Статья Пакуем Python в EXE

Всем известно что питон это интерпретируемый, а не компилируемый язык . И в первую очередь рассчитан для работы в командной строке. Тем не менее, существует много вариантов оформления кода в GUI при необходимости. Но сегодня речь пойдёт об упаковке программы в EXE.

Зачем вообще это надо? Да по сути и не надо в большинстве случаев. Но бывает, что вы написали или скопировали какую-нибудь интересную тулзу, и хотите с ней поделиться. Конечно, если у того, кому вы отправляете прогу есть Python, то проблем нет. А бывает, что человек не шарит совсем в кодинге, и как пользователь тоже не имеет установленного питона нужной версии.

Вот тогда и выручает упаковка файла или файлов в EXE. Такой файл будет запускаться и работать по клику мышки, всё очень просто.

Для сборки файлов в экзешник есть разные приложения. Я рассмотрю самый простой, без всяких заморочек, с которым разберётся любой новичок.

Скачиваем прогу
Распаковываем архив. Внутри папки будет конвертер, запускающийся по клику мышки.

Так, нам понадобится подопытный. Для этого я сотряпал простой текстовый редактор, который открывает файл, и после редактирования сохраняет его. Ну или просто в окне можно что-то написать и сохранить.

Код редактора:

# -*- coding:utf -8 -*-
__version__ = 'Version:1.0'
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog as fd

root = Tk()
root.title("Textedit  " +str(__version__))
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
calculated_text = Text(root,height=15, width=50)

def insertText():
    file_name = fd.askopenfilename()
    f = open(file_name)
    s = f.read()
    calculated_text.insert(1.0, s)

def extractText():
    file_name = fd.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=(("TXT files", "*.txt"),
                                        ("HTML files", "*.html;*.htm"),
                                                ("All files", "*.*") ))
    f = open(file_name, 'w')
    s = calculated_text.get(1.0, END)
def erase():  
    calculated_text.delete('1.0', END)
b1 = Button(text="Открыть",command=insertText)
b1.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=E, padx=5, pady=8,)
b2 = Button(text="Сохранить", command=extractText)
b2.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=E, padx=5, pady=8,)
erase_button = Button(text="Очистить", command=erase)
erase_button.grid(row=3, column=2, padx=35, pady=8, sticky="W")

scrollb = Scrollbar(root, command=calculated_text.yview)
scrollb.grid(row=4, column=4, sticky='nsew')
calculated_text.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky='nsew', columnspan=3)


Запускаем прогу, так она выглядит

Выставляем следующие настройки -windowed чтобы прога запускалась без консоли, название выходного файла, onefile чтобы сборка была в один файл, noupx уже стоит по умолчанию ибо сжатие не всегда прокатывает. Ну и собственно выбираете нужный файл питоновский, который будете упаковывать. Также есть возможность выбрать иконку для exe-шника, поддерживается только ICO.

Вот что получилось

Жмём Build, прога чуток поколдует, выдаст нам сообщение об успешной сборке.

После этого в папке с конвертором появятся 2 папки

В папке dist и будет лежать наш готовый дистрибутив в формате EXE. Переместите его куда угодно, а потом обе эти папки можно смело удалять. Теперь проверяем работоспособность выходного файла, кликнув на него.

Алиллуйя, работает! :)

P.S. Редактор писался второпях, там есть косячок - при сохранении файла, расширение само не ставится, нужно вручную писать. Если кто поправит, буду признателен. Мне уже некогда, уезжаю отдыхать на 2 недели сейчас, так что на форуме меня не будет это время.
Последнее редактирование:
Полностью согласен. В архиве нету exe. И как же тогда запустить компилятор?
Я в архив EXE не ложил, только исходники. Специально сейчас залил экзешник открытки, если надо
  • Нравится
Реакции: Сергей Попов
Да, не работает, потому что у меня питон 3.8 стоит... Если прям сильно нужно будет, то перейду на более низкую версию, спасибо за помощь
Я скачал архив, но что запускать, не понял... Вот, что в архиве
, и что здесь запускать? Никакой программы нет
И он у меня откроется блокнотом... Это есть программа?
Да, это и есть программа.
Как по мне тебе надо подучить как выполняються программы.
Python - это интерпретируемый язык, код программы в обычном тексте, при выполнении он конвертируеться в байт код, затем выполняеться в виртуальной машине Python (PVM).
Нет, ты объясни. Вот я скачал архив, распаковал. Открыл блокнотом (ты ж говоришь, что так и надо) этот скрипт. И всё, типа у меня появился exeшник? А если серьёзно, что мне делать? Вот я скачал, распаковал. И далее?.. Что мне запускать? Какую программу, если её там нет?
Я скачал архив, но что запускать, не понял... Вот, что в архивеПосмотреть вложение 35633, и что здесь запускать? Никакой программы нет
Программа называется PyInstaller.py, а чтобы она запустилась, должен быть установлен в системе
Я поставил, и дальше что? Он всё так же открывается блокнотом, как запустить?
Печально, не находите? Если вы даже не знаете такие элементарные вещи как запускать программы, то проблемы впереди будут на каждом шагу. Можно было даже банально обратиться к Гуглу с вопросом - Как запустить скрипт на питоне? Для сведения - программы написанные на разных языках, запускаются по разному. Далеко не всегда это файлик exe, по которому нужно просто щёлкнуть мышкой :-) Например скрипты на php, ruby, python и других языках, запускаются с консоли.

Любую программу на писанную на языке Python (имеет расширение py), запускать нужно следующим образом:
python patch to dir/script.py либо сначала перейти в директорию со скриптом и вызвать уже оттуда python script.py
Я просот по жизни тупой) Спасибо
Не, не нужно так про себя. А нужно просто изучать самые простые вещи самостоятельно. Никто в одночасье не становится продвинутым в каком-либо вопросе. Это дело времени и учёбы. Однако есть базовые вещи, которые следует хотя бы поверхностно знать. Тогда многих вопросов возникать не будет )
И я ещё раз не понимаю... Что сделать надо? Запустить cmd.exe, так? Запустил и ввёл "python patch to E/PyInstallerGUI-master/PyInstallerGUI.py". Правильно? Но выдаёт ошибку. Объясни пожалуйста подробно, я тупой)
И я ещё раз не понимаю... Что сделать надо? Запустить cmd.exe, так? Запустил и ввёл "python patch to E/PyInstallerGUI-master/PyInstallerGUI.py". Правильно? Но выдаёт ошибку. Объясни пожалуйста подробно, я тупой)
Ммм... patch to dir это путь до файла, писать это НЕ нужно. Пример:


И в Windows пути пишутся с обратным слэшем )
Приветствую всех!
Не получается собрать в рабочий EXE утилиту MAR.
Установил виндовую версию python-2.7.17.amd64.msi. В 3 версии не смог разобраться, чего не хватает, чтобы хотябы установить (установил его на 2.7).
MAR (как пакет питона) работает:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
(c) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corp.), 2009. Все права защищены.

4:02:59 <D:\tmp>
$ mar
usage: Utility for managing MAR files [-h] [-c MARFILE] [-V PRODUCTVERSION]
[-T MARFILE] [-v MARFILE] [-j] [-J]
[--auto] [-k KEYFILES] [-C CHDIR]
[--verbose] [--version]
[--hash {sha1,sha384}] [--asn1]
[--add-signature input output signature]
Utility for managing MAR files: error: Must specify something to do (one of -c, -x, -t, -T, -v, --ha
sh, --add-signature)
Пробовал собирать в EXE через pyinstaller (cli.py из папки src\mardor):
pyinstaller --onefile -c -a -y --clean cli.py --debug all
На выходе cli.exe, который не работает. В консоль (из-за --debug опции) пишет:
[256] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x
[256] LOADER: executable is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[256] LOADER: homepath is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist
[256] LOADER: archivename is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[256] LOADER: Extracting binaries
[256] LOADER: Executing self as child
[256] LOADER: set _MEIPASS2 to D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[256] LOADER: Setting up to run child
[256] LOADER: Creating child process
[256] LOADER: Waiting for child process to finish...
[1224] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x
[1224] LOADER: executable is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[1224] LOADER: homepath is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist
[1224] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[1224] LOADER: archivename is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[1224] LOADER: SetDllDirectory(D:\TEMP\_MEI2562)
[1224] LOADER: Already in the child - running user's code.
[1224] LOADER: manifestpath: D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cli.exe.manifest
[1224] LOADER: Activation context created
[1224] LOADER: Activation context activated
[1224] LOADER: Python library: D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\python27.dll
[1224] LOADER: Loaded functions from Python library.
[1224] LOADER: Manipulating environment (sys.path, sys.prefix)
[1224] LOADER: sys.prefix is D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[1224] LOADER: Setting runtime options
[1224] LOADER: Bootloader option: pyi-windows-manifest-filename cli.exe.manifest
[1224] LOADER: Runtime option: v
[1224] LOADER: Initializing python
[1224] LOADER: Overriding Python's sys.path
[1224] LOADER: Post-init sys.path is D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[1224] LOADER: Setting sys.argv
[1224] LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS
[1224] LOADER: importing modules from CArchive
[1224] LOADER: extracted struct
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: extracted pyimod01_os_path
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: extracted pyimod02_archive
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: extracted pyimod03_importers
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: Installing PYZ archive with Python modules.
[1224] LOADER: PYZ archive: PYZ-00.pyz
[1224] LOADER: Running pyiboot01_bootstrap.py
[1224] LOADER: Running pyi_rth__tkinter.py
[1224] LOADER: Running cli.py
# installing zipimport hook
import zipimport # builtin
# installed zipimport hook
import marshal # builtin
import _struct # builtin
import nt # builtin
import zlib # builtin
import thread # builtin
import imp # builtin
# PyInstaller: FrozenImporter(D:\tmp\Coding\Python\BUILD-~1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe?10731697)
# os not found in PYZ
import os # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\os.pyc
import errno # builtin
# ntpath not found in PYZ
import ntpath # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ntpath.pyc
# stat not found in PYZ
import stat # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\stat.pyc
# genericpath not found in PYZ
import genericpath # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\genericpath.pyc
# warnings not found in PYZ
import warnings # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\warnings.pyc
# linecache not found in PYZ
import linecache # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\linecache.pyc
# types not found in PYZ
import types # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\types.pyc
# UserDict not found in PYZ
import UserDict # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\UserDict.pyc
# _abcoll not found in PYZ
import _abcoll # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_abcoll.pyc
# abc not found in PYZ
import abc # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\abc.pyc
# _weakrefset not found in PYZ
import _weakrefset # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_weakrefset.pyc
import _weakref # builtin
# copy_reg not found in PYZ
import copy_reg # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\copy_reg.pyc
# encodings not found in PYZ
import encodings # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\encodings
import encodings # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\encodings\__init__.pyc
# encodings.codecs not found in PYZ
# encodings not found in PYZ
# codecs not found in PYZ
import codecs # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\codecs.pyc
import _codecs # builtin
# encodings.encodings not found in PYZ
# encodings.aliases not found in PYZ
import encodings.aliases # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\encodings\aliases.pyc
# encodings.__builtin__ not found in PYZ
# ctypes not found in PYZ
import ctypes # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes
import ctypes # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes\__init__.pyc
# ctypes.os not found in PYZ
# ctypes not found in PYZ
# ctypes.sys not found in PYZ
# ctypes._ctypes not found in PYZ
# _ctypes not found in PYZ
import _ctypes # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_ctypes.pyd
# ctypes.struct not found in PYZ
# ctypes.ctypes not found in PYZ
# ctypes._endian not found in PYZ
import ctypes._endian # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes\_endian.pyc
# __future__ not found in PYZ
import __future__ # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\__future__.pyc
# base64 not found in PYZ
import base64 # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\base64.pyc
# re not found in PYZ
import re # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\re.pyc
# sre_compile not found in PYZ
import sre_compile # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\sre_compile.pyc
import _sre # builtin
# sre_parse not found in PYZ
import sre_parse # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\sre_parse.pyc
# sre_constants not found in PYZ
import sre_constants # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\sre_constants.pyc
import _locale # builtin
# string not found in PYZ
import string # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\string.pyc
import strop # builtin
import binascii # builtin
# logging not found in PYZ
import logging # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\logging
import logging # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\logging\__init__.pyc
# logging.sys not found in PYZ
# logging not found in PYZ
# logging.os not found in PYZ
# logging.time not found in PYZ
import time # builtin
# logging.cStringIO not found in PYZ
import cStringIO # builtin
# logging.traceback not found in PYZ
# traceback not found in PYZ
import traceback # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\traceback.pyc
# logging.warnings not found in PYZ
# logging.weakref not found in PYZ
# weakref not found in PYZ
import weakref # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\weakref.pyc
# logging.collections not found in PYZ
# collections not found in PYZ
import collections # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\collections.pyc
import _collections # builtin
import operator # builtin
# keyword not found in PYZ
import keyword # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\keyword.pyc
# heapq not found in PYZ
import heapq # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\heapq.pyc
import itertools # builtin
import _heapq # builtin
# logging.codecs not found in PYZ
# logging.thread not found in PYZ
# logging.threading not found in PYZ
# threading not found in PYZ
import threading # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\threading.pyc
# logging.atexit not found in PYZ
# atexit not found in PYZ
import atexit # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\atexit.pyc
# tempfile not found in PYZ
import tempfile # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\tempfile.pyc
# io not found in PYZ
import io # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\io.pyc
import _io # builtin
# random not found in PYZ
import random # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\random.pyc
import math # builtin
# hashlib not found in PYZ
import hashlib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\hashlib.pyc
# _hashlib not found in PYZ
import _hashlib # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_hashlib.pyd
import _random # builtin
# fcntl not found in PYZ
# argparse not found in PYZ
import argparse # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\argparse.pyc
# copy not found in PYZ
import copy # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\copy.pyc
# org not found in PYZ
# textwrap not found in PYZ
import textwrap # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\textwrap.pyc
# gettext not found in PYZ
import gettext # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\gettext.pyc
# locale not found in PYZ
import locale # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\locale.pyc
# functools not found in PYZ
import functools # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\functools.pyc
import _functools # builtin
# mardor not found in PYZ
import mardor # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor
import mardor # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\__init__.pyc
# mardor.mozilla not found in PYZ
# mardor not found in PYZ
import mardor.mozilla # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\mozilla.pyc
# mardor.reader not found in PYZ
import mardor.reader # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\reader.pyc
# mardor.os not found in PYZ
# mardor.mardor not found in PYZ
# mardor.format not found in PYZ
import mardor.format # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\format.pyc
# mardor.construct not found in PYZ
# construct not found in PYZ
import construct # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct
import construct # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\__init__.pyc
# construct.construct not found in PYZ
# construct not found in PYZ
# construct.core not found in PYZ
import construct.core # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\core.pyc
# construct.struct not found in PYZ
# construct.io not found in PYZ
# construct.binascii not found in PYZ
# construct.itertools not found in PYZ
# construct.collections not found in PYZ
# construct.pickle not found in PYZ
# pickle not found in PYZ
import pickle # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pickle.pyc
# org not found in PYZ
# construct.sys not found in PYZ
# construct.os not found in PYZ
# construct.tempfile not found in PYZ
# construct.hashlib not found in PYZ
# construct.importlib not found in PYZ
# importlib not found in PYZ
import importlib # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\importlib
import importlib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\importlib\__init__.pyc
# importlib.sys not found in PYZ
# importlib not found in PYZ
# construct.imp not found in PYZ
# construct.lib not found in PYZ
import construct.lib # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib
import construct.lib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\__init__.pyc
# construct.lib.construct not found in PYZ
# construct.lib not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.containers not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.containers # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\containers.pyc
# construct.lib.py3compat not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.py3compat # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\py3compat.pyc
# construct.lib.sys not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.numpy not found in PYZ
# numpy not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.ruamel not found in PYZ
# ruamel not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.enum not found in PYZ
# enum not found in PYZ
import enum # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\enum
import enum # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\enum\__init__.pyc
# enum.sys not found in PYZ
# enum not found in PYZ
# enum.collections not found in PYZ
# enum.IntFlag not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.re not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.binary not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.binary # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\binary.pyc
# construct.lib.binascii not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.bitstream not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.bitstream # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\bitstream.pyc
# construct.lib.io not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.time not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.hex not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.hex # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\hex.pyc
# construct.expr not found in PYZ
import construct.expr # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\expr.pyc
# construct.operator not found in PYZ
# construct.version not found in PYZ
import construct.version # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\version.pyc
# construct.debug not found in PYZ
import construct.debug # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\debug.pyc
# construct.traceback not found in PYZ
# construct.pdb not found in PYZ
# pdb not found in PYZ
import pdb # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pdb.pyc
# cmd not found in PYZ
import cmd # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cmd.pyc
# bdb not found in PYZ
import bdb # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\bdb.pyc
# fnmatch not found in PYZ
import fnmatch # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\fnmatch.pyc
# repr not found in PYZ
import repr # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\repr.pyc
# pprint not found in PYZ
import pprint # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pprint.pyc
# construct.inspect not found in PYZ
# inspect not found in PYZ
import inspect # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\inspect.pyc
# dis not found in PYZ
import dis # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\dis.pyc
# opcode not found in PYZ
import opcode # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\opcode.pyc
# tokenize not found in PYZ
import tokenize # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\tokenize.pyc
# token not found in PYZ
import token # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\token.pyc
# mardor.signing not found in PYZ
import mardor.signing # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\signing.pyc
# mardor.cryptography not found in PYZ
# cryptography not found in PYZ
import cryptography # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography
import cryptography # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.__about__ not found in PYZ
# cryptography not found in PYZ
import cryptography.__about__ # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\__about__.pyc
# cryptography.exceptions not found in PYZ
import cryptography.exceptions # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\exceptions.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat
import cryptography.hazmat # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.backends not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.backends # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\backends
import cryptography.hazmat.backends # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\backends\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\hashes.pyc
# six not found in PYZ
import six # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\six.pyc
# StringIO not found in PYZ
import StringIO # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\StringIO.pyc
# cryptography.utils not found in PYZ
import cryptography.utils # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\utils.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.backends not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\backends\interfaces.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.base not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.base # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\base.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ssh not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ssh # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\ssh.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\dsa.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ec not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ec # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ec.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat._oid not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat._oid # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\_oid.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\rsa.pyc
# fractions not found in PYZ
import fractions # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\fractions.pyc
# decimal not found in PYZ
import decimal # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\decimal.pyc
# numbers not found in PYZ
import numbers # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\numbers.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\padding.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\utils.pyc
# asn1crypto not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto
import asn1crypto # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\__init__.pyc
# asn1crypto.version not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.version # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\version.pyc
# asn1crypto.algos not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.algos # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\algos.pyc
# asn1crypto._errors not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._errors # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_errors.pyc
# asn1crypto._int not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._int # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_int.pyc
# platform not found in PYZ
import platform # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\platform.pyc
# asn1crypto.util not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.util # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\util.pyc
import datetime # builtin
# asn1crypto._iri not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._iri # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_iri.pyc
# encodings.idna not found in PYZ
import encodings.idna # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\enc[1224] LOADER: OK.
[1224] LOADER: Cleaning up Python interpreter.
# encodings.stringprep not found in PYZ
# stringprep not found in PYZ
import stringprep # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\stringprep.pyc
# unicodedata not found in PYZ
import unicodedata # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\unicodedata.pyd
# encodings.re not found in PYZ
# encodings.unicodedata not found in PYZ
import array # builtin
# asn1crypto._types not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._types # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_types.pyc
# urlparse not found in PYZ
import urlparse # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\urlparse.pyc
# urllib not found in PYZ
import urllib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\urllib.pyc
# socket not found in PYZ
import socket # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\socket.pyc
# _socket not found in PYZ
import _socket # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_socket.pyd
# _ssl not found in PYZ
import _ssl # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_ssl.pyd
# nturl2path not found in PYZ
import nturl2path # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\nturl2path.pyc
# ssl not found in PYZ
import ssl # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ssl.pyc
# contextlib not found in PYZ
import contextlib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\contextlib.pyc
# asn1crypto._ordereddict not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._ordereddict # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_ordereddict.pyc
# asn1crypto.sys not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto.collections not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto._inet not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._inet # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_inet.pyc
# asn1crypto._ffi not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._ffi # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_ffi.pyc
# asn1crypto._perf not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._perf # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_perf
import asn1crypto._perf # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_perf\__init__.pyc
# asn1crypto._perf._big_num_ctypes not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto._perf not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._perf._big_num_ctypes # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_perf\_big_num_ctypes.pyc
# ctypes.util not found in PYZ
import ctypes.util # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes\util.pyc
# ctypes.subprocess not found in PYZ
# subprocess not found in PYZ
import subprocess # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\subprocess.pyc
import gc # builtin
import msvcrt # builtin
import _subprocess # builtin
# asn1crypto.core not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.core # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\core.pyc
# asn1crypto._teletex_codec not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._teletex_codec # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_teletex_codec.pyc
# asn1crypto.parser not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.parser # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\parser.pyc
# mardor.utils not found in PYZ
import mardor.utils # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\utils.pyc
# mardor.bz2 not found in PYZ
# bz2 not found in PYZ
import bz2 # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\bz2.pyd
# mardor.functools not found in PYZ
# mardor.itertools not found in PYZ
# mardor.six not found in PYZ
# mardor.backports not found in PYZ
# backports not found in PYZ
import backports # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports
import backports # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports\__init__.pyc
# backports.pkgutil not found in PYZ
# backports not found in PYZ
# pkgutil not found in PYZ
import pkgutil # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pkgutil.pyc
# backports.lzma not found in PYZ
import backports.lzma # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports\lzma
import backports.lzma # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports\lzma\__init__.pyc
# backports.lzma.io not found in PYZ
# backports.lzma not found in PYZ
# backports.lzma._lzma not found in PYZ
import backports.lzma._lzma # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports.lzma._lzma.pyd
# mardor.writer not found in PYZ
import mardor.writer # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\writer.pyc
# clear __builtin__._
# clear sys.path
# clear sys.argv
# clear sys.ps1
# clear sys.ps2
# clear sys.exitfunc
# clear sys.exc_type
# clear sys.exc_value
# clear sys.exc_traceback
# clear sys.last_type
# clear sys.last_value
# clear sys.last_traceback
# clear sys.path_hooks
# clear sys.path_importer_cache
# clear sys.meta_path
# clear sys.flags
# clear sys.float_info
# restore sys.stdin
# restore sys.stdout
# restore sys.stderr
# cleanup __main__
# cleanup[1] random
# cleanup[1] unicodedata
# cleanup[1] cryptography
# cleanup[1] construct.version
# cleanup[1] token
# cleanup[1] urllib
# cleanup[1] mardor
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat
# cleanup[1] mardor.reader
# cleanup[1] enum
# cleanup[1] _ctypes
# cleanup[1] backports
# cleanup[1] ctypes
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives
# cleanup[1] mardor.utils
# cleanup[1] _functools
# cleanup[1] logging
# cleanup[1] StringIO
# cleanup[1] opcode
# cleanup[1] cryptography.exceptions
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto
# cleanup[1] __future__
# cleanup[1] nturl2path
# cleanup[1] _collections
# cleanup[1] array
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.parser
# cleanup[1] _heapq
# cleanup[1] pkgutil
# cleanup[1] construct
# cleanup[1] sre_constants
# cleanup[1] _warnings
# cleanup[1] fractions
# cleanup[1] _codecs
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._iri
# cleanup[1] mardor.writer
# cleanup[1] cryptography.__about__
# cleanup[1] _struct
# cleanup[1] keyword
# cleanup[1] mardor.signing
# cleanup[1] exceptions
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.util
# cleanup[1] decimal
# cleanup[1] _random
# cleanup[1] contextlib
# cleanup[1] numbers
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._inet
# cleanup[1] urlparse
# cleanup[1] strop
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._perf
# cleanup[1] gettext
# cleanup[1] nt
# cleanup[1] repr
# cleanup[1] datetime
# cleanup[1] bz2
# cleanup[1] argparse
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._ordereddict
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.version
# cleanup[1] _weakref
# cleanup[1] _weakrefset
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric
# cleanup[1] mardor.mozilla
# cleanup[1] ctypes._endian
# cleanup[1] construct.debug
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._errors
# cleanup[1] mardor.format
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._types
# cleanup[1] zipimport
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat._oid
# cleanup[1] ssl
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.base
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._int
# cleanup[1] construct.lib
# cleanup[1] cStringIO
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.algos
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ssh
# cleanup[1] locale
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ec
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.backends
# cleanup[1] atexit
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._ffi
# cleanup[1] encodings
# cleanup[1] backports.lzma
# cleanup[1] ctypes.util
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.core
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.bitstream
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.containers
# cleanup[1] socket
# cleanup[1] backports.lzma._lzma
# cleanup[1] construct.expr
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._teletex_codec
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding
# cleanup[1] platform
# cleanup[1] _socket
# cleanup[1] copy
# cleanup[1] encodings.aliases
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces
# cleanup[1] subprocess
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.binary
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.hex
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa
# cleanup[1] construct.core
# cleanup[1] pdb
# cleanup[1] encodings.idna
# cleanup[1] pprint
# cleanup[1] gc
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa
# cleanup[1] tempfile
# cleanup[1] base64
# cleanup[1] _subprocess
# cleanup[1] collections
# cleanup[1] importlib
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.py3compat
# cleanup[1] textwrap
# cleanup[1] signal
# cleanup[1] cmd
# cleanup[1] threading
# cleanup[1] _ssl
# cleanup[1] stringprep
# cleanup[1] bdb
# cleanup[1] msvcrt
# cleanup[1] math
# cleanup[1] codecs
# cleanup[1] pickle
# cleanup[1] traceback
# cleanup[1] weakref
# cleanup[1] cryptography.utils
# cleanup[1] hashlib
# cleanup[1] io
# cleanup[1] six
# cleanup[1] _io
# cleanup[1] heapq
# cleanup[1] functools
# cleanup[1] fnmatch
# cleanup[1] abc
# cleanup[1] inspect
# cleanup[1] _hashlib
# cleanup[1] itertools
# cleanup[1] dis
# cleanup[1] operator
# cleanup[1] binascii
# cleanup[1] tokenize
# cleanup[1] string
# cleanup[1] re
# cleanup[1] _locale
# cleanup[1] sre_compile
# cleanup[1] _sre
# cleanup[1] sre_parse
# cleanup[2] struct
# cleanup[2] pyimod03_importers
# cleanup[2] imp
# cleanup[2] ntpath
# cleanup[2] UserDict
# cleanup[2] thread
# cleanup[2] os
# cleanup[2] marshal
# cleanup[2] pyimod01_os_path
# cleanup[2] errno
# cleanup[2] pyimod02_archive
# cleanup[2] types
# cleanup[2] zlib
# cleanup[2] copy_reg
# cleanup[2] linecache
# cleanup[2] _abcoll
# cleanup[2] genericpath
# cleanup[2] stat
# cleanup[2] warnings
# cleanup[2] os.path
# cleanup[2] time
# cleanup sys
# cleanup __builtin__
# cleanup ints: 318 unfreed ints
# cleanup floats: 42 unfreed floats
[256] LOADER: Back to parent (RC: 0)
[256] LOADER: Doing cleanup
[256] LOADER: Freeing archive status for D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
Пробовал собирать в EXE через cx_Freeze:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

executables = [Executable('cli.py')]

options = {
    'build_exe': {
        'include_msvcr': True

    name = "cli",
    version = "0.1",
    description = "MAR tool",
    executables = executables,
    options = options
$ python setup.py build
на выходе cli.exe, который матерится при запуске:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
(c) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corp.), 2009. Все права защищены.

4:16:37 <D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\build\exe.win-amd64-2.7>
$ cli.exe
ValueError: bad marshal data (unknown type code)
Помогите пожалуйста с созданием рабочего EXE.
Приветствую всех!
Не получается собрать в рабочий EXE утилиту MAR.
Установил виндовую версию python-2.7.17.amd64.msi. В 3 версии не смог разобраться, чего не хватает, чтобы хотябы установить (установил его на 2.7).
MAR (как пакет питона) работает:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
(c) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corp.), 2009. Все права защищены.

4:02:59 <D:\tmp>
$ mar
usage: Utility for managing MAR files [-h] [-c MARFILE] [-V PRODUCTVERSION]
[-T MARFILE] [-v MARFILE] [-j] [-J]
[--auto] [-k KEYFILES] [-C CHDIR]
[--verbose] [--version]
[--hash {sha1,sha384}] [--asn1]
[--add-signature input output signature]
Utility for managing MAR files: error: Must specify something to do (one of -c, -x, -t, -T, -v, --ha
sh, --add-signature)
Пробовал собирать в EXE через pyinstaller (cli.py из папки src\mardor):
pyinstaller --onefile -c -a -y --clean cli.py --debug all
На выходе cli.exe, который не работает. В консоль (из-за --debug опции) пишет:
[256] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x
[256] LOADER: executable is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[256] LOADER: homepath is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist
[256] LOADER: archivename is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[256] LOADER: Extracting binaries
[256] LOADER: Executing self as child
[256] LOADER: set _MEIPASS2 to D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[256] LOADER: Setting up to run child
[256] LOADER: Creating child process
[256] LOADER: Waiting for child process to finish...
[1224] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x
[1224] LOADER: executable is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[1224] LOADER: homepath is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist
[1224] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[1224] LOADER: archivename is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[1224] LOADER: SetDllDirectory(D:\TEMP\_MEI2562)
[1224] LOADER: Already in the child - running user's code.
[1224] LOADER: manifestpath: D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cli.exe.manifest
[1224] LOADER: Activation context created
[1224] LOADER: Activation context activated
[1224] LOADER: Python library: D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\python27.dll
[1224] LOADER: Loaded functions from Python library.
[1224] LOADER: Manipulating environment (sys.path, sys.prefix)
[1224] LOADER: sys.prefix is D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[1224] LOADER: Setting runtime options
[1224] LOADER: Bootloader option: pyi-windows-manifest-filename cli.exe.manifest
[1224] LOADER: Runtime option: v
[1224] LOADER: Initializing python
[1224] LOADER: Overriding Python's sys.path
[1224] LOADER: Post-init sys.path is D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[1224] LOADER: Setting sys.argv
[1224] LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS
[1224] LOADER: importing modules from CArchive
[1224] LOADER: extracted struct
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: extracted pyimod01_os_path
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: extracted pyimod02_archive
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: extracted pyimod03_importers
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: Installing PYZ archive with Python modules.
[1224] LOADER: PYZ archive: PYZ-00.pyz
[1224] LOADER: Running pyiboot01_bootstrap.py
[1224] LOADER: Running pyi_rth__tkinter.py
[1224] LOADER: Running cli.py
# installing zipimport hook
import zipimport # builtin
# installed zipimport hook
import marshal # builtin
import _struct # builtin
import nt # builtin
import zlib # builtin
import thread # builtin
import imp # builtin
# PyInstaller: FrozenImporter(D:\tmp\Coding\Python\BUILD-~1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe?10731697)
# os not found in PYZ
import os # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\os.pyc
import errno # builtin
# ntpath not found in PYZ
import ntpath # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ntpath.pyc
# stat not found in PYZ
import stat # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\stat.pyc
# genericpath not found in PYZ
import genericpath # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\genericpath.pyc
# warnings not found in PYZ
import warnings # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\warnings.pyc
# linecache not found in PYZ
import linecache # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\linecache.pyc
# types not found in PYZ
import types # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\types.pyc
# UserDict not found in PYZ
import UserDict # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\UserDict.pyc
# _abcoll not found in PYZ
import _abcoll # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_abcoll.pyc
# abc not found in PYZ
import abc # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\abc.pyc
# _weakrefset not found in PYZ
import _weakrefset # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_weakrefset.pyc
import _weakref # builtin
# copy_reg not found in PYZ
import copy_reg # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\copy_reg.pyc
# encodings not found in PYZ
import encodings # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\encodings
import encodings # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\encodings\__init__.pyc
# encodings.codecs not found in PYZ
# encodings not found in PYZ
# codecs not found in PYZ
import codecs # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\codecs.pyc
import _codecs # builtin
# encodings.encodings not found in PYZ
# encodings.aliases not found in PYZ
import encodings.aliases # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\encodings\aliases.pyc
# encodings.__builtin__ not found in PYZ
# ctypes not found in PYZ
import ctypes # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes
import ctypes # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes\__init__.pyc
# ctypes.os not found in PYZ
# ctypes not found in PYZ
# ctypes.sys not found in PYZ
# ctypes._ctypes not found in PYZ
# _ctypes not found in PYZ
import _ctypes # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_ctypes.pyd
# ctypes.struct not found in PYZ
# ctypes.ctypes not found in PYZ
# ctypes._endian not found in PYZ
import ctypes._endian # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes\_endian.pyc
# __future__ not found in PYZ
import __future__ # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\__future__.pyc
# base64 not found in PYZ
import base64 # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\base64.pyc
# re not found in PYZ
import re # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\re.pyc
# sre_compile not found in PYZ
import sre_compile # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\sre_compile.pyc
import _sre # builtin
# sre_parse not found in PYZ
import sre_parse # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\sre_parse.pyc
# sre_constants not found in PYZ
import sre_constants # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\sre_constants.pyc
import _locale # builtin
# string not found in PYZ
import string # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\string.pyc
import strop # builtin
import binascii # builtin
# logging not found in PYZ
import logging # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\logging
import logging # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\logging\__init__.pyc
# logging.sys not found in PYZ
# logging not found in PYZ
# logging.os not found in PYZ
# logging.time not found in PYZ
import time # builtin
# logging.cStringIO not found in PYZ
import cStringIO # builtin
# logging.traceback not found in PYZ
# traceback not found in PYZ
import traceback # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\traceback.pyc
# logging.warnings not found in PYZ
# logging.weakref not found in PYZ
# weakref not found in PYZ
import weakref # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\weakref.pyc
# logging.collections not found in PYZ
# collections not found in PYZ
import collections # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\collections.pyc
import _collections # builtin
import operator # builtin
# keyword not found in PYZ
import keyword # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\keyword.pyc
# heapq not found in PYZ
import heapq # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\heapq.pyc
import itertools # builtin
import _heapq # builtin
# logging.codecs not found in PYZ
# logging.thread not found in PYZ
# logging.threading not found in PYZ
# threading not found in PYZ
import threading # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\threading.pyc
# logging.atexit not found in PYZ
# atexit not found in PYZ
import atexit # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\atexit.pyc
# tempfile not found in PYZ
import tempfile # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\tempfile.pyc
# io not found in PYZ
import io # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\io.pyc
import _io # builtin
# random not found in PYZ
import random # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\random.pyc
import math # builtin
# hashlib not found in PYZ
import hashlib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\hashlib.pyc
# _hashlib not found in PYZ
import _hashlib # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_hashlib.pyd
import _random # builtin
# fcntl not found in PYZ
# argparse not found in PYZ
import argparse # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\argparse.pyc
# copy not found in PYZ
import copy # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\copy.pyc
# org not found in PYZ
# textwrap not found in PYZ
import textwrap # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\textwrap.pyc
# gettext not found in PYZ
import gettext # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\gettext.pyc
# locale not found in PYZ
import locale # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\locale.pyc
# functools not found in PYZ
import functools # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\functools.pyc
import _functools # builtin
# mardor not found in PYZ
import mardor # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor
import mardor # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\__init__.pyc
# mardor.mozilla not found in PYZ
# mardor not found in PYZ
import mardor.mozilla # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\mozilla.pyc
# mardor.reader not found in PYZ
import mardor.reader # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\reader.pyc
# mardor.os not found in PYZ
# mardor.mardor not found in PYZ
# mardor.format not found in PYZ
import mardor.format # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\format.pyc
# mardor.construct not found in PYZ
# construct not found in PYZ
import construct # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct
import construct # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\__init__.pyc
# construct.construct not found in PYZ
# construct not found in PYZ
# construct.core not found in PYZ
import construct.core # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\core.pyc
# construct.struct not found in PYZ
# construct.io not found in PYZ
# construct.binascii not found in PYZ
# construct.itertools not found in PYZ
# construct.collections not found in PYZ
# construct.pickle not found in PYZ
# pickle not found in PYZ
import pickle # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pickle.pyc
# org not found in PYZ
# construct.sys not found in PYZ
# construct.os not found in PYZ
# construct.tempfile not found in PYZ
# construct.hashlib not found in PYZ
# construct.importlib not found in PYZ
# importlib not found in PYZ
import importlib # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\importlib
import importlib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\importlib\__init__.pyc
# importlib.sys not found in PYZ
# importlib not found in PYZ
# construct.imp not found in PYZ
# construct.lib not found in PYZ
import construct.lib # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib
import construct.lib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\__init__.pyc
# construct.lib.construct not found in PYZ
# construct.lib not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.containers not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.containers # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\containers.pyc
# construct.lib.py3compat not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.py3compat # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\py3compat.pyc
# construct.lib.sys not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.numpy not found in PYZ
# numpy not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.ruamel not found in PYZ
# ruamel not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.enum not found in PYZ
# enum not found in PYZ
import enum # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\enum
import enum # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\enum\__init__.pyc
# enum.sys not found in PYZ
# enum not found in PYZ
# enum.collections not found in PYZ
# enum.IntFlag not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.re not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.binary not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.binary # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\binary.pyc
# construct.lib.binascii not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.bitstream not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.bitstream # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\bitstream.pyc
# construct.lib.io not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.time not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.hex not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.hex # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\hex.pyc
# construct.expr not found in PYZ
import construct.expr # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\expr.pyc
# construct.operator not found in PYZ
# construct.version not found in PYZ
import construct.version # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\version.pyc
# construct.debug not found in PYZ
import construct.debug # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\debug.pyc
# construct.traceback not found in PYZ
# construct.pdb not found in PYZ
# pdb not found in PYZ
import pdb # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pdb.pyc
# cmd not found in PYZ
import cmd # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cmd.pyc
# bdb not found in PYZ
import bdb # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\bdb.pyc
# fnmatch not found in PYZ
import fnmatch # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\fnmatch.pyc
# repr not found in PYZ
import repr # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\repr.pyc
# pprint not found in PYZ
import pprint # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pprint.pyc
# construct.inspect not found in PYZ
# inspect not found in PYZ
import inspect # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\inspect.pyc
# dis not found in PYZ
import dis # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\dis.pyc
# opcode not found in PYZ
import opcode # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\opcode.pyc
# tokenize not found in PYZ
import tokenize # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\tokenize.pyc
# token not found in PYZ
import token # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\token.pyc
# mardor.signing not found in PYZ
import mardor.signing # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\signing.pyc
# mardor.cryptography not found in PYZ
# cryptography not found in PYZ
import cryptography # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography
import cryptography # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.__about__ not found in PYZ
# cryptography not found in PYZ
import cryptography.__about__ # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\__about__.pyc
# cryptography.exceptions not found in PYZ
import cryptography.exceptions # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\exceptions.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat
import cryptography.hazmat # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.backends not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.backends # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\backends
import cryptography.hazmat.backends # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\backends\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\hashes.pyc
# six not found in PYZ
import six # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\six.pyc
# StringIO not found in PYZ
import StringIO # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\StringIO.pyc
# cryptography.utils not found in PYZ
import cryptography.utils # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\utils.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.backends not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\backends\interfaces.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.base not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.base # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\base.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ssh not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ssh # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\ssh.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\dsa.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ec not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ec # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ec.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat._oid not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat._oid # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\_oid.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\rsa.pyc
# fractions not found in PYZ
import fractions # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\fractions.pyc
# decimal not found in PYZ
import decimal # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\decimal.pyc
# numbers not found in PYZ
import numbers # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\numbers.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\padding.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\utils.pyc
# asn1crypto not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto
import asn1crypto # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\__init__.pyc
# asn1crypto.version not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.version # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\version.pyc
# asn1crypto.algos not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.algos # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\algos.pyc
# asn1crypto._errors not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._errors # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_errors.pyc
# asn1crypto._int not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._int # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_int.pyc
# platform not found in PYZ
import platform # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\platform.pyc
# asn1crypto.util not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.util # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\util.pyc
import datetime # builtin
# asn1crypto._iri not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._iri # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_iri.pyc
# encodings.idna not found in PYZ
import encodings.idna # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\enc[1224] LOADER: OK.
[1224] LOADER: Cleaning up Python interpreter.
# encodings.stringprep not found in PYZ
# stringprep not found in PYZ
import stringprep # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\stringprep.pyc
# unicodedata not found in PYZ
import unicodedata # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\unicodedata.pyd
# encodings.re not found in PYZ
# encodings.unicodedata not found in PYZ
import array # builtin
# asn1crypto._types not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._types # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_types.pyc
# urlparse not found in PYZ
import urlparse # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\urlparse.pyc
# urllib not found in PYZ
import urllib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\urllib.pyc
# socket not found in PYZ
import socket # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\socket.pyc
# _socket not found in PYZ
import _socket # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_socket.pyd
# _ssl not found in PYZ
import _ssl # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_ssl.pyd
# nturl2path not found in PYZ
import nturl2path # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\nturl2path.pyc
# ssl not found in PYZ
import ssl # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ssl.pyc
# contextlib not found in PYZ
import contextlib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\contextlib.pyc
# asn1crypto._ordereddict not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._ordereddict # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_ordereddict.pyc
# asn1crypto.sys not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto.collections not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto._inet not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._inet # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_inet.pyc
# asn1crypto._ffi not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._ffi # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_ffi.pyc
# asn1crypto._perf not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._perf # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_perf
import asn1crypto._perf # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_perf\__init__.pyc
# asn1crypto._perf._big_num_ctypes not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto._perf not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._perf._big_num_ctypes # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_perf\_big_num_ctypes.pyc
# ctypes.util not found in PYZ
import ctypes.util # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes\util.pyc
# ctypes.subprocess not found in PYZ
# subprocess not found in PYZ
import subprocess # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\subprocess.pyc
import gc # builtin
import msvcrt # builtin
import _subprocess # builtin
# asn1crypto.core not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.core # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\core.pyc
# asn1crypto._teletex_codec not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._teletex_codec # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_teletex_codec.pyc
# asn1crypto.parser not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.parser # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\parser.pyc
# mardor.utils not found in PYZ
import mardor.utils # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\utils.pyc
# mardor.bz2 not found in PYZ
# bz2 not found in PYZ
import bz2 # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\bz2.pyd
# mardor.functools not found in PYZ
# mardor.itertools not found in PYZ
# mardor.six not found in PYZ
# mardor.backports not found in PYZ
# backports not found in PYZ
import backports # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports
import backports # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports\__init__.pyc
# backports.pkgutil not found in PYZ
# backports not found in PYZ
# pkgutil not found in PYZ
import pkgutil # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pkgutil.pyc
# backports.lzma not found in PYZ
import backports.lzma # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports\lzma
import backports.lzma # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports\lzma\__init__.pyc
# backports.lzma.io not found in PYZ
# backports.lzma not found in PYZ
# backports.lzma._lzma not found in PYZ
import backports.lzma._lzma # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports.lzma._lzma.pyd
# mardor.writer not found in PYZ
import mardor.writer # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\writer.pyc
# clear __builtin__._
# clear sys.path
# clear sys.argv
# clear sys.ps1
# clear sys.ps2
# clear sys.exitfunc
# clear sys.exc_type
# clear sys.exc_value
# clear sys.exc_traceback
# clear sys.last_type
# clear sys.last_value
# clear sys.last_traceback
# clear sys.path_hooks
# clear sys.path_importer_cache
# clear sys.meta_path
# clear sys.flags
# clear sys.float_info
# restore sys.stdin
# restore sys.stdout
# restore sys.stderr
# cleanup __main__
# cleanup[1] random
# cleanup[1] unicodedata
# cleanup[1] cryptography
# cleanup[1] construct.version
# cleanup[1] token
# cleanup[1] urllib
# cleanup[1] mardor
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat
# cleanup[1] mardor.reader
# cleanup[1] enum
# cleanup[1] _ctypes
# cleanup[1] backports
# cleanup[1] ctypes
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives
# cleanup[1] mardor.utils
# cleanup[1] _functools
# cleanup[1] logging
# cleanup[1] StringIO
# cleanup[1] opcode
# cleanup[1] cryptography.exceptions
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto
# cleanup[1] __future__
# cleanup[1] nturl2path
# cleanup[1] _collections
# cleanup[1] array
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.parser
# cleanup[1] _heapq
# cleanup[1] pkgutil
# cleanup[1] construct
# cleanup[1] sre_constants
# cleanup[1] _warnings
# cleanup[1] fractions
# cleanup[1] _codecs
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._iri
# cleanup[1] mardor.writer
# cleanup[1] cryptography.__about__
# cleanup[1] _struct
# cleanup[1] keyword
# cleanup[1] mardor.signing
# cleanup[1] exceptions
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.util
# cleanup[1] decimal
# cleanup[1] _random
# cleanup[1] contextlib
# cleanup[1] numbers
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._inet
# cleanup[1] urlparse
# cleanup[1] strop
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._perf
# cleanup[1] gettext
# cleanup[1] nt
# cleanup[1] repr
# cleanup[1] datetime
# cleanup[1] bz2
# cleanup[1] argparse
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._ordereddict
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.version
# cleanup[1] _weakref
# cleanup[1] _weakrefset
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric
# cleanup[1] mardor.mozilla
# cleanup[1] ctypes._endian
# cleanup[1] construct.debug
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._errors
# cleanup[1] mardor.format
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._types
# cleanup[1] zipimport
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat._oid
# cleanup[1] ssl
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.base
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._int
# cleanup[1] construct.lib
# cleanup[1] cStringIO
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.algos
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ssh
# cleanup[1] locale
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ec
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.backends
# cleanup[1] atexit
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._ffi
# cleanup[1] encodings
# cleanup[1] backports.lzma
# cleanup[1] ctypes.util
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.core
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.bitstream
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.containers
# cleanup[1] socket
# cleanup[1] backports.lzma._lzma
# cleanup[1] construct.expr
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._teletex_codec
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding
# cleanup[1] platform
# cleanup[1] _socket
# cleanup[1] copy
# cleanup[1] encodings.aliases
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces
# cleanup[1] subprocess
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.binary
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.hex
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa
# cleanup[1] construct.core
# cleanup[1] pdb
# cleanup[1] encodings.idna
# cleanup[1] pprint
# cleanup[1] gc
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa
# cleanup[1] tempfile
# cleanup[1] base64
# cleanup[1] _subprocess
# cleanup[1] collections
# cleanup[1] importlib
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.py3compat
# cleanup[1] textwrap
# cleanup[1] signal
# cleanup[1] cmd
# cleanup[1] threading
# cleanup[1] _ssl
# cleanup[1] stringprep
# cleanup[1] bdb
# cleanup[1] msvcrt
# cleanup[1] math
# cleanup[1] codecs
# cleanup[1] pickle
# cleanup[1] traceback
# cleanup[1] weakref
# cleanup[1] cryptography.utils
# cleanup[1] hashlib
# cleanup[1] io
# cleanup[1] six
# cleanup[1] _io
# cleanup[1] heapq
# cleanup[1] functools
# cleanup[1] fnmatch
# cleanup[1] abc
# cleanup[1] inspect
# cleanup[1] _hashlib
# cleanup[1] itertools
# cleanup[1] dis
# cleanup[1] operator
# cleanup[1] binascii
# cleanup[1] tokenize
# cleanup[1] string
# cleanup[1] re
# cleanup[1] _locale
# cleanup[1] sre_compile
# cleanup[1] _sre
# cleanup[1] sre_parse
# cleanup[2] struct
# cleanup[2] pyimod03_importers
# cleanup[2] imp
# cleanup[2] ntpath
# cleanup[2] UserDict
# cleanup[2] thread
# cleanup[2] os
# cleanup[2] marshal
# cleanup[2] pyimod01_os_path
# cleanup[2] errno
# cleanup[2] pyimod02_archive
# cleanup[2] types
# cleanup[2] zlib
# cleanup[2] copy_reg
# cleanup[2] linecache
# cleanup[2] _abcoll
# cleanup[2] genericpath
# cleanup[2] stat
# cleanup[2] warnings
# cleanup[2] os.path
# cleanup[2] time
# cleanup sys
# cleanup __builtin__
# cleanup ints: 318 unfreed ints
# cleanup floats: 42 unfreed floats
[256] LOADER: Back to parent (RC: 0)
[256] LOADER: Doing cleanup
[256] LOADER: Freeing archive status for D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
Пробовал собирать в EXE через cx_Freeze:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable

executables = [Executable('cli.py')]

options = {
    'build_exe': {
        'include_msvcr': True

    name = "cli",
    version = "0.1",
    description = "MAR tool",
    executables = executables,
    options = options
$ python setup.py build
на выходе cli.exe, который матерится при запуске:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
(c) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corp.), 2009. Все права защищены.

4:16:37 <D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\build\exe.win-amd64-2.7>
$ cli.exe
ValueError: bad marshal data (unknown type code)
Помогите пожалуйста с созданием рабочего EXE.
второй питон рип
Установил последний питон.
Всё тоже самое:
MAR работает, как пакет:
$ python
Python 3.8.1 (tags/v3.8.1:1b293b6, Dec 18 2019, 23:11:46) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> ^Z

2:55:54 <D:\tmp\Coding\Python>
$ mar
usage: Utility for managing MAR files [-h] [-c MARFILE] [-V PRODUCTVERSION] [-H CHANNEL]
[-J] [--auto] [-k KEYFILES] [-C CHDIR] [--verbose]
[--version] [--hash {sha1,sha384}] [--asn1]
[--add-signature input output signature]
Utility for managing MAR files: error: Must specify something to do (one of -c, -x, -t, -T, -v, --ha
sh, --add-signature)
pyinstaller создаёт EXE-шник, который также себя ведёт, как и во 2 версии:
[256] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x
[256] LOADER: executable is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[256] LOADER: homepath is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist
[256] LOADER: archivename is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[256] LOADER: Extracting binaries
[256] LOADER: Executing self as child
[256] LOADER: set _MEIPASS2 to D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[256] LOADER: Setting up to run child
[256] LOADER: Creating child process
[256] LOADER: Waiting for child process to finish...
[1224] PyInstaller Bootloader 3.x
[1224] LOADER: executable is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[1224] LOADER: homepath is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist
[1224] LOADER: _MEIPASS2 is D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[1224] LOADER: archivename is D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
[1224] LOADER: SetDllDirectory(D:\TEMP\_MEI2562)
[1224] LOADER: Already in the child - running user's code.
[1224] LOADER: manifestpath: D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cli.exe.manifest
[1224] LOADER: Activation context created
[1224] LOADER: Activation context activated
[1224] LOADER: Python library: D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\python27.dll
[1224] LOADER: Loaded functions from Python library.
[1224] LOADER: Manipulating environment (sys.path, sys.prefix)
[1224] LOADER: sys.prefix is D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[1224] LOADER: Setting runtime options
[1224] LOADER: Bootloader option: pyi-windows-manifest-filename cli.exe.manifest
[1224] LOADER: Runtime option: v
[1224] LOADER: Initializing python
[1224] LOADER: Overriding Python's sys.path
[1224] LOADER: Post-init sys.path is D:\TEMP\_MEI2562
[1224] LOADER: Setting sys.argv
[1224] LOADER: setting sys._MEIPASS
[1224] LOADER: importing modules from CArchive
[1224] LOADER: extracted struct
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: extracted pyimod01_os_path
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: extracted pyimod02_archive
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: extracted pyimod03_importers
[1224] LOADER: callfunction returned...
[1224] LOADER: Installing PYZ archive with Python modules.
[1224] LOADER: PYZ archive: PYZ-00.pyz
[1224] LOADER: Running pyiboot01_bootstrap.py
[1224] LOADER: Running pyi_rth__tkinter.py
[1224] LOADER: Running cli.py
# installing zipimport hook
import zipimport # builtin
# installed zipimport hook
import marshal # builtin
import _struct # builtin
import nt # builtin
import zlib # builtin
import thread # builtin
import imp # builtin
# PyInstaller: FrozenImporter(D:\tmp\Coding\Python\BUILD-~1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe?10731697)
# os not found in PYZ
import os # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\os.pyc
import errno # builtin
# ntpath not found in PYZ
import ntpath # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ntpath.pyc
# stat not found in PYZ
import stat # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\stat.pyc
# genericpath not found in PYZ
import genericpath # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\genericpath.pyc
# warnings not found in PYZ
import warnings # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\warnings.pyc
# linecache not found in PYZ
import linecache # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\linecache.pyc
# types not found in PYZ
import types # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\types.pyc
# UserDict not found in PYZ
import UserDict # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\UserDict.pyc
# _abcoll not found in PYZ
import _abcoll # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_abcoll.pyc
# abc not found in PYZ
import abc # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\abc.pyc
# _weakrefset not found in PYZ
import _weakrefset # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_weakrefset.pyc
import _weakref # builtin
# copy_reg not found in PYZ
import copy_reg # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\copy_reg.pyc
# encodings not found in PYZ
import encodings # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\encodings
import encodings # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\encodings\__init__.pyc
# encodings.codecs not found in PYZ
# encodings not found in PYZ
# codecs not found in PYZ
import codecs # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\codecs.pyc
import _codecs # builtin
# encodings.encodings not found in PYZ
# encodings.aliases not found in PYZ
import encodings.aliases # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\encodings\aliases.pyc
# encodings.__builtin__ not found in PYZ
# ctypes not found in PYZ
import ctypes # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes
import ctypes # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes\__init__.pyc
# ctypes.os not found in PYZ
# ctypes not found in PYZ
# ctypes.sys not found in PYZ
# ctypes._ctypes not found in PYZ
# _ctypes not found in PYZ
import _ctypes # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_ctypes.pyd
# ctypes.struct not found in PYZ
# ctypes.ctypes not found in PYZ
# ctypes._endian not found in PYZ
import ctypes._endian # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes\_endian.pyc
# __future__ not found in PYZ
import __future__ # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\__future__.pyc
# base64 not found in PYZ
import base64 # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\base64.pyc
# re not found in PYZ
import re # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\re.pyc
# sre_compile not found in PYZ
import sre_compile # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\sre_compile.pyc
import _sre # builtin
# sre_parse not found in PYZ
import sre_parse # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\sre_parse.pyc
# sre_constants not found in PYZ
import sre_constants # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\sre_constants.pyc
import _locale # builtin
# string not found in PYZ
import string # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\string.pyc
import strop # builtin
import binascii # builtin
# logging not found in PYZ
import logging # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\logging
import logging # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\logging\__init__.pyc
# logging.sys not found in PYZ
# logging not found in PYZ
# logging.os not found in PYZ
# logging.time not found in PYZ
import time # builtin
# logging.cStringIO not found in PYZ
import cStringIO # builtin
# logging.traceback not found in PYZ
# traceback not found in PYZ
import traceback # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\traceback.pyc
# logging.warnings not found in PYZ
# logging.weakref not found in PYZ
# weakref not found in PYZ
import weakref # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\weakref.pyc
# logging.collections not found in PYZ
# collections not found in PYZ
import collections # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\collections.pyc
import _collections # builtin
import operator # builtin
# keyword not found in PYZ
import keyword # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\keyword.pyc
# heapq not found in PYZ
import heapq # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\heapq.pyc
import itertools # builtin
import _heapq # builtin
# logging.codecs not found in PYZ
# logging.thread not found in PYZ
# logging.threading not found in PYZ
# threading not found in PYZ
import threading # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\threading.pyc
# logging.atexit not found in PYZ
# atexit not found in PYZ
import atexit # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\atexit.pyc
# tempfile not found in PYZ
import tempfile # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\tempfile.pyc
# io not found in PYZ
import io # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\io.pyc
import _io # builtin
# random not found in PYZ
import random # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\random.pyc
import math # builtin
# hashlib not found in PYZ
import hashlib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\hashlib.pyc
# _hashlib not found in PYZ
import _hashlib # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_hashlib.pyd
import _random # builtin
# fcntl not found in PYZ
# argparse not found in PYZ
import argparse # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\argparse.pyc
# copy not found in PYZ
import copy # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\copy.pyc
# org not found in PYZ
# textwrap not found in PYZ
import textwrap # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\textwrap.pyc
# gettext not found in PYZ
import gettext # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\gettext.pyc
# locale not found in PYZ
import locale # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\locale.pyc
# functools not found in PYZ
import functools # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\functools.pyc
import _functools # builtin
# mardor not found in PYZ
import mardor # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor
import mardor # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\__init__.pyc
# mardor.mozilla not found in PYZ
# mardor not found in PYZ
import mardor.mozilla # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\mozilla.pyc
# mardor.reader not found in PYZ
import mardor.reader # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\reader.pyc
# mardor.os not found in PYZ
# mardor.mardor not found in PYZ
# mardor.format not found in PYZ
import mardor.format # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\format.pyc
# mardor.construct not found in PYZ
# construct not found in PYZ
import construct # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct
import construct # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\__init__.pyc
# construct.construct not found in PYZ
# construct not found in PYZ
# construct.core not found in PYZ
import construct.core # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\core.pyc
# construct.struct not found in PYZ
# construct.io not found in PYZ
# construct.binascii not found in PYZ
# construct.itertools not found in PYZ
# construct.collections not found in PYZ
# construct.pickle not found in PYZ
# pickle not found in PYZ
import pickle # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pickle.pyc
# org not found in PYZ
# construct.sys not found in PYZ
# construct.os not found in PYZ
# construct.tempfile not found in PYZ
# construct.hashlib not found in PYZ
# construct.importlib not found in PYZ
# importlib not found in PYZ
import importlib # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\importlib
import importlib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\importlib\__init__.pyc
# importlib.sys not found in PYZ
# importlib not found in PYZ
# construct.imp not found in PYZ
# construct.lib not found in PYZ
import construct.lib # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib
import construct.lib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\__init__.pyc
# construct.lib.construct not found in PYZ
# construct.lib not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.containers not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.containers # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\containers.pyc
# construct.lib.py3compat not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.py3compat # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\py3compat.pyc
# construct.lib.sys not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.numpy not found in PYZ
# numpy not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.ruamel not found in PYZ
# ruamel not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.enum not found in PYZ
# enum not found in PYZ
import enum # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\enum
import enum # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\enum\__init__.pyc
# enum.sys not found in PYZ
# enum not found in PYZ
# enum.collections not found in PYZ
# enum.IntFlag not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.re not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.binary not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.binary # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\binary.pyc
# construct.lib.binascii not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.bitstream not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.bitstream # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\bitstream.pyc
# construct.lib.io not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.time not found in PYZ
# construct.lib.hex not found in PYZ
import construct.lib.hex # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\lib\hex.pyc
# construct.expr not found in PYZ
import construct.expr # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\expr.pyc
# construct.operator not found in PYZ
# construct.version not found in PYZ
import construct.version # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\version.pyc
# construct.debug not found in PYZ
import construct.debug # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\construct\debug.pyc
# construct.traceback not found in PYZ
# construct.pdb not found in PYZ
# pdb not found in PYZ
import pdb # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pdb.pyc
# cmd not found in PYZ
import cmd # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cmd.pyc
# bdb not found in PYZ
import bdb # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\bdb.pyc
# fnmatch not found in PYZ
import fnmatch # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\fnmatch.pyc
# repr not found in PYZ
import repr # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\repr.pyc
# pprint not found in PYZ
import pprint # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pprint.pyc
# construct.inspect not found in PYZ
# inspect not found in PYZ
import inspect # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\inspect.pyc
# dis not found in PYZ
import dis # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\dis.pyc
# opcode not found in PYZ
import opcode # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\opcode.pyc
# tokenize not found in PYZ
import tokenize # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\tokenize.pyc
# token not found in PYZ
import token # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\token.pyc
# mardor.signing not found in PYZ
import mardor.signing # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\signing.pyc
# mardor.cryptography not found in PYZ
# cryptography not found in PYZ
import cryptography # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography
import cryptography # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.__about__ not found in PYZ
# cryptography not found in PYZ
import cryptography.__about__ # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\__about__.pyc
# cryptography.exceptions not found in PYZ
import cryptography.exceptions # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\exceptions.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat
import cryptography.hazmat # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.backends not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.backends # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\backends
import cryptography.hazmat.backends # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\backends\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\hashes.pyc
# six not found in PYZ
import six # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\six.pyc
# StringIO not found in PYZ
import StringIO # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\StringIO.pyc
# cryptography.utils not found in PYZ
import cryptography.utils # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\utils.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.backends not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\backends\interfaces.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.base not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.base # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\base.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ssh not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ssh # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\serialization\ssh.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\__init__.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa not found in PYZ
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\dsa.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ec not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ec # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\ec.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat._oid not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat._oid # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\_oid.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\rsa.pyc
# fractions not found in PYZ
import fractions # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\fractions.pyc
# decimal not found in PYZ
import decimal # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\decimal.pyc
# numbers not found in PYZ
import numbers # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\numbers.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\padding.pyc
# cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils not found in PYZ
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\cryptography\hazmat\primitives\asymmetric\utils.pyc
# asn1crypto not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto
import asn1crypto # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\__init__.pyc
# asn1crypto.version not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.version # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\version.pyc
# asn1crypto.algos not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.algos # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\algos.pyc
# asn1crypto._errors not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._errors # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_errors.pyc
# asn1crypto._int not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._int # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_int.pyc
# platform not found in PYZ
import platform # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\platform.pyc
# asn1crypto.util not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.util # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\util.pyc
import datetime # builtin
# asn1crypto._iri not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._iri # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_iri.pyc
# encodings.idna not found in PYZ
import encodings.idna # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\enc[1224] LOADER: OK.
[1224] LOADER: Cleaning up Python interpreter.
# encodings.stringprep not found in PYZ
# stringprep not found in PYZ
import stringprep # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\stringprep.pyc
# unicodedata not found in PYZ
import unicodedata # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\unicodedata.pyd
# encodings.re not found in PYZ
# encodings.unicodedata not found in PYZ
import array # builtin
# asn1crypto._types not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._types # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_types.pyc
# urlparse not found in PYZ
import urlparse # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\urlparse.pyc
# urllib not found in PYZ
import urllib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\urllib.pyc
# socket not found in PYZ
import socket # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\socket.pyc
# _socket not found in PYZ
import _socket # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_socket.pyd
# _ssl not found in PYZ
import _ssl # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\_ssl.pyd
# nturl2path not found in PYZ
import nturl2path # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\nturl2path.pyc
# ssl not found in PYZ
import ssl # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ssl.pyc
# contextlib not found in PYZ
import contextlib # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\contextlib.pyc
# asn1crypto._ordereddict not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._ordereddict # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_ordereddict.pyc
# asn1crypto.sys not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto.collections not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto._inet not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._inet # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_inet.pyc
# asn1crypto._ffi not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._ffi # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_ffi.pyc
# asn1crypto._perf not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._perf # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_perf
import asn1crypto._perf # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_perf\__init__.pyc
# asn1crypto._perf._big_num_ctypes not found in PYZ
# asn1crypto._perf not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._perf._big_num_ctypes # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_perf\_big_num_ctypes.pyc
# ctypes.util not found in PYZ
import ctypes.util # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\ctypes\util.pyc
# ctypes.subprocess not found in PYZ
# subprocess not found in PYZ
import subprocess # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\subprocess.pyc
import gc # builtin
import msvcrt # builtin
import _subprocess # builtin
# asn1crypto.core not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.core # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\core.pyc
# asn1crypto._teletex_codec not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto._teletex_codec # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\_teletex_codec.pyc
# asn1crypto.parser not found in PYZ
import asn1crypto.parser # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\asn1crypto\parser.pyc
# mardor.utils not found in PYZ
import mardor.utils # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\utils.pyc
# mardor.bz2 not found in PYZ
# bz2 not found in PYZ
import bz2 # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\bz2.pyd
# mardor.functools not found in PYZ
# mardor.itertools not found in PYZ
# mardor.six not found in PYZ
# mardor.backports not found in PYZ
# backports not found in PYZ
import backports # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports
import backports # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports\__init__.pyc
# backports.pkgutil not found in PYZ
# backports not found in PYZ
# pkgutil not found in PYZ
import pkgutil # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\pkgutil.pyc
# backports.lzma not found in PYZ
import backports.lzma # directory D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports\lzma
import backports.lzma # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports\lzma\__init__.pyc
# backports.lzma.io not found in PYZ
# backports.lzma not found in PYZ
# backports.lzma._lzma not found in PYZ
import backports.lzma._lzma # dynamically loaded from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\backports.lzma._lzma.pyd
# mardor.writer not found in PYZ
import mardor.writer # precompiled from D:\TEMP\_MEI2562\mardor\writer.pyc
# clear __builtin__._
# clear sys.path
# clear sys.argv
# clear sys.ps1
# clear sys.ps2
# clear sys.exitfunc
# clear sys.exc_type
# clear sys.exc_value
# clear sys.exc_traceback
# clear sys.last_type
# clear sys.last_value
# clear sys.last_traceback
# clear sys.path_hooks
# clear sys.path_importer_cache
# clear sys.meta_path
# clear sys.flags
# clear sys.float_info
# restore sys.stdin
# restore sys.stdout
# restore sys.stderr
# cleanup __main__
# cleanup[1] random
# cleanup[1] unicodedata
# cleanup[1] cryptography
# cleanup[1] construct.version
# cleanup[1] token
# cleanup[1] urllib
# cleanup[1] mardor
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat
# cleanup[1] mardor.reader
# cleanup[1] enum
# cleanup[1] _ctypes
# cleanup[1] backports
# cleanup[1] ctypes
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives
# cleanup[1] mardor.utils
# cleanup[1] _functools
# cleanup[1] logging
# cleanup[1] StringIO
# cleanup[1] opcode
# cleanup[1] cryptography.exceptions
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto
# cleanup[1] __future__
# cleanup[1] nturl2path
# cleanup[1] _collections
# cleanup[1] array
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.parser
# cleanup[1] _heapq
# cleanup[1] pkgutil
# cleanup[1] construct
# cleanup[1] sre_constants
# cleanup[1] _warnings
# cleanup[1] fractions
# cleanup[1] _codecs
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._iri
# cleanup[1] mardor.writer
# cleanup[1] cryptography.__about__
# cleanup[1] _struct
# cleanup[1] keyword
# cleanup[1] mardor.signing
# cleanup[1] exceptions
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.util
# cleanup[1] decimal
# cleanup[1] _random
# cleanup[1] contextlib
# cleanup[1] numbers
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._inet
# cleanup[1] urlparse
# cleanup[1] strop
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._perf
# cleanup[1] gettext
# cleanup[1] nt
# cleanup[1] repr
# cleanup[1] datetime
# cleanup[1] bz2
# cleanup[1] argparse
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._ordereddict
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.version
# cleanup[1] _weakref
# cleanup[1] _weakrefset
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric
# cleanup[1] mardor.mozilla
# cleanup[1] ctypes._endian
# cleanup[1] construct.debug
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._errors
# cleanup[1] mardor.format
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._types
# cleanup[1] zipimport
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat._oid
# cleanup[1] ssl
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.base
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._int
# cleanup[1] construct.lib
# cleanup[1] cStringIO
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.algos
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ssh
# cleanup[1] locale
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ec
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.backends
# cleanup[1] atexit
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._ffi
# cleanup[1] encodings
# cleanup[1] backports.lzma
# cleanup[1] ctypes.util
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto.core
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.bitstream
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.containers
# cleanup[1] socket
# cleanup[1] backports.lzma._lzma
# cleanup[1] construct.expr
# cleanup[1] asn1crypto._teletex_codec
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding
# cleanup[1] platform
# cleanup[1] _socket
# cleanup[1] copy
# cleanup[1] encodings.aliases
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces
# cleanup[1] subprocess
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.binary
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.hex
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa
# cleanup[1] construct.core
# cleanup[1] pdb
# cleanup[1] encodings.idna
# cleanup[1] pprint
# cleanup[1] gc
# cleanup[1] cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa
# cleanup[1] tempfile
# cleanup[1] base64
# cleanup[1] _subprocess
# cleanup[1] collections
# cleanup[1] importlib
# cleanup[1] construct.lib.py3compat
# cleanup[1] textwrap
# cleanup[1] signal
# cleanup[1] cmd
# cleanup[1] threading
# cleanup[1] _ssl
# cleanup[1] stringprep
# cleanup[1] bdb
# cleanup[1] msvcrt
# cleanup[1] math
# cleanup[1] codecs
# cleanup[1] pickle
# cleanup[1] traceback
# cleanup[1] weakref
# cleanup[1] cryptography.utils
# cleanup[1] hashlib
# cleanup[1] io
# cleanup[1] six
# cleanup[1] _io
# cleanup[1] heapq
# cleanup[1] functools
# cleanup[1] fnmatch
# cleanup[1] abc
# cleanup[1] inspect
# cleanup[1] _hashlib
# cleanup[1] itertools
# cleanup[1] dis
# cleanup[1] operator
# cleanup[1] binascii
# cleanup[1] tokenize
# cleanup[1] string
# cleanup[1] re
# cleanup[1] _locale
# cleanup[1] sre_compile
# cleanup[1] _sre
# cleanup[1] sre_parse
# cleanup[2] struct
# cleanup[2] pyimod03_importers
# cleanup[2] imp
# cleanup[2] ntpath
# cleanup[2] UserDict
# cleanup[2] thread
# cleanup[2] os
# cleanup[2] marshal
# cleanup[2] pyimod01_os_path
# cleanup[2] errno
# cleanup[2] pyimod02_archive
# cleanup[2] types
# cleanup[2] zlib
# cleanup[2] copy_reg
# cleanup[2] linecache
# cleanup[2] _abcoll
# cleanup[2] genericpath
# cleanup[2] stat
# cleanup[2] warnings
# cleanup[2] os.path
# cleanup[2] time
# cleanup sys
# cleanup __builtin__
# cleanup ints: 318 unfreed ints
# cleanup floats: 42 unfreed floats
[256] LOADER: Back to parent (RC: 0)
[256] LOADER: Doing cleanup
[256] LOADER: Freeing archive status for D:\tmp\Coding\Python\build-mar-3.1.0\src\mardor\dist\cli.exe
cx_Freeze (6.0) делает EXE который при запуске ничего в консоль не пишет, но и не работает.
Так написано же - нет модуля PIL. Модуль кстати устаревший, сейчас все пользуются его форком pillow. Установить можно так
sudo easy_install pillow
exe файл уже получился, но открывается и командная строка..можно как то от строки избавиться?
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