Ситуация такая:
Описал интерфейс. При компиляции получаю ошибку
error MIDL2150 : ACF attributes in the IDL file need the /app_config switch : [implicit_handle]
Что делать?
// File Example1.idl
// A unique identifier that distinguishes this
// interface from other interfaces.
// This is version 1.0 of this interface.
// This interface will use an implicit binding
// handle named hExample1Binding.
implicit_handle(handle_t hExample1Binding)
interface Example1 // The interface is named Example1
// A function that takes a zero-terminated string.
void Output(
[in, string] const char* szOutput);
Описал интерфейс. При компиляции получаю ошибку
error MIDL2150 : ACF attributes in the IDL file need the /app_config switch : [implicit_handle]
Что делать?
// File Example1.idl
// A unique identifier that distinguishes this
// interface from other interfaces.
// This is version 1.0 of this interface.
// This interface will use an implicit binding
// handle named hExample1Binding.
implicit_handle(handle_t hExample1Binding)
interface Example1 // The interface is named Example1
// A function that takes a zero-terminated string.
void Output(
[in, string] const char* szOutput);