In order to find out which version you are running today, please issue the "tell traveler version" command on the Traveler server's console.
At this time, we are recommending that customers move to 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 2 (UP2) to ensure that you receive several of the performance fixes that we have included in this release. You can also check out the Fix List to see the all of the fixes that we've incorporated up to UP2:
Ссылка скрыта от гостей
If you do not want to have High Availability, then I would recommend to at least upgrade to and after that to also apply Interim Fix 2 so you will be on IF2.
Please see our documentation here on how to upgrade. If you decide to get High Availability, then you can go directly from 8.5.x to 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 2 (or as it is also called) as long as you follow the steps outlined here:
Ссылка скрыта от гостей
and here:
Ссылка скрыта от гостей
and here:
Ссылка скрыта от гостей
The latest release can be found here:
Ссылка скрыта от гостей