Sub pasteWithUNID(targetDB As NotesDatabase)
'** This subroutine will paste the contents of the clipboard into the target database,
'** maintaining the Universal IDs and replacing any existing documents there may be.
Dim clipboard As New NotesDatabase("", "~clipbrd.ncf")
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument, clipdoc As NotesDocument
'** Compile useful statistics **'
Dim uc As Integer, ac As Integer
On Error 4091 Resume Next '* Ignore "bad unid" errors *
If clipboard.isOpen() Then
Set dc = clipboard.allDocuments
Set clipdoc = dc.getFirstDocument
While Not clipdoc Is Nothing
'** Check for an existing document with the same unid. If it exists, replace its contents.
Set doc = Nothing
Set doc = targetDB.getDocumentByUNID(clipdoc.universalID)
If doc Is Nothing Then
ac = ac + 1
doc.remove True
uc = uc + 1
End If
Set doc = New NotesDocument(targetDB)
clipdoc.copyAllItems doc, True
doc.universalID = clipdoc.universalID True, False, True
Set clipdoc = dc.getNextDocument(clipdoc)
If ac + uc = 0 Then
Print "Nothing to Do. Please select and copy the documents first."
Print "Done import: " & ac & " additions, " & uc & " updates."
End If
Error 1, "Could not open the clipboard. Please select and copy the documents first."
End If
End Sub