypass permission in Marshmallow and above.