Декодировать Assistinfo агента

  • Автор темы Автор темы Omh
  • Дата начала Дата начала


Добрый день!

При считываении данных агента через API имеет место быть тип
wVersion As Integer '/* Structure version */
wTriggerType As Integer '/* Type of trigger */
wSearchType As Integer '/* Type of search */
wIntervalType As Integer '/* Type of interval */
wInterval As Integer '/* Interval */
dwTime11 As Integer '/* depends on interval type */
dwTime12 As Integer '/* depends on interval type */
dwTime21 As Integer '/* depends on interval type */
dwTime22 As Integer '/* depends on interval type */
StartTime(1) As Long '/* Agent does not run before this time */
EndTime(1) As Long '/* Agent does not run after this time */
dwFlags As Long
dwSpare(15) As Long
End Type

Меня интересует алгоритм декодинга след. параметров:
dwTime11 As Integer '/* depends on interval type */
dwTime12 As Integer '/* depends on interval type */
dwTime21 As Integer '/* depends on interval type */
dwTime22 As Integer '/* depends on interval type */

В них закодировано время Between Times.

Нету ли у кого этого алгоритма?
на абиэмовском форуме частенько это попадалось..

вот демо код, который по заверениям автора работает

Const wAPIModule = "NNOTES" ' Windows/32


Type AssistInfo

Version As Integer

TriggerType As Integer ' 0 none, 1 schedule, 2 new mail, 3 paste, 4 manual, 5 update, 6 router

SearchType As Integer ' 0 none, 1 all, 2 new, 3 new/mod, 4 selected, 5 view, 6 unread, 7 prompt, 8 UI

IntervalType As Integer ' 0 none, 1 minutes, 2 days, 3 weeks, 4 months

Interval As Integer

Time1 As Variant ' Start time (ms since midnight)

Time2 As Variant ' Long (weekday or day of month) or end time (ms since midnight)

StartTime As Variant ' Time/Date

EndTime As Variant ' Time/Date

Flags As Long ' 1 hidden, 2 no weekends, 4 store highlights, 8 mail/paste, 16 choose server

Spare(15) As Long

End Type

Type BlockID

hPool As Long

Block As Integer

End Type

Declare Function ConvertTIMEDATEToText Lib wAPIModule Alias "ConvertTIMEDATEToText" _

( Byval zI As Long, Byval zT As Long, Byval T As Long, Byval S As String, Byval nS As Integer, nT As Integer) As Integer

Declare Function ConvertTextToTIMEDATE Lib wAPIModule Alias "ConvertTextToTIMEDATE" _

( Byval zI As Long, Byval zT As Long, pS As Long, Byval nS As Integer, Byval T As Long) As Integer

Declare Private Function NIFFindDesignNote Lib wAPIModule Alias "NIFFindDesignNote" _

( Byval hDB As Long, Byval S As String, Byval C As Integer, N As Long) As Integer

Declare Private Function NSFDbOpen Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbOpen" _

( Byval PathName As String, DbHandle As Long) As Integer

Declare Private Function NSFDbClose Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbClose" _

( Byval DbHandle As Long) As Integer

Declare Private Function NSFNoteOpen Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFNoteOpen" _

( Byval hDB As Long, Byval NoteID As Long, Byval F As Integer, hNT As Long) As Integer

Declare Private Function NSFNoteClose Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFNoteClose" _

( Byval hNT As Long) As Integer

Declare Function NSFItemInfo Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFItemInfo" _

( Byval hNT As Long, Byval N As String, Byval nN As Integer _

, iB As BlockID, D As Integer, vB As BlockID, nV As Long) As Integer

Declare Private Function NSFNoteUpdate Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFNoteUpdate" _

( Byval hNT As Long, Byval F As Integer) As Integer

Declare Function NSFItemDelete Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFItemDelete" _

( Byval hNT As Long, Byval N As String, Byval nN As Integer) As Integer

Declare Private Function OSMemAlloc Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSMemAlloc" _

( Byval T As Integer, Byval N As Long, hM As Long) As Long

Declare Private Function OSMemFree Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSMemFree" _

( Byval hM As Long) As Long

Declare Private Function OSLockObject Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSLockObject" _

( Byval H As Long) As Long

Declare Private Sub OSUnlockObject Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSUnlockObject" _

( Byval H As Long)

Declare Private Function OSPathNetConstruct Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSPathNetConstruct" _

( Byval NullPort As Long, Byval Server As String, Byval FIle As String, Byval PathNet As String) As Integer

Declare Private Sub Peek Lib "MSVCRT" Alias "memcpy" _

( D As Any, Byval P As Long, Byval N As Long)

Declare Private Sub Poke Lib "MSVCRT" Alias "memcpy" _

( Byval D As Long, D As Any, Byval N As Long)

Declare Private Sub PokeString Lib "MSVCRT" Alias "memcpy" _

( Byval D As Long, Byval S As String, Byval N As Long)

Sub Click(Source As Button)

a$ = Inputbox$("Name of agent:", "Agent Info", "")

If a$ = "" Then Exit Sub

Dim session As New NotesSession

Dim info As AssistInfo

GetAssistInfo session.CurrentDatabase, a$, info

Messagebox "Version: " & Cstr(info.Version) _

& Chr$(10) & "TriggerType: " & Cstr(info.TriggerType) _

& Chr$(10) & "SearchType: " & Cstr(info.SearchType) _

& Chr$(10) & "IntervalType: " & Cstr(info.IntervalType) _

& Chr$(10) & "Interval: " & Cstr(info.Interval) _

& Chr$(10) & "Time1: " & Cstr(info.Time1) _

& Chr$(10) & "Time2: " & Cstr(info.Time2) _

& Chr$(10) & "StartTime: " & Cstr(info.StartTime) _

& Chr$(10) & "EndTime: " & Cstr(info.EndTime) _

& Chr$(10) & "Flags: " & Cstr(info.Flags)

End Sub

Sub GetAssistInfo(db As NotesDatabase, agent As String, info As AssistInfo)

np$ = Space(1024)

OSPathNetConstruct 0, db.Server, db.FilePath, np$

Dim hDB As Long

NSFDbOpen np$, hDB

If hDB = 0 Then

Messagebox "Can't open database", 16

Exit Sub

End If

pt& = Instr(agent, "|")

If pt& = 0 Then ti$ = Trim$(agent) Else ti$ = Trim$(Left$(agent, pt& - 1))

Dim nID As Long

NIFFindDesignNote hDB, ti$, NOTE_CLASS_FILTER, nID

If nID = 0 Then

Messagebox "Can't find agent " & ti$, 16

Exit Sub

End If

If Instr(db.GetDocumentByID(Hex$(nID)).~$Flags(0), "f") = 0 Then

Messagebox ti$ & " is not an agent", 16

Exit Sub

End If

Dim hNT As Long

NSFNoteOpen hDB, nID, 0, hNT

Dim iB As BlockID, vB As BlockID

NSFItemInfo hNT&, "$AssistInfo", 11, iB, dt%, vB, nv&

If Not vB.hPool = 0 Then

p& = OSLockObject(vB.hPool) + vB.Block

Peek info.Version, p& + 2, 2

Peek info.TriggerType, p& + 4, 2

Peek info.SearchType, p& + 6, 2

Peek info.IntervalType, p& + 8, 2

Peek info.Interval, p& + 10, 2

Peek v&, p& + 12, 4

If v& <= 31 Then info.Time1 = v& Else info.Time1 = Cdat(v&/100/60/60/24)

Peek v&, p& + 16, 4

If v& <= 31 Then info.Time2 = v& Else info.Time2 = Cdat(v&/100/60/60/24)

t$ = Space(81)

ConvertTIMEDATEToText 0, 0, p& + 20, t$, 80, nt%

If Not nt% = 0 Then info.StartTime = Cdat(Left$(t$, nt%))

t$ = Space(81)

ConvertTIMEDATEToText 0, 0, p& + 28, t$, 80, nt%

If Not nt% = 0 Then info.EndTime = Cdat(Left$(t$, nt%))

Peek info.Flags, p& + 36, 4

OSUnlockObject vB.hPool

End If

NSFNoteClose hNT

NSFDbClose hDB

End Sub

Sub SetAssistInfo(db As NotesDatabase, agent As String, info As AssistInfo)

np$ = Space(1024)

OSPathNetConstruct 0, db.Server, db.FilePath, np$

Dim hDB As Long

NSFDbOpen np$, hDB

If hDB = 0 Then

Messagebox "Can't open database", 16

Exit Sub

End If

pt& = Instr(agent, "|")

If pt& = 0 Then ti$ = Trim$(agent) Else ti$ = Trim$(Left$(agent, pt& - 1))

Dim nID As Long

NIFFindDesignNote hDB, ti$, NOTE_CLASS_FILTER, nID

If nID = 0 Then

Messagebox "Can't find agent " & ti$, 16

Exit Sub

End If

If Instr(db.GetDocumentByID(Hex$(nID)).~$Flags(0), "f") = 0 Then

Messagebox ti$ & " is not an agent", 16

Exit Sub

End If

Dim hNT As Long

NSFNoteOpen hDB, nID, 0, hNT

Dim iB As BlockID, vB As BlockID

NSFItemInfo hNT&, "$AssistInfo", 11, iB, dt%, vB, nv&

If Not vB.hPool = 0 Then

p& = OSLockObject(vB.hPool) + vB.Block

Poke p& + 2, info.Version, 2

Poke p& + 4, info.TriggerType, 2

Poke p& + 6, info.SearchType, 2

Poke p& + 8, info.IntervalType, 2

Poke p& + 10, info.Interval, 2

If Isdate(info.Time1) Then Poke p& + 12, Clng(Cdbl(info.Time1) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 100), 4 _

Else Poke p& + 12, Clng(info.Time1), 4

If Isdate(info.Time2) Then Poke p& + 16, Clng(Cdbl(info.Time2) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 100), 4 _

Else Poke p& + 16, Clng(info.Time2), 4

Dim hM As Long

OSMemAlloc 0, 81, hM

b& = OSLockObject(hM)

If Isdate(info.StartTime) Then

t$ = Cstr(info.StartTime) & Chr$(0)

PokeString b&, t$, Len(t$)

ConvertTextToTIMEDATE 0, 0, b&, 81, p& + 20


Poke p& + 20, 0&, 4

Poke p& + 24, 0&, 4

End If

If Isdate(info.EndTime) Then

t$ = Cstr(info.EndTime) & Chr$(0)

PokeString b&, t$, Len(t$)

ConvertTextToTIMEDATE 0, 0, b&, 81, p& + 28


Poke p& + 28, 0&, 4

Poke p& + 32, 0&, 4

End If

Poke p& + 36, info.Flags, 4

OSUnlockObject hM

OSMemFree hM

OSUnlockObject vB.hPool

End If

NSFNoteUpdate hNT, 0

NSFNoteClose hNT

NSFDbClose hDB

End Sub
Я уже почти разобрался.
Как я понимаю, этот код для R4, т.е. позже появились ещё пара членов.
Сделаю решение - выложу.
Вот 2 процедурки что кодяд время в integer'ы и обратно:
Sub TimeToInt(hrs As Long, mins As Long, int1 As Integer, int2 As Integer)
Dim longtime As Long
longtime = (hrs * 60 + mins) * 60 * 100
Dim tmp As Long
tmp = longtime Mod 65536
If tmp > 32767 Then int1 = tmp - 65536 Else int1 = tmp
int2 = longtime \ 65536
End Sub

Sub IntToTime(int1 As Integer, int2 As Integer, hrs As Long, mins As Long)
Dim longtime As Long
Dim tmp As Long
If int1 < 0 Then tmp = 65536 + int1
longtime = int2 * 65536 + tmp
mins = ((longtime) / 6000) Mod 60
hrs = ((longtime) / 6000) \ 60
End Sub

Оставим потомкам :)
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