rogram version: 3.0.5
Operating system: Linux
Operating system name: Kali Linux
Operating system version: Rolling release
Kernel version: 5.10.0
Hardware platform: x86_64
Plugin: pam
- Plugin: systemd
[+] Boot and services
- Service Manager [ systemd ]
- Checking UEFI boot [ ВКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- Checking Secure Boot [ ОТКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- Checking presence GRUB2 [ Найдено ]
- Checking for password protection [ Отсутствует ]
- Check running services (systemctl) [ Завершено ]
Result: found 20 running services
- Check enabled services at boot (systemctl) [ Завершено ]
Result: found 17 enabled services
- Check startup files (permissions) [ ОК ]
- Running 'systemd-analyze security'
- ModemManager.service: [ MEDIUM ]
- NetworkManager.service: [ EXPOSED ]
- accounts-daemon.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- colord.service: [ EXPOSED ]
- cron.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- dbus.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- emergency.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- gdm.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- getty@tty1.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- haveged.service: [ PROTECTED ]
- iio-sensor-proxy.service: [ EXPOSED ]
- inetutils-inetd.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- mlocate.service: [ EXPOSED ]
- packagekit.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- plymouth-start.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- polkit.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- rc-local.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- rescue.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- rpc-gssd.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- rpc-svcgssd.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- rsync.service: [ EXPOSED ]
- rsyslog.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- rtkit-daemon.service: [ MEDIUM ]
- smartmontools.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- systemd-ask-password-console.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- systemd-ask-password-plymouth.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- systemd-ask-password-wall.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- systemd-fsckd.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- systemd-initctl.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- systemd-journald.service: [ PROTECTED ]
- systemd-logind.service: [ PROTECTED ]
- systemd-networkd.service: [ PROTECTED ]
- systemd-rfkill.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- systemd-udevd.service: [ EXPOSED ]
- udisks2.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- upower.service: [ PROTECTED ]
- user@1000.service: [ UNSAFE ]
- wpa_supplicant.service: [ UNSAFE ]
[+] Kernel
- Checking default run level [ RUNLEVEL 5 ]
- Checking CPU support (NX/PAE)
CPU support: PAE and/or NoeXecute supported [ Найдено ]
- Checking kernel version and release [ Завершено ]
- Checking kernel type [ Завершено ]
- Checking loaded kernel modules [ Завершено ]
Found 135 active modules
- Checking Linux kernel configuration file [ Найдено ]
- Checking default I/O kernel scheduler [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking for available kernel update [ ОК ]
- Checking core dumps configuration
- configuration in systemd conf files [ DEFAULT ]
- configuration in etc/profile [ DEFAULT ]
- 'hard' configuration in security/limits.conf [ DEFAULT ]
- 'soft' configuration in security/limits.conf [ DEFAULT ]
- Checking setuid core dumps configuration [ ОТКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- Check if reboot is needed [ НЕТ ]
[+] Память и процессы
- Checking /proc/meminfo [ Найдено ]
- Searching for dead/zombie processes [ Найдено ]
- Searching for IO waiting processes [ Найдено ]
- Search prelink tooling [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
[+] Users, Groups and Authentication
- Administrator accounts [ ОК ]
- Unique UIDs [ ОК ]
- Consistency of group files (grpck) [ ОК ]
- Unique group IDs [ ОК ]
- Unique group names [ ОК ]
- Password file consistency [ ОК ]
- Password hashing methods [ ОК ]
- Checking password hashing rounds [ ОТКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- Query system users (non daemons) [ Завершено ]
- NIS+ authentication support [ NOT ENABLED ]
- NIS authentication support [ NOT ENABLED ]
- Sudoers file(s) [ Найдено ]
- Permissions for directory: /etc/sudoers.d [ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ ]
- Permissions for: /etc/sudoers [ ОК ]
- Permissions for: /etc/sudoers.d/kali-grant-root [ ОК ]
- Permissions for: /etc/sudoers.d/README [ ОК ]
- PAM password strength tools [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
- PAM configuration files (pam.conf) [ Найдено ]
- PAM configuration files (pam.d) [ Найдено ]
- PAM modules [ Найдено ]
- LDAP module in PAM [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Accounts without expire date [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
- Accounts without password [ ОК ]
- Locked accounts [ ОК ]
- Checking user password aging (minimum) [ ОТКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- User password aging (maximum) [ ОТКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- Checking expired passwords [ ОК ]
- Checking Linux single user mode authentication [ ОК ]
- Determining default umask
- umask (/etc/profile) [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- umask (/etc/login.defs) [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
- LDAP authentication support [ NOT ENABLED ]
- Logging failed login attempts [ ВКЛЮЧЕНО ]
[+] Shells
- Checking shells from /etc/shells
Result: found 13 shells (valid shells: 13).
- Session timeout settings/tools [ Отсутствует ]
- Checking default umask values
- Checking default umask in /etc/bash.bashrc [ Отсутствует ]
- Checking default umask in /etc/profile [ Отсутствует ]
[+] File systems
- Checking mount points
- Checking /home mount point [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
- Checking /tmp mount point [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
- Checking /var mount point [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
- Query swap partitions (fstab) [ ОК ]
- Testing swap partitions [ ОК ]
- Testing /proc mount (hidepid) [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
- Checking for old files in /tmp [ ОК ]
- Checking /tmp sticky bit [ ОК ]
- Checking /var/tmp sticky bit [ ОК ]
- ACL support root file system [ ВКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- Mount options of / [ NON DEFAULT ]
- Mount options of /dev [ PARTIALLY HARDENED ]
- Mount options of /dev/shm [ PARTIALLY HARDENED ]
- Mount options of /run [ HARDENED ]
- Total without nodev:7 noexec:9 nosuid:5 ro or noexec (W^X): 9 of total 25
- Checking Locate database [ Найдено ]
- Disable kernel support of some filesystems
[+] USB Devices
- Checking usb-storage driver (modprobe config) [ NOT DISABLED ]
- Checking USB devices authorization [ ВКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- Checking USBGuard [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
[+] Storage
- Checking firewire ohci driver (modprobe config) [ NOT DISABLED ]
[+] NFS
- Query rpc registered programs [ Завершено ]
- Query NFS versions [ Завершено ]
- Query NFS protocols [ Завершено ]
- Check running NFS daemon [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
[+] Name services
- Searching DNS domain name [ НЕИЗВЕСТНО ]
- Checking /etc/hosts
- Duplicate entries in hosts file [ Отсутствует ]
- Presence of configured hostname in /etc/hosts [ Найдено ]
- Hostname mapped to localhost [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Localhost mapping to IP address [ ОК ]
[+] Ports and packages
- Searching package managers
- Searching dpkg package manager [ Найдено ]
- Querying package manager
- Query unpurged packages [ Найдено ]
- Checking APT package database [ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ ]
- Checking vulnerable packages (apt-get only) [ Завершено ]
- Checking upgradeable packages [ ПРОПУЩЕНО ]
- Checking package audit tool [ INSTALLED ]
Found: apt-get
- Toolkit for automatic upgrades (unattended-upgrade) [ Найдено ]
[+] Networking
- Checking IPv6 configuration [ ВКЛЮЧЕНО ]
Configuration method [ AUTO ]
IPv6 only [ НЕТ ]
- Checking configured nameservers
- Testing nameservers
Nameserver: [ ОК ]
Nameserver: [ ОК ]
Nameserver: [ ОК ]
- Minimal of 2 responsive nameservers [ ОК ]
- DNSSEC supported (systemd-resolved) [ НЕИЗВЕСТНО ]
- Checking default gateway [ Завершено ]
- Getting listening ports (TCP/UDP) [ ПРОПУЩЕНО ]
- Checking promiscuous interfaces [ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ ]
- Checking waiting connections [ ОК ]
- Checking status DHCP client
- Checking for ARP monitoring software [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Uncommon network protocols [ 0 ]
[+] Printers and Spools
- Checking cups daemon [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking lp daemon [ НЕ ЗАПУЩЕНО ]
[+] Software: e-mail and messaging
[+] Software: firewalls
- Checking iptables kernel module [ Найдено ]
- Checking iptables policies of chains [ Найдено ]
- Checking for empty ruleset [ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ ]
- Checking for unused rules [ ОК ]
- Checking host based firewall [ ACTIVE ]
[+] Software: webserver
- Checking Apache (binary /usr/sbin/apache2) [ Найдено ]
Info: Configuration file found (/etc/apache2/apache2.conf)
Info: No virtual hosts found
* Loadable modules [ Найдено (119) ]
- Found 119 loadable modules
mod_evasive: anti-DoS/brute force [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
mod_reqtimeout/mod_qos [ Найдено ]
ModSecurity: web application firewall [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking nginx [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
[+] SSH Support
- Checking running SSH daemon [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
[+] SNMP Support
- Checking running SNMP daemon [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
[+] Databases
No database engines found
[+] LDAP Services
- Checking OpenLDAP instance [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
[+] PHP
- Checking PHP [ Найдено ]
- Checking PHP disabled functions [ Найдено ]
- Checking expose_php option [ Выключено ]
- Checking enable_dl option [ Выключено ]
- Checking allow_url_fopen option [ Включено ]
- Checking allow_url_include option [ Выключено ]
- Checking listen option [ ОК ]
[+] Squid Support
- Checking running Squid daemon [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
[+] Logging and files
- Checking for a running log daemon [ ОК ]
- Checking Syslog-NG status [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking systemd journal status [ Найдено ]
- Checking Metalog status [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking RSyslog status [ Найдено ]
- Checking RFC 3195 daemon status [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking minilogd instances [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking logrotate presence [ ОК ]
- Checking remote logging [ NOT ENABLED ]
- Checking log directories (static list) [ Завершено ]
- Checking open log files [ Завершено ]
- Checking deleted files in use [ FILES FOUND ]
[+] Insecure services
- Installed inetd package [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking enabled inetd services [ ОК ]
- Installed xinetd package [ ОК ]
- xinetd status
- Installed rsh client package [ ОК ]
- Installed rsh server package [ ОК ]
- Installed telnet client package [ ОК ]
- Installed telnet server package [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking NIS client installation [ ОК ]
- Checking NIS server installation [ ОК ]
- Checking TFTP client installation [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
- Checking TFTP server installation [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
[+] Banners and identification
- /etc/issue [ Найдено ]
- /etc/issue contents [ WEAK ]
- /etc/ [ Найдено ]
- /etc/ contents [ WEAK ]
[+] Scheduled tasks
- Checking crontab and cronjob files [ Завершено ]
[+] Accounting
- Checking accounting information [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking sysstat accounting data [ ОТКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- Checking auditd [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
[+] Time and Synchronization
- Checking for a running NTP daemon or client [ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ ]
[+] Cryptography
- Checking for expired SSL certificates [0/134] [ Отсутствует ]
[WARNING]: Test CRYP-7902 had a long execution: 27.734958 seconds
- Found 0 encrypted and 1 unencrypted swap devices in use. [ OK ]
- Kernel entropy is sufficient [ ДА ]
- HW RNG & rngd [ НЕТ ]
- SW prng [ ДА ]
MOR-bit set [ НЕТ ]
[+] Virtualization
[+] Containers
[+] Security frameworks
- Checking presence AppArmor [ Найдено ]
- Checking AppArmor status [ ОТКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- Checking presence SELinux [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking presence TOMOYO Linux [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking presence grsecurity [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking for implemented MAC framework [ Отсутствует ]
[+] Software: file integrity
- Checking file integrity tools
- dm-integrity (status) [ ОТКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- dm-verity (status) [ ОТКЛЮЧЕНО ]
- Checking presence integrity tool [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
[+] Software: System tooling
- Checking automation tooling
- Automation tooling [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Checking for IDS/IPS tooling [ Отсутствует ]
[+] Вредоносное ПО
[+] File Permissions
- Starting file permissions check
File: /boot/grub/grub.cfg [ ОК ]
File: /etc/crontab [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
File: /etc/group [ ОК ]
File: /etc/group- [ ОК ]
File: /etc/hosts.allow [ ОК ]
File: /etc/hosts.deny [ ОК ]
File: /etc/issue [ ОК ]
File: /etc/ [ ОК ]
File: /etc/motd [ ОК ]
File: /etc/passwd [ ОК ]
File: /etc/passwd- [ ОК ]
File: /etc/ssh/sshd_config [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
Directory: /etc/cron.d [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
Directory: /etc/cron.daily [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
Directory: /etc/cron.hourly [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
Directory: /etc/cron.weekly [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
Directory: /etc/cron.monthly [ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ ]
[+] Home directories
- Permissions of home directories [ ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ ]
- Ownership of home directories [ ОК ]
- Checking shell history files [ ОК ]
[+] Kernel Hardening
- Comparing sysctl key pairs with scan profile
- dev.tty.ldisc_autoload (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ]
- fs.protected_fifos (exp: 2) [ DIFFERENT ]
- fs.protected_hardlinks (exp: 1) [ ОК ]
- fs.protected_regular (exp: 2) [ ОК ]
- fs.protected_symlinks (exp: 1) [ ОК ]
- fs.suid_dumpable (exp: 0) [ ОК ]
- kernel.core_uses_pid (exp: 1) [ DIFFERENT ]
- kernel.ctrl-alt-del (exp: 0) [ ОК ]
- kernel.dmesg_restrict (exp: 1) [ ОК ]
- kernel.kptr_restrict (exp: 2) [ DIFFERENT ]
- kernel.modules_disabled (exp: 1) [ DIFFERENT ]
- kernel.perf_event_paranoid (exp: 3) [ ОК ]
- kernel.randomize_va_space (exp: 2) [ ОК ]
- kernel.sysrq (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ]
- kernel.unprivileged_bpf_disabled (exp: 1) [ DIFFERENT ]
- kernel.yama.ptrace_scope (exp: 1 2 3) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.core.bpf_jit_harden (exp: 2) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route (exp: 0) [ ОК ]
- net.ipv4.conf.all.bootp_relay (exp: 0) [ ОК ]
- net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding (exp: 0) [ ОК ]
- net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians (exp: 1) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.ipv4.conf.all.mc_forwarding (exp: 0) [ ОК ]
- net.ipv4.conf.all.proxy_arp (exp: 0) [ ОК ]
- net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter (exp: 1) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_redirects (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.ipv4.conf.default.log_martians (exp: 1) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts (exp: 1) [ ОК ]
- net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses (exp: 1) [ ОК ]
- net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies (exp: 1) [ ОК ]
- net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps (exp: 0 1) [ ОК ]
- net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route (exp: 0) [ ОК ]
- net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_redirects (exp: 0) [ DIFFERENT ]
- net.ipv6.conf.default.accept_source_route (exp: 0) [ ОК ]
[+] Hardening
- Installed compiler(s) [ Найдено ]
- Installed malware scanner [ НЕ НАЙДЕНО ]
- Non-native binary formats [ Найдено ]
[+] Пользовательские тесты
- Running custom tests... [ Отсутствует ]
[+] Plugins (Стадия 2)
- Plugins (phase 2) [ Завершено ]
-[ Lynis 3.0.5 Results ]-
Warnings (3):
! apt-get check returned a non successful exit code. [PKGS-7390]
Lynis control : - CISOfy
! Found promiscuous interface [NETW-3015]
- Solution : Determine if this mode is required or whitelist interface in profile
Lynis control NETW-3015: Promiscuous network interface (Linux) - CISOfy
! iptables module(s) loaded, but no rules active [FIRE-4512]
Lynis control FIRE-4512: Empty iptables ruleset - CISOfy