Инфа -
Ядро: Linux kali 3.10.49NetHunter_Kernel #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 9 12:12:00 CEST 2016 armv7l
HID status: /dev/hidg0 /dev/hidg1
Прошивка: CyanogenMod 13.0-20160504-UNOFFICIAL-a5ultexx
Телефон: Samsung Galaxy A5 SM-A500F
При попытке провести атаку пишет следующее - Hid interfaces are not enabled or something wrong with permission of /dev/hidg*, make sure they are enabled and permissions are granted as 666
Ядро: Linux kali 3.10.49NetHunter_Kernel #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 9 12:12:00 CEST 2016 armv7l
HID status: /dev/hidg0 /dev/hidg1
Прошивка: CyanogenMod 13.0-20160504-UNOFFICIAL-a5ultexx
Телефон: Samsung Galaxy A5 SM-A500F
При попытке провести атаку пишет следующее - Hid interfaces are not enabled or something wrong with permission of /dev/hidg*, make sure they are enabled and permissions are granted as 666