Тетя Котя
Пошагово долго. Общими словами. Есть хак Welcome Panel. Он располагается по адресу www.ibplanet.com. Вот его нужно взять и сделать всё наоборот.
Вот его код.
Правда это от моего форума 1.2. Что касается вашего - то релиз от bestfilez.net я не смотрел. Но суть должна быть та же.
Пошагово долго. Общими словами. Есть хак Welcome Panel. Он располагается по адресу www.ibplanet.com. Вот его нужно взять и сделать всё наоборот.
Вот его код.
# Welcome Panel 2.2.1
# Written by: Daijoubu
# (Originally improved by Sno & coded by SirReal)
# Tested with: IPB v1.2
# ---------------------------------------------
# Displays a welcome panel with some user
# informations and forum stats at the top of
# your board
# ---------------------------------------------
# 2.2.1 Major tweakings
# - Removed top thread/post starter
# - Added user(s) active in the past x minutes/Most users ever online
# - 800x600 friendly
# - Small code refractoring/optimization
# 2.2 (Initial release for IPB 1.2)
# - Updated for 1.2 RC2
# - Added number formatting support
# - Today's/Since last visit posts/topics now check
# for forum permissions
# - Fixed slow queries problem :) no more slow down
# - Fews optimizations here and here...
/ Step 1: Open Skin/s#/skin_boards.php:
/ Where # = 1, 2, 3...
/ Note: Repeat this step if you have multiples
/ skins templates installed,
/ you'll have to edit every skin_board.php
/ FIND AND REMOVE: (Optional)
<br />
function PageTop($lastvisit) {
global $ibforums;
return <<<EOF
<div align='left' style='text-align:left;padding-bottom:4px'>
<!-- IBF.NEWSLINK -->{$ibforums->lang['welcome_back_text']} $lastvisit
function PageTop($lastvisit) {
global $ibforums;
return '
<div align="left" style="text-align:left;padding-bottom:4px">
<br />';
function WelcomePanel($data="") {
global $ibforums;
return '
<div class="tableborder">
<div class="maintitle" align="left"><{CAT_IMG}>Welcome Back, '.$ibforums->member['name'].'</div>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
<td class="row4" align="center">'.$data['avatar'].'</td>
<td class="row2" width="45%">It is now '.$data['time'].'<br />
Your last visit was on '.$data['lastv'].'<br />
Posts since your last visit: '.$data['posts_scince'].' '.$ibforums->lang['posts'].' in '.$data['topics_scince'].' topics<br /><br />
<a href="'.$ibforums->base_url.'act=Search&CODE=getnew">'.$ibforums->lang['new_posts'].'</a> | <a href="'.$ibforums->base_url.'act=Search&CODE=getactive">'.$ibforums->lang['sm_todays_posts'].'</a>
<td class="row4" width="55%">
Members: '.$data['stats']['MEM_COUNT'].' - '.$ibforums->lang['topics'].': '.$data['stats']['TOTAL_TOPICS'].' - Posts: '.$data['stats']['TOTAL_POSTS'].'<br />
Welcome to our newest member: <a href="'.$ibforums->base_url.'showuser='.$data['stats']['LAST_MEM_ID'].'">'.$data['stats']['LAST_MEM_NAME'].'</a><br />
'.$data['stats']['TOTAL'].' '.$ibforums->lang['active_users'].'<br />
function GuestPanel($data="") {
global $ibforums;
return '
<div class="tableborder">
<div class="maintitle" align="left"><{CAT_IMG}>Welcome Guest! Please <a href="'.$ibforums->base_url.'&act=Login&CODE=00">login</a> or <a href="'.$ibforums->base_url.'&act=Reg&CODE=00">register</a>!</div>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
<td class="row4"><img src="style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/noavatar.gif" border="0" alt="Guest avatar" /></td>
<td class="row2" width="100%">It is now '.$data['time'].'<br />
There has been '.$data['posts_scince'].' '.$ibforums->lang['posts'].' in '.$data['topics_scince'].' topics today!<br />
<a href="'.$ibforums->base_url.'act=Search&CODE=getactive">'.$ibforums->lang['sm_todays_posts'].'</a><br />
<td class="row4" align="right">
<form style="display:inline" action="'.$ibforums->base_url.'act=Login&CODE=01&CookieDate=1" method="post">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
<td><input type="text" class="textinput" size="20" name="UserName" onfocus="this.value=\'\'" value="'.$ibforums->lang['qli_name'].'" /></td>
<td><input type="password" class="textinput" size="20" name="PassWord" onfocus="this.value=\'\'" value="ibfrules!" /></td>
<div align="center"><input type="submit" class="forminput" value="Log me in" /></div>
/ Close Skin/s#/skin_boards.php & login to ACP:
/ -> Skins & Templates > Manage Skin Sets: HTML Templates > Template Tools:
/ "Resynchronise the database templates FROM the PHP skin files"
/ Run on every template sets you have edited in step 1
/ Step 2: Open sources/Boards.php
/ FIND AND REMOVE: (Optional)
// Display quick log in if we're not a member
if ($ibforums->member['id'] < 1)
$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.QUICK_LOG_IN-->" , $this->html->quick_log_in() , $this->output );
// Check for news forum.
if ($this->news_title and $this->news_topic_id and $this->news_forum_id)
$t_html = $this->html->newslink( $this->news_forum_id, stripslashes($this->news_title) , $this->news_topic_id);
$this->output = str_replace( "<!-- IBF.NEWSLINK -->" , "$t_html" , $this->output );
// Welcome Panel Mod
// Get the forums we're allowed to search in
$allow_forums = array();
$allow_forums[] = '0';
$DB->query('SELECT id, read_perms, password FROM ibf_forums');
while( $i = $DB->fetch_row() ) {
$pass = 1;
if ($i['password'] != '') {
if ( ! $c_pass = $std->my_getcookie('iBForum'.$i['id']) ) {
$pass = 0;
if ( $c_pass == $i['password'] ) {
$pass = 1;
} else {
$pass = 0;
if ($pass == 1) {
if ( $std->check_perms($i['read_perms']) == TRUE ) {
$allow_forums[] = $i['id'];
$allow_forums = implode( ',', $allow_forums );
if ($ibforums->vars['show_totals'])
$data['stats'] = $stats;
$DB->query('SELECT * FROM ibf_stats');
$data['stats'] = $DB->fetch_row();
// Update the most active count if needed
if ($active['TOTAL'] > $data['stats']['MOST_COUNT'])
$DB->query('UPDATE ibf_stats SET MOST_DATE='.time().', MOST_COUNT='.$active['TOTAL']);
$data['stats']['MOST_COUNT'] = $active['TOTAL'];
$data['stats']['MOST_DATE'] = time();
$ibforums->lang['most_online'] = str_replace( '<#NUM#>' , $data['stats']['MOST_COUNT'], $ibforums->lang['most_online'] );
$ibforums->lang['most_online'] = str_replace( '<#DATE#>', $std->get_date( $data['stats']['MOST_DATE'], 'LONG'), $ibforums->lang['most_online'] );
if (!$ibforums->vars['show_active'])
$DB->query('SELECT member_id FROM ibf_sessions WHERE running_time > '.(time() - $ibforums->vars['au_cutoff'] * 60));
$active['TOTAL'] = $DB->get_num_rows();
$ibforums->lang['active_users'] = sprintf( $ibforums->lang['active_users'], $ibforums->vars['au_cutoff'] );
$data['time'] = $std->get_date(time(), LONG);
if ($ibforums->member['id'])
$DB->query('SELECT avatar_size, avatar FROM ibf_members WHERE id='.$ibforums->member['id']);
$member = $DB->fetch_row();
// Get the number of posts and topics since the last visit.
if (! $ibforums->member['last_visit'] )
$ibforums->member['last_visit'] = time() - 3600;
$DB->query('SELECT COUNT(pid) as posts, COUNT(DISTINCT(topic_id)) as topics FROM ibf_posts WHERE post_date > '.$ibforums->member['last_visit'].' AND queued <> 1 AND forum_id IN('.$allow_forums.')');
$row = $DB->fetch_row();
$data['posts_scince'] = ($row['posts'] < 1) ? 0 : $row['posts'];
$data['topics_scince'] = ($row['topics'] < 1) ? 0 : $row['topics'];
$data['stats']['TOTAL'] = $active['TOTAL'];
$data['stats']['TOTAL_POSTS'] = $std->do_number_format($data['stats']['TOTAL_REPLIES'] + $data['stats']['TOTAL_TOPICS']);
$data['stats']['MEM_COUNT'] = $std->do_number_format($data['stats']['MEM_COUNT']);
$data['stats']['TOTAL_TOPICS'] = $std->do_number_format($data['stats']['TOTAL_TOPICS']);
//$data['stats']['TOTAL_REPLIES'] = $std->do_number_format($data['stats']['TOTAL_REPLIES']);
$data['lastv'] = $std->get_date($ibforums->member['last_visit'], 'LONG');
if (!$data['avatar'] = $std->get_avatar( $member['avatar'], 1, $member['avatar_size'] ))
$data['avatar'] = '<img src="'.$ibforums->vars['img_url'].'/noavatar.gif" />';
$t_html = $this->html->welcomepanel($data);
$date = getdate();
//$today = mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']);
$DB->query('SELECT COUNT(pid) as posts, COUNT(DISTINCT(topic_id)) as topics FROM ibf_posts WHERE post_date > '.mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']).' AND queued <> 1 AND forum_id IN('.$allow_forums.')');
$row = $DB->fetch_row();
$data['posts_scince'] = ($row['posts'] < 1) ? 0 : $row['posts'];
$data['topics_scince'] = ($row['topics'] < 1) ? 0 : $row['topics'];
$t_html = $this->html->guestpanel($data);
$this->output = str_replace( '<!-- WELCOMEPANEL -->', $t_html, $this->output );
// EOM
/ Close sources/Boards.php & upload
/ ALL DONE !!!
Правда это от моего форума 1.2. Что касается вашего - то релиз от bestfilez.net я не смотрел. Но суть должна быть та же.