Нужна помощ на Visual c++ 6

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;) Подскажите пожалуйста как сделать чтобы прога записывала себя в реестр??


Подскажите пожалуйста как сделать чтобы прога записывала себя в реестр??


// QueryKey - enumerates the subkeys of a given key and the associated 
//  values and then copies the information about the keys and values 
//  into a pair of edit controls and list boxes. 
// hDlg - dialog box that contains the edit controls and list boxes 
// hKey - key whose subkeys and values are to be enumerated 

VOID QueryKey(HWND hDlg, HANDLE hKey) 
 CHAR   achKey[MAX_PATH]; 
 CHAR   achClass[MAX_PATH] = ""; // buffer for class name 
 DWORD  cchClassName = MAX_PATH; // length of class string 
 DWORD  cSubKeys;         // number of subkeys 
 DWORD  cbMaxSubKey;       // longest subkey size 
 DWORD  cchMaxClass;       // longest class string 
 DWORD  cValues;       // number of values for key 
 DWORD  cchMaxValue;     // longest value name 
 DWORD  cbMaxValueData;    // longest value data 
 DWORD  cbSecurityDescriptor; // size of security descriptor 
 FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;   // last write time 

 DWORD i, j; 
 DWORD retCode, retValue; 

 CHAR achBuff[80]; 

 // Get the class name and the value count. 
 RegQueryInfoKey(hKey,    // key handle 
   achClass,        // buffer for class name 
   &cchClassName,      // length of class string 
   NULL,          // reserved 
   &cSubKeys,        // number of subkeys 
   &cbMaxSubKey,      // longest subkey size 
   &cchMaxClass,      // longest class string 
   &cValues,        // number of values for this key 
   &cchMaxValue,      // longest value name 
   &cbMaxValueData,     // longest value data 
   &cbSecurityDescriptor,  // security descriptor 
   &ftLastWriteTime);    // last write time 

 SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDE_CLASS, achClass); 
 SetDlgItemInt(hDlg, IDE_CVALUES, cValues, FALSE); 

 SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDL_LISTBOX), 
   LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG) ".."); 

 // Enumerate the child keys, looping until RegEnumKey fails. Then 
 // get the name of each child key and copy it into the list box. 

 SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); 
 for (i = 0, retCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; 
     retCode == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) 
   retCode = RegEnumKey(hKey, i, achKey, MAX_PATH); 
   if (retCode == (DWORD)ERROR_SUCCESS) 
     SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDL_LISTBOX), 
       LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG) achKey); 
 SetCursor(LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW)); 

 // Enumerate the key values. 
 SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); 

 if (cValues) 
   for (j = 0, retValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; 
       j < cValues; j++) 
     cchValue = MAX_VALUE_NAME; 
     achValue[0] = '\0'; 
     retValue = RegEnumValue(hKey, j, achValue, 
       NULL,  // &dwType, 
       NULL,  // &bData, 
       NULL);  // &bcData 

     if (retValue != (DWORD) ERROR_SUCCESS && 
         retValue != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) 
       wsprintf (achBuff, 
         "Line:%d 0 based index = %d, retValue = %d, " 
          "ValueLen = %d", 
          __LINE__, j, retValue, cchValue); 
       MessageBox (hDlg, achBuff, "Debug", MB_OK); 

     achBuff[0] = '\0'; 

     // Add each value to a list box. 
     if (!lstrlen(achValue)) 
       lstrcpy(achValue, "<NO NAME>"); 
     wsprintf(achBuff, "%d) %s ", j, achValue); 
       LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG) achBuff); 

 SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); 

Из мсдн


А можно что ни-будь по проще?(А то я же начинающий)


есть способ лучше и проще (но только если вы используете MFC)...
во-первых в функции
ASSERT( m_pszRegistryKey != NULL );

if( m_pszProfileName != NULL )
free( (void*)m_pszProfileName );
m_pszProfileName = _tcsdup( _T("MyProgrammName") );
ASSERT( m_pszProfileName != NULL );


Если вы работаете с MFC, то есть способ проще…
Во-первых в функции InitInstance(), класса производного от CWinApp необходимо добавить следующее:

ASSERT( m_pszRegistryKey != NULL );

if( m_pszProfileName != NULL )
free( (void*)m_pszProfileName );
m_pszProfileName = _tcsdup( _T("MyProgrammName") );
ASSERT( m_pszProfileName != NULL );

Вся информация записывается в:

Пример для вызова будет такой:
Или для чтения:
INT mPortNumber = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileInt(“SerialPortSettings”,”PortNumber”,mDefaultValue);
Если такого ключа в реестре нет то, функция вернет mDefaultValue.

А затем, где вам это необходимо воспользоваться следующими функциями:
BOOL WriteProfileBinary(
LPCTSTR lpszSection,
LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
UINT nBytes
Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the section containing the entry. If the section does not exist, it is created. The name of the section is case independent; the string may be any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Points to a null-terminated string that contains the entry into which the value is to be written. If the entry does not exist in the specified section, it is created.
Points to the data to be written.
Contains the number of bytes to be written.
Return Value
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
BOOL WriteProfileInt(
LPCTSTR lpszSection,
LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
int nValue
Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the section containing the entry. If the section does not exist, it is created. The name of the section is case independent; the string may be any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Points to a null-terminated string that contains the entry into which the value is to be written. If the entry does not exist in the specified section, it is created.
Contains the value to be written.
Return Value
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
BOOL WriteProfileString(
LPCTSTR lpszSection,
LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
LPCTSTR lpszValue
Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the section containing the entry. If the section does not exist, it is created. The name of the section is case independent; the string may be any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Points to a null-terminated string that contains the entry into which the value is to be written. If the entry does not exist in the specified section, it is created.
Points to the string to be written. If this parameter is NULL, the entry specified by the lpszEntry parameter is deleted.
Return Value
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
Соответственно для чтения существуют следующие функции:
CString GetProfileString(
LPCTSTR lpszSection,
LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
LPCTSTR lpszDefault = NULL
UINT GetProfileInt(
LPCTSTR lpszSection,
LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
int nDefault
BOOL GetProfileBinary(
LPCTSTR lpszSection,
LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
LPBYTE* ppData,
UINT* pBytes
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