Проблема CVE-2018-4878

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Я же говорю, не работает
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &localip at CVE-2018-4878.cna:83
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &dialog at CVE-2018-4878.cna:88
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &dialog_description at CVE-2018-4878.cna:89
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &drow_text at CVE-2018-4878.cna:90
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &drow_text at CVE-2018-4878.cna:91
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &drow_text at CVE-2018-4878.cna:92
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &drow_listener_stage at CVE-2018-4878.cna:93
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &drow_checkbox at CVE-2018-4878.cna:94
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &dbutton_action at CVE-2018-4878.cna:95
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &dialog_show at CVE-2018-4878.cna:98

---- Добавлено позже ----

Запустилось(поставил новую версию), но сессия не прилитает
Последнее редактирование:
Я же говорю, не работает
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &localip at CVE-2018-4878.cna:83
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &dialog at CVE-2018-4878.cna:88
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &dialog_description at CVE-2018-4878.cna:89
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &drow_text at CVE-2018-4878.cna:90
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &drow_text at CVE-2018-4878.cna:91
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &drow_text at CVE-2018-4878.cna:92
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &drow_listener_stage at CVE-2018-4878.cna:93
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &drow_checkbox at CVE-2018-4878.cna:94
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &dbutton_action at CVE-2018-4878.cna:95
[08:27:50] Attempted to call non-existent function &dialog_show at CVE-2018-4878.cna:98

---- Добавлено позже ----

Запустилось(поставил новую версию), но сессия не прилитает
Сессия тоже не прилетает. Удалось решить проблему?
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