В документе сервера нашёл такое поле:
"Updaters expects an integer which is equivalent to the number of Indexer processes running on the server simultaneously. Caution: Multiple updaters is CPU intensive and is primarily meant for multi-processor machines. A change to this parameter is not dynamic, and will require a restart of the Notes server in order to take effect.";
"When set to 1, disables the update of all full text indexes on this server.";
"Views that are currently in use are kept in this pool. The size of this pool defaults to a value based on the amount of memory available when Notes initializes. The default value may be overridden by setting this parameter to a value in bytes. To see the current value, examine the server statistic Database.Maximum. (Note that Database.Allocated is the statistic for the amount of the buffer pool that has been allocated and it is normal for it to sometimes be larger than Database.Maximum.) You should only set this parameter to be larger than the default value - smaller values will result in poor indexing performance. A change to this parameter is not dynamic, and will require a restart of the Notes server in order to take effect. "+@NewLine+"FYI: NSF_POOL_SIZE ; NSF_BC_POOL_SIZE ; NIF_POOL_SIZE are no longer needed in Release 4.";
"Log replication determines the level of logging for all replication events performed by the current server. There are 5 levels to choose from: "+@NewLine+" 1 - logs that a database is replicating"+@NewLine+" 2 - logs summary for each database"+@NewLine+" 3 - logs document info"+@NewLine+" 4 - logs information about every field replicated"+@NewLine+" 5 - logs information about space saving";
"Forces all replication initiated by this server to be Pull - Pull instead of the default Pull-Push and also overrides connection record.";
"Expects an integer corresponding to the number of replicators to be started automatically when the server starts up. A change to this parameter is not dynamic, and will require a reboot in order to take effect.";
"Determines the maximum number of transfer threads or processes which can be launched by the router.";
"When set to 0, shared mail is not used. When set to 1, tells the router to use the shared mail database for mail delivery. When using the shared mail database (MAILOBJ.NSF), messages (Rich Text and Attachments) sent to multiple users on the same server will only be stored once. When set to 2, tells the server to use MAILOBJ.NSF for both delivery and transfer of messages.";
"When set to 1, forces the server to log all router events to the Miscellaneous Events view instead of the Mail Routing Events view.";
"When set to 1, logs to the server console the number of transactions and users on a per minute basis.";
"When set to 1, logs the opening and closing of all sessions.";
"When set to 1, logs information when the Server and Server Configuration document are being polled. ";
"Defines the maximum number of concurrent sessions allowed on the server before it starts recycling the least recently used sessions.";
"Defines the maximum amount of time an idle session will remain on the server before being logged off. On preemptive systems (OS/2, Windows NT, Windows 95, Unix) the default is 4 hours. On non-preemptive systems (NLM) the default is 30 minutes.";
"This parameter expects an integer equal to the number of minutes which determines the interval that the Administration Process uses to look for work to do. ";
"10 - Only logs errors and warnings (minimal)"+@NewLine+"20 - Minimal plus transfer output and delivery output (normal)"+@NewLine+"30 - Normal plus information about transfer threads/processes"+@NewLine+" plus more detailed information about the transfers and deliveries" + @NewLine+" (informational)"+@NewLine+"40 - Informational plus more detailed information about transfer"+@NewLine+" queues (verbose)";
"Determines the hour at which the Administration agent will modify User documents in the Domino Directory. You must specify the time specified in 24-hour format, where 0 = 12:00 AM (midnight), 23 = 11pm, and so on. If no time is set, or if the time exceeds 23, the agent changes Person documents at 12:00 AM.";
"Specifies a default lifetime for indexes associated with database views. Without this setting in the NOTES.INI file, the default index lifetime is 45 days. Specifying a default index lifetime is a spacesaving feature since the index associated with the view is automatically purged when the index is inactive for the specified number of days. The Indexer server program handles this task.";
"Specifies the number of days after which the Notes server returns undelivered mail to the sender. Without this setting in the NOTES.INI file, undelivered mail is returned after one day. Increase this setting when you have a lot of mail returned in one day or you are sending mail to foreign domains. For a timeout period of less than one day, use MailTimeoutMinutes.";
"Routes Low priority mail during the specified time. Without this setting in the NOTES.INI file, the Notes server routes Low priority mail only between 12:00 A.M. (midnight) and 6:00 A.M. Set the time range using 24hour format. You must specify a time range for this setting; Notes won't deliver Low priority mail if only one specific time, such as 4:00, is listed. For example: MailLowPriorityTime=21:00-23:00 ";
"(OS/2 only) Specifies the maximum number of megabytes of virtual memory that Notes is permitted to allocate. This gives administrators more control over the growth of the swap file. The minimum value is 4MB. Without this setting in the NOTES.INI file, Notes uses all available memory.";
"Prevents the Statlog task from automatically enabling activity logging on all databases: 0 - Prevent logging. 1 - Enables logging. Without this setting in the NOTES.INI file, the server's Statlog task enables the Record Activity option for every database on the server and adds 64KB to each database. Even when activity is not being recorded for the database, the information is still recorded in the server's Notes Log file.";
"Specifies whether phone calls are written to the Notes log:"+@NewLine+"0 - Does not log phone calls to the Notes log file."+@NewLine+"1 - Logs all calls except those that fail because of a busy signal."+@NewLine+"2 - Logs phone calls to the Notes log file.";
"Specifies the location of the server's swap file. If this setting exists in the NOTES.INI file, the Statistics Reporter uses this location for the statistic 'Server.Path.Swap.' Without this setting in the NOTES.INI file, Notes looks for the swap file in C:\\OS2\\SYSTEM for the location. ";
"Overrides the Update_Suppression_Time setting if a certain number of duplicate requests to update indexes and views are received. ";
"Specifies the delay time between full text index and view updates, even if immediate indexing is scheduled as a server task.";
"When agents use the On Schedule trigger, the Run on Schedule Options box is available and includes the 'Don't run on weekends' checkbox option. When you select this option, the agent will not run on weekend days. The default value for weekend days is Saturday (7) and Sunday (1). You can specify any number of days, up to 7. For example, AMgr_WeekendDays= 1,6,7 will result in those agents (with 'Don't run on weekends' option checked) not to run on Sundays, Fridays, and Saturdays.";
"When set to 1, the MailDisablePriority parameter causes the Mail Router to ignore the DeliveryPriority of mail messages. This has the effect of making all messages appear to be of 'Normal' delivery priority.";
"Allow the Report server task to use the mail Router to send statistics to another server in the same domain: 1 - Use the Mail Router. 0 - Use the statistic delivery API call.";
"Specifies the number of times that you attempt to replicate (push) to a R3 destination server. When you get the message 'Database is currently being replicated or copied elsewhere,' use this setting to make sure the replication occurs. You usually see this message when several Notes users are replicating to the same replica copy of a database on the same R3 server over slower communication lines. R4 servers allow for simultaneous replications. The default retry wait period of 30 seconds cannot be changed. ";
"Specifies the number of replication errors of the same type that can occur between two databases before the server terminates replication.";
"Specifies the number of days a ChangeRequest may remain active. The minimum is 14 days; the maximum is 60 days; the default is 21 days.";
"Defines the NetWare Directory Services (NDS) Object Name that this Notes Server will be known as in the NDS tree. Used by the SPX PortDriver in support of NDS. The NDS Object Name must be specified as the fully qualified distinguished name. For example NetWareNDSName=CN=Sales.O=Acme";
"Defines the NetWare Directory Services (NDS) User ID that a Notes Server will use to login into the NDS tree. The NDS User ID must be specified in NDS syntax as a fully qualified distinguished name. For example 'NWNDSUserID=CN=NotesAdmin.O=Acme'. This is an optional parameter used by the SPX PortDriver to support NDS in unattended environments. If not specified the administrator must login to NDS before starting the Notes Server.";
"Defines the NetWare Directory Services (NDS) password that a Notes Server will use to login into the NDS tree. This is an optional parameter used by the SPX PortDriver to support NDS in unattended environments. If not specified the administrator must login to NDS before starting the Notes Server. This variable must be used in conjunction with NWNDSUserID. NOTE: The password is not going to be encrypted.";
"When set to 1, an informational message is written to the console and Notes Log indicating the name of the database, view name and reason why a view is being rebuilt. The ini variable may be dynamically toggled on or off. ";
"When set to 1, the show task command adds the name of the currently executing transaction to the session message. The ini variable may be dynamically toggled on or off.";
"Specifies whether or not the start of agent execution are included in the Log file and shown on the server console: 0 - Do not log agent execution events. 1 - Log agent execution events.";
"Specifies the delay time (in minutes) that Agent Manager schedules a new mail triggered agent after a new mail is delivered. The default value is 1 minute.";
"Specifies the minimum elapsed time (in minutes) between execution of the same new mail triggered agent. The default value is 0.";
"Specifies the delay time (in minutes) that Agent Manager schedules a document update triggered agent after a document update event. The default value is 5 minutes.";
"Specifies the minimum elapsed time (in minutes) between executions of the same document update triggered agent. The default value is 30 minutes.";
"For use with Notes Advanced Server only:"+@NewLine+
"Specifies one or more of five classes of billing activity
atabase, Document, Mail, Replication, Session, Agent The Notes billing process tracks only the Notes activities that you specify in the BillingClass variable.";
"For use with Notes Advanced Server only:"+@NewLine+
"Specifies the frequency of record stamping during session and database activities if session and database activities are specified for the BillingClass variable. If you want billing data collected more frequently, shorten the default value of 15 minutes. To minimize the billing workload on your system, lengthen the value.";
"For use with Notes Advanced Server only:"+@NewLine+
"Specifies how often the billing add-in task runs. For example, BillingAddinWakeup=300 specifies that the billing add-in task will wake up every five minutes (300 seconds) to process the billing records in the billing message queue. The BillingAddinWakeup value must be greater than the value you specify for BillingAddinRuntime.";
"For use with Notes Advanced Server only:"+@NewLine+
"Specifies how long the billing add-in task runs. For example, BillingAddinRuntime=30 specifies that the billing add-in will process billing records for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds the billing add-in stops processing records, even if there are additional records to be processed. The BillingAddinRuntime value must be less than the value you specify for the BillingAddinWakeup variable.";
"For use with Notes Advanced Server only:"+@NewLine+
"Enables or disables the shutdown procedure that cleans up all processes related to a partitioned server in the event of an unplanned server shutdown. In order to perform the cleanup, the setting KillProcess=1 must be set in the server's NOTES.INI file prior to the startup of the first process.";
"For use with Notes Advanced Server only:"+@NewLine+
"Enables or disables Mail Router request failover. If users have replicas of mail files located on multiple servers, you can set this variable in the NOTES.INI file of all Notes R4.X servers in the domain to enable users to receive mail from servers within and outside the cluster when their home servers are down.";
"For use with Notes Advanced Server only:"+@NewLine+
"Specifies the acceptable level of system resources available to a server. By setting this value for each server in a cluster, you determine how the workload is distributed among cluster members. Valid values are 0 to 100. Notes compares this value against a server's availability index; when the availability index falls below the Server_Availability_Threshold value, the server becomes BUSY. A Server_Availability_Threshold value of zero (0) indicates a fully available state and workload balancing is disabled; a value of 100 indicates the server is BUSY (since the availability index can never be greater than 100) and the Cluster Manager then tries to redirect user requests to more available cluster members.";
"For use with Notes Advanced Server only:"+@NewLine+
"Sets the maximum number of users that are allowed to access a server. When this number is reached, the server state becomes MAXUSERS, and the server stops accepting new Database Open requests. Use the following values to set this variable: "+@NewLine+
"0 - Unlimited access to server by users"+@NewLine+
"any number - Restricts number of active users to the number you specify";
"Enables or disables server access to a server. If access is disabled, the server does not accept new Open Database requests."+@NewLine+
"Use the following values to set this variable:"+@NewLine+
"0 - Server access is unrestricted"+@NewLine+
"1 - Server access is restricted for the current server session. Restarting the server clears the setting."+@NewLine+
"2 - Server access is restricted persistently, even after server restarts.";
"For use with Domino Advanced Server only:"+@NewLine+@NewLine+
"Specifies the port used for intra-cluster network traffic. The value should be a port name, ie. TCPIP, as specified in the server document.";
"This sets the collation used by the Indexer. This setting should be used if a collation is desired which is not the same as the default for the code page being used. The value is a string which uses the RFC1766 format (e.g. en-US).";
"This setting is rarely used in cases where the code page of the platform is different than the code page platform API. One example of this is C*Star (China Star is a layer that sits on top of the Win32 API on a North America version of NT and makes it look like a Chinese version of NT). The value is a hex string which matches Domino's internal code page numbers.";
"When set to 0, Cluster Replicator will ignore quotas. When set to 1, Cluster Replicator will obey quotas.";
"This number defines how many Cluster Replicators are on the server.";
"When set to 1, the Cluster Replicator is disabled. When set to 0, the Cluster Replicator is enabled.";
"No help available for this parameter.")
[DOUBLEPOST=1455542862,1455542724][/DOUBLEPOST]Ещё в Адресной книге прямо в outline вьюшка Server\Configurations Parameters.
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