Полезные книги по .net

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Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns: With Examples in C# and .NET, 1/e
Print ISBN-10: 0-321-26820-2
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-321-26820-4
[This] is a book about design in the .NET world, driven in an agile manner and infused with the products of the enterprise patterns community. [It] shows you how to begin applying such things as TDD, object relational mapping, and DDD to .NET projects...techniques that many developers think are the key to future software development.... As the technology gets more capable and sophisticated, it becomes more important to understand how to use it well. This book is a valuable step toward advancing that understanding.
ссылка удалена по просьбе NikSoft
ASP.NET in a Nutshell by G. Andrew Duthie, Matthew MacDonald
ISBN : 0-596-00520-2
Includes fresh information on application and web service development, custom controls, data access, security, deployment, and error handling, new material on web application development for mobile devices, plus an overview of the class libraries.
Professional ASP.NET 2.0 XML
ISBN-13: 978-0-7645-9677-3
ISBN-10: 0-7645-9677-2

This book explores the array of XMLfeatures and how they can be used in ASP.NET for developing Web
applications. XMLis everywhere in the .NET Framework, from serialization to Web services, and from
data access to configuration. In the first part of this book, you’ll find in-depth coverage of the key classes
that implement XMLin the .NET platform. Readers and writers, validation, schemas, and XMLDOM are
discussed with ASP.NET samples and reference information. Next the book moves on to XPath and XSL
Transformations (XSLT), XMLsupport in ADO.NET and the use of XMLfor data display.
Programming Microsoft .NET (core reference) by Jeff Prosise
ISBN 0-7356-1376-1

Programming Microsoft .NET tells a story—the story of Microsoft .NET. You can read it from beginning to end and learn in step-wise fashion how to write software that targets the .NET Framework. The book is also structured so that individual chapters stand alone. If you’re a seasoned .NET developer who simply wants to learn about multithreading, turn to Chapter 14 for a detailed treatment of threads and thread synchronization. If it’s custom ASP.NET server controls that float your boat, go straight to Chapter 8. The information you find there will help you get the job done with a minimum of wasted motion.
Applied XML Programming for Microsoft .NET by Dino Esposito
ISBN 0-7356-1801-1

XML is everywhere in the Microsoft .NET Framework, from Remoting to Web services, and from data access to configuration. Learn about the extensive XML core classes in .NET and find out how to program against its parser in this in-depth guide—written by an expert programming author and consultant.
CLR via C#. Джеффри Рихтер
Эта книга - подробное описание внутреннего устройства и функционирования общеязыковой исполняющей среды (CLR) Microsoft .NET Framework версии 2.0. В ней раскрыта система типов .NET Framework и разъяснены способы управления ими. Представлены концепции программирования с широким использованием библиотеки FCL, относящиеся ко всем языкам, ориентированным на работу с .NET Framework. Особое внимание уделено обобщениям, управлению асинхронными операциями и синхронизации потоков. Книга ориентирована на разработчиков любых видов приложений на платформе с .NET Framework: Windows Forms, Web Forms, Web-сервисов, консольных приложений и пр.
ссылка удалена по просьбе NikSoft
Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability

J.D. Meier, Microsoft Corporation
Srinath Vasireddy, Microsoft Corporation
Ashish Babbar, Infosys Technologies Ltd
Alex Mackman, Content Master Ltd

ISBN 0-7356-1851-8
Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability provides an approach to
engineering applications for performance and scalability. This chapter introduces the
guide, outlines its structure, and shows you how to apply the guidance to your
specific scenario.
ссылка удалена по просьбе NikSoft
<!--QuoteBegin-NikSoft+2:05:2007, 08:34 -->
<span class="vbquote">(NikSoft @ 2:05:2007, 08:34 )</span><!--QuoteEBegin-->Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005 by Matthew MacDonald,Mario Szpuszta
[snapback]64196" rel="nofollow" target="_blank[/snapback]​
ссылка удалена по просьбе NikSoft
Building ASP.NET Server Controls by Rob Cameron and Dale Michalk
ISBN (pbk): 1-59059-140-2

This tutorial and reference will benefit you, the dedicated ASP.NET developer. If you understand the gains of object-oriented development, and want to apply those principles to ASP.NET and server control development, then this book will be your guide!
ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts in Action by DARREN NEIMKE
ISBN 1-932394-77-X

The Web Parts team began working on the ASP.NET project almost four years ago. The vision
was to provide a set of controls that allow end users to assemble a Web User Interface using the
browser. The user would put the content he wanted in a web page by adding and removing “Web
Parts.” He would have the ability to adjust the web UI using drag and drop.
Web Parts in ASP.NET has created an inflection point in control development. In this model,
individual controls themselves are the heart of the web application. As I look to the next four
years, I can safely say that we have only scratched the surface of what can and will be done with
Web Parts. As you jump on the Web Parts train—and read ASP.NET Web Parts in Action—you
will be preparing yourself to take advantage of many new innovations in the years to come.

Lead Program Manager
ASP.NET and Server Application Frameworks
Professional ASP.NET 2.0 by Bill Evjen, Scott Hanselman, Farhan Muhammad, S. Srinivasa Sivakumar, Devin Rader
ISBN-13: 978-0-7645-7610-2
ISBN-10: 0-7645-7610-0

ASP.NET 2.0 brings with it a staggering number of new technologies built into the ASP.NET framework.
After reading this book, you will see just how busy the ASP.NET team has been in the past few years.
The number of classes inside ASP.NET has more than doubled, and this release contains more than 50
new server controls!
This book covers these new built-in technologies. It not only introduces new topics, it also shows you
examples of these new technologies in action. So sit back, pull up that keyboard, and let’s have some fun!
Professional .NET 2.0 Generics by Tod Golding
ISBN-13: 978-0-7645-5988-4
ISBN-10: 0-7645-5988-5

.NET Framework 2.0 added full support for generics. And, as generics begin to move out of the shadows and into the limelight, you’re going to want to be in a position to maximize their value in your own solutions. To get to that point, though, you’ll need to understand all the nuances associated with creating and consuming generics, how they reach their way into and influence the fabric of the .NET Framework.
Professional .NET 2.0 Generics represents a soup-to-nuts, detailed look at all the facets of generics, providing developers with a comprehensive view of what can be achieved through the application of generics.
C# Programming Language by Anders Hejlsberg, Scott Wiltamuth, Peter Golde
ISBN : 0-321-15491-6

C# is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language that combines the high productivity of rapid application development languages with the raw power of C and C++. Written by the language's architect and design team members, The C# Programming Language is the definitive technical reference for C#. Moving beyond the online documentation, the book provides the complete specification of the language along with descriptions, reference materials, and code samples from the C# design team.
Design and Implementation of Generics by Andrew Kennedy, Don Syme
Microsoft Research, Cambridge, U.K.

The Microsoft .NET Common Language Runtime provides a
shared type system, intermediate language and dynamic execution
environment for the implementation and inter-operation of multiple
source languages. In this paper we extend it with direct support for
parametric polymorphism (also known as generics), describing the
design through examples written in an extended version of the C#
programming language, and explaining aspects of implementation
by reference to a prototype extension to the runtime.
Our design is very expressive, supporting parameterized types,
polymorphic static, instance and virtual methods, “F-bounded”
type parameters, instantiation at pointer and value types, polymorphic
recursion, and exact run-time types. The implementation takes
advantage of the dynamic nature of the runtime, performing justin-
time type specialization, representation-based code sharing and
novel techniques for efficient creation and use of run-time types.
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Standard ECMA-334
C# Language Specification
This International Standard specifies the form and establishes the interpretation of programs written in the C# programming language.
ссылка удалена по просьбе NikSoft
MS ASP.NET 2.0 Step by Step by George Shepherd
ISBN: 0-7356-2201-9

This book will help you figure out how to write Web applications using Microsoft's most current version of its HTTP request processing framework—ASP.NET 2.0. Web development has come a long way since the earliest sites began popping up in the early 1990s. The world of Web development offers several different choices as far as development tools go. Over the past few years, ASP.NET has evolved to become one of the most consistent, stable, and feature-rich frameworks available for managing HTTP requests.
NikSoft, я облегчу тебе работу. Судя по , все эти книги есть на . Но, скорее всего, не все они одинаково полезны.
UML Applied: A .NET Perspective
ISBN (pbk): 1-59059-087-2

UML Applied: A .NET Perspective is the first book to examine the two worlds of Unified Modeling Language (UML)
and .NET concurrently. The core of this book provides a set of proven, hands-on, team-oriented exercises
that will have you solving real-world problems with UML faster than when using any other approach—often in under a day.
Author Martin Shoemaker also demonstrates how to use Rational XDE for effective model-driven development.
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